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    American Football
    Australian Football
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    Ice Skating
    Motor Racing
    Rugby Football
    Table Tennis


  • While it is appreciated that choice of attire and grooming are matters of expression and are subject to many societal forces, many schools require students to appear fully clothed and groomed in an appropriate manner consonant with the establishment and continuance of a proper atmosphere for learning in every school.

  • Any article of clothing or manner of style or make-up determined by the teachers and principals to be disruptive of the learning environment, destructive to school property or hazardous to the health and safety of the child, students in general, and/or teachers, is not allowed.

  • Good grooming is stressed at all times by schools and adopted dress codes are normally placed in all student handbooks every year.

  • Schools realize that the majority of students do dress tastefully, with originality, grace and charm, and taking pride in individual grooming when attending school


  • All styles of dress and grooming shall avoid causing a campus or classroom disturbance.
  • All students must be personally clean and neat in body and in clothing.
  • Only accessories which are not distracting, unsafe, or unhealthy be used.
  • All students must wear shoes at all times while at school.
  • No student on or about school property should wear, possess, use, distribute, display or sell any clothing, jewelry, emblem, badge, symbol, sign or other thing which may be considered "gang related".
  • Offenders of the 'dress and grooming regulations' should be dealt with fairly and decisively. Counseling, by counselors or administrators, should be the first step towards effecting a change. Should violations occur, calling in parents may become necessary. Consistent failure to follow regulations may result in more serious disciplinary action.
  • All students must follow specific regulations, which may be more stringent for instructional purposes than the general code.
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