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To develop and enhance the life styles of the weaker sections and rural people, and to develop the infrastructure at the villages, the ‘Community Development’ wing of the Polytechnic has been working from 1981-82. Programs are running in cluster villages through extension centers as well as at the main centre i.e. at the Polytechnic itself.
Job oriented entrepreneurial skill development programs are being organised in various trades for unemployed youth of the society as well as school dropouts and the traditional artisans under Man Power Development & Training Programme so that they can be pointed towards self employment as well as wage employment.
Various rural technologies, already developed and tested by the various research institutions, organisations, agencies and corporations, are demonstrated at village level through extension center so that the villages may adopt them to change their life style. The short term training is also organised under Transfer of Technology programme.
Under the Technical Services the villages are benefited through free services of repair and maintenance of their agricultural implements, home appliances, electric and electronic appliances.
To develop the infrastructural system of the villages, the technical support services are provided, like as to repair, maintenance and construction of roads, safe drinking water facilities etc.
Under dissemination of the Information programme, the seminars, workshops, extension lectures and exhibitions are organised so that the people of community must be well known to various developmental activities.
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