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Depression is common at this
stage, and can play havoc with
examination performances, etc. it is generally
reactive depression in character and is very
One of the early cues is a
falling-off in school or college
results. The young person tends to
become preoccupied and detached; isolation is
common and anxiety invariably present. He or she
appears, and is, sad and often tearful;
concentration is poor, and sleep is restless,
often with anxious and alarming dreams. Stress
is increased by the realization that academic
performance has declined, often dramatically.
Thoughts are often gloomy and morbid.
Many causes may be
found: fear of examinations, disturbance
between parents, bereavement by, say the death
of a favourite grandparent. A very common factor
is having to carry the weight of a
parent's longing and pressure for the
student's academic achievement.
Young people leaving home and
having a job for the first time and first year
students in colleges and universities can become
depressed because of their difficulty in
adjusting to the new life. Girls who
have established boy friends at home may, in
college, be subjected to great sexual and
emotional stress, with academic disaster as a
result. A modest person of unsophisticated
upbringing, may find the stress of fitting into
totally new ways a great problem. Yet again,
others go through an identity crisis as part of
the process of becoming individuals in their own
A more serious type of depression
is that which may precede a more serious
breakdown. If this occurs, prompt help
is required and, with proper management and
treatment, valuable lives can be saved.