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States of tension are closely
allied to anxiety. The muscles tend to
be held tight, and the patient feels over
stretched psychologically and physically.
Irritability and anger are found, and the
tension shows itself in a strained facial
expression and trembling when the emotions seem
about to break out uncontrollably. Someone with
tension may also describe a feeling of fullness
or tightness in the head. Tension can be very
difficult to deal with, and it seems to arise
from intense conflicts which may be either
conscious or unconscious.
Very many varieties of headache are
recognized throbbing, fullness, a tight band
around the head and so on. Migraine is
not uncommon and headache sometimes results from
diseases such as that of the arteries,
meningitis and others.
The tension headache is
characterized by a constant, tight, constricting
type of dull pain often above the eyes and at
the back of the head on one or both
sides or else like a band around the forehead or
a pressure on top of the head. At times it seems
to be chiefly where the base of the skull and
the neck may go at night during sleep, only to
be present again immediately on rising. It may
be that, when the muscles of a tense patient
cannot relax, the blood supply is diminished and
so causes pain.
Undoubtedly a number of people have
migraine in association with tension headache.
Certain personality types are prone to
it conscientious, striving, intense people and
those whose families have hereditary component
of anxiety. One third of sufferers have symptoms
of depression, and the headache is often
triggered off by emotional factors accompanied
by stress. Among trigger causes are domestic
stress, anticipations of difficult situations,
events with built in stress such as meeting
deadlines and driving to appointments through
rush hour traffic. To treat a tension headache, you
must first treat the underlying cause in other
words, the tension,