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Can parents control their
child's emotions? Very difficult! But
what parents can do, is use negative emotions as
an opportunity to guide children into developing
good decision-making skills.
Parents need to guide their
children through their emotions, talk
about them and the consequences that follow.
Growing up with a positive attitude about
emotions is key to a healthy state of mind.
shows that children will have better
friendships, and will be able to focus their
attention and calm down after a negative
situation when emotions are talked about openly
in the family. Social and emotional intelligence
leads to stability in life's ups and downs.(ie.
Marriage, Child rearing etc.)
Parents play the biggest
role in their child's life by themselves being
emotionally stable. Parents who can
accept emotions and empathize with their
children still need to help the latter label
their emotions and set limits on behavior while
exploring solutions together.
Parents would do well to
take a look at their own emotions and be honest
about feelings. That, in itself, can be
a struggle for those 'parents' who themselves
grew up in homes where emotions were routinely
dismissed or criticized. Parents must talk about
emotions with their kids. They must help
children understand what they are feeling. This,
in turn, would help parents recognize their our
own feelings in the process.