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Anyone may have a relative or friend or colleageu at risk of suicide, and the following are dange signals to watch for :

  • Depression with agitation or with persecuted thinking.

  • Sleeplessness and a painfull preoccupation with it.

  • Previous suicide attempts.

  • Morbid thoughts with talk of death, accompanied by pointed questions such as 'How many of these tablets' would be dangerous?

  • A family history of suicide (sometimes this is the only hint). Serious illness, or one that is thought to be serious by the individual.

  • An isolated life with unconcerned relatives.

  • Alcoholism or drug addiction.

  • Dreams and/or paintings of disaster.

A person prevented from committing suicide usually is just as grateful afterwards as the individual rescued from a grave accident or illness. This has been time and time again by the medical profession. It is not always realized that the impulse usually goes away and can be greatly helped by 'psychological first-aid'

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