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This state, described medically as
involutional depression, is a serious disorder.
It develops when the functions of
the endocrine glands may be reduced in
activity. These glands secrete
hormones, chemical substances which travel via
the blood stream to other organs which they
stimulate into action. Women have a much higher
incidence of this type of depression than men
and they tend to experience difficulty earlier,
when they are about 50.
Some think that this type is caused
more by the emotions than by any lack
of hormonal activity but, whatever cause, women
suffering from it frequently need in patient
treatment in hospital and indeed are responsible
for one of the highest admission rates. It is a
painful and distressing fact that the most
upright and conscientious of women can be
tormented by greadful feelings of guilt and
unworthiness, with thoughts of self-destruction.
In men, involutional depression is
more common when they are nearer 60. At
this time of life, many men often experience a
phase of self-questioning. They think their
early dreams are unfulfilled, they wonder about
the significance of life or lack of purpose and
they often feel a sad realization that they have
not got very far. In this illness, these ideas
are more common among successful, rather than
unsuccessful, people. Yet again, they may be
oppressed by being promoted, and now are faced
with responsibility beyond their capacity
- a demonstration of the 'Peter
Principle' that 'every man' rises to
the level of his own incompetence. At this time
friends begin to have heart attacks or die,
other friends move away, and early retirement or
redundancy may leave the individual feeling
useless and unwanted.
The illness is often brought to
light by the developing of hypochondria -
when a person is overly concerned about his or
her health. Irritability is common,
with great pessimism and thoughts of death.
Sufferers are usually quite agitated -
restless and overactive as well as despondent
and confused, often pacing up and down and
wringing their hands. Sleep and appetite are
poor, concentration is lost and there is marked
indecisiveness. Hopelessness is often
distressingly present, misery is very apparent
and the sufferer looks wretched. The disorder is
slow in developing and, when fully developed,
thinking is often distorted and deluded.
This illness can have a devastating
effect upon the family. Medical help
should be sought promptly and happily the
condition is quite treatable, although, once
again, self-help is not practicable. If the
illness is not diagnosed and treated at the
early stage, hospital care is often the best
course, especially so it agitation and when
there is a state of feeling persecuted. The
primary need then is the control of the
agitation, the securing of sleep and, at the
same time, anti-depressant treatment.