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     Parents Change Too
     Crises In The Family
     Health Aspects
     Your Sick Child
     Medicine Chest
     Infectious Diseases
     Other Problems
     Everyday Incidents
     Physical Handicaps


Unlike reactive depression, which can be regarded as a neurosis, this illness is psychosis, which, as the name implies, comes from within rather than as a reaction to something external. In reactive depression, a sufferer gradually comes out of the depression, and the therapist and patient work together in a sort of adventurous journey, but in the endogenous type of depression, reason and exploration are of the age.

 Childhood Depression

 Depression in Young Adults

 Depression in Middle Age

 Depression in the Elderly

 Maniac - Depressive Illness

 Pre-Menstrual Syndrome

 Depression and Suicide

 Attempted suicide

 Suicidal indications

 Myths about suicide

 Anxiety, Tension, Stress

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