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    Table Tennis


Manners for Children
  • Inculcate good values and manners in your children from an early age. Children are a reflection of their parents’ values, and receive their first lessons of manners and etiquette in the family, amongst their relatives and friends.

  • Treat your spouse and your elders with love and respect in order to set a good example for the child to follow. Never use abusive or foul language with each other.

  • The parents always love their children, but love needs to be expressed. Demonstrate your love through words and action. In today’s busyworld where parents seldom have time for their children, it is important to give your child attention and guidance so that he grows up to be an asset to his family and society.

  • Teach children not to be rude or impolite when speaking to friends, relatives or even servants.

  • Teach them to be obedient and disciplined. Children should be taught not to argue or answer back elders.

  • Child should be taught personal hygiene like brushing teeth twice a day, washing hands before a meal, cleaning private parts and saying prayers before going to bed.

  • Table etiquette should be taught from the very beginning. Children should be taught not to talk with their mouths full, learn to pass the food at the table and not to grab food with outstretched hands.

  • If and when children commit mistakes, never scold them in public or in front of strangers. This produces negative feelings in them for the parents. Make the child realize his/ her mistake in the privacy of your home, at the earliest.

  • Never ignore children's faults as this will encourage them to follow the wrong path.

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