
In a fast changing world buzzing with endless advice on which career to choose, what to do after school... CareersConnect helps young adults make an informed choice after listening to professionals in 500+ careers. Covering Conventional Careers such as engineering, medicine, law, accounting, civil services; and for Emerging Careers such as event management, entertainment, modelling, mobile apps design, film animation, music technology, web design, fashion merchandising, social media marketing and many others; and, some 'never-heard-of-before' career choices including Food Flavourist, Deep Sea Divers, Pets Grooming, Elderly Care Companions, and even Professional Cuddlers.
The older generation say, "Success is 99% hard work and 1% luck."
The younger lot say, "Success is largely luck, who you know, and being at the right time at the right place".
Backed by 15+ yrs of career counselling in several premier education institutions, and overseas study in Delhi NCR, I launched an idea successfully in 2014 when 30 professionals came in person (and 4 from overseas via Internet) to share their career journey with 600 High School students in a leading school in Delhi NCR.

Today, the COVID pandemic has brought adversity but also hidden within it, is an opportunity. The opportunity is one of digital connectivity And so, CareersConnect enables the youth to sit through fascinating career growth stories of 500+ careers from around the globe.
Target audience is young adults (as they develop personal values and focus on a career choice) and their parents.
Here, meet young professionals struggling to make a mark or who have just about stabilized, after 7-10 yrs.
See their determination despite financial constraints, family opposition or not clearing some exam(s).
* They believed that their future is in their control
* Did not whine, complain, resort to substance abuse or give up
* Prepared themselves better for the next round