Sample Papers

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         Board Papers
         Sample Papers
   Sample Papers
 Board Papers
  Sample Papers
  Areas of Interest





Time Allowed : 3 Hours

M.M. : 100

General Instructions :

(i) The Paper is divided into two sections : A and B, both the sections are compulsory.

(ii) Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary. Read these instructions very carefully.

(iii) Do not exceed the prescribed limit while answering the questions. Marks will be deducted if this limit is crossed.

Section 'A'

Q.1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow :

All of us do some kind of work to ward off starvation or to gain sufficient material wealth with a view to maintaining that standard of living which our physical and intellectual powers have helped us to reach. But there is another kind of work which is completely divorced from the burdensome process of our livelihoodo and which is undertaken for the sake of amusement or interest or the direction of our surplus stores of energy in some new and useful channels of refined tastes. This delightful occupation, combining work with pleasure or hobby, as it is properly termed, calls for the application of our highest faculties, and gives proper form to our healthy instincts, purposeful habits and disciplined behaviour. In our carefree and vacant hours it allows these faculties to perform their natural functions and to display their instinctive greatness. We devote our leisure to the pursuit of this pleasant task and derive advantages which compare favourably with those we obtain from the bread-earning routine of our daily life. Hobbies widen the sphere of our cultural activities, give refinement to our tastes and show us the path that leads to our systematic mental and moral development. Our tendenceis and inclinations also find in them an outlet for a healthy and progressive expression.

"A hobby is a favourite subject or occupation that is not one's main business". In this age of machinery which has taken upon itself most of the laborious duties of physical exertion formally performed by man, then creating for him pleasant intervals of rest and leisure, it should not be difficult for him to devote some time to the pursuit of a new interest that can add some charm, colour or zest to his life. The spare time must not be frittered away in idleness or spent on such work as overtaxes his mind and body after they have performed their normal functions for the day. The new interest with be worthwhile only if it provides relaxation and change from ordinary occupation, banishes the drabness of routine work and produces a feeling that life is both charming and meaningful.

The choice of hobbies, like the choice of books, purpose of reading, is not an easy task. some hobbies demand a little guidance from experienced persons. Our sudden attachment to them without the backing of this preliminary knowledge may result in wasting of our resources of time and money, and in the end compel us to abandon them. Some hobbies are rather expensive, and therefore beyond the means of ordinary people who can ill afford to spend large sums of money on them. Not a few are incompatible with our temperament and taste. We must not, therefore, allow the glamour of certain hobbies to blind us to their reality, howsoever tempting they may appear to us, nor should we begin to cherish them thoughtlessly because we find other people so devotedly attached to them. In the first flush of enthusiasm many have rushed into unsuitable hobbies only to find themselves turning away from them in a state of great disillusionment. In a few rare and exceptional cases a sudden and instinctive choice of some hobby sometimes proves to be the right one. We must not however, forget that tinkering with the hobby is joyless and wasteful process, unattended by any appreciable gains. Scattered interest in half a dozen or more odd hobbies is also not a desirable end.

(a) Answer the following questions briefly :
(i) What is a hobby ? (1)
(ii) What are the advantages of hobbies ? (2)
(iii) Why one has to be very careful in selecting a hobby ? (2)
(iv) Under what circumstances do we have to discard a hobby ? (2)
(v) In what way does a hobby refine our tastes ? (2)
(b) Find words in the above passage which convey similar meaning as the following :
(i) Activity to which one gives time or effort. (1)
(ii) Enthusiasm (1)
(iii) Not able to adjust. (1)
(a) (i)

A hobby is a job for amusement or pleasure. One uses one's extra time and energy in a hobby for pleasure and not for profit and income.


A hobby removes boredom and dullness for a routine work. It offers release and freedom from daily occupation. It makes life very colourful, purposeful and charming.


One should other's advice and guidance in choosing a hobby otherwise it will be a waste of time and energy.


An unsuitable hobby has to be given up. It may not suit a person's taste and temperament. Such a hobby has to be discarded.


A hobby widens or enlarges our activities and vision. It makes us systematic. It gives us moral training. We are able to behave in a discipline manner.


(i) occupation (ii) zest (iii) incompatible


Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :

Over the last fifty years, millions of rupees have undoubtedly been spent on child care in this country. Yet, it is not Sub-saharan Africa that is the home of the malnutritioned child but India where, according to UNICEF statistics, 53 % of all children are malnourished. The reasons for malnutrition among Indian children are not far to seek. It is a multi-sectorial , multi-level problem that involves not just the availability but also adequate mother and child care in terms of easy access to health facilities, safe drinking water, environmental sanitation and, or course, literacy.

Neither the setting up of the National Nutrition Council in 1994, under the Chairmanship of the Prime Minister, nor the integrated child development scheme launched in 1975 to promote the holistic development of the child under six years of age, have made any visible or vocal difference or improvement in the sordid situation. Unfortunately, the purpose of strengthening the capacities of the community and of those who care has failed to deliver the goods because the schemes envisaged have had only marginal impat in the area of nutrition where it is most wanting and woeful. On paper we have plenty of policies and programmes, but as far as performance is concerned we have earned enough notoriety. The need of the hour is to translate them into deeds and results what we have tried to sell in the form of promises and popuplist pronouncements.

The most urgent areas of attention and immediate actions are nutrition, health and education' of children, whose well-being reflects the health of the society and caring outlook of the polity. Since the causes of malnutrition of children are many, like exploding population, bias against the female child, weak and suffering mothers, the remedy calls for "care of the mother and care by the mother", besides an effective control over population explosion. Ignorance on what foods should be taken, is another contributory factor that results in malnutrition among women and children. the implementation of various schemes to fight the menace of malnutrition and undernourishment of children requires planning, co-ordination and monitoring by high-powered bodies right down to the village level.


On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes on it using heading and sub-heading. Use recognizable abbreviations wherever necessary. (5)


Write a summary of the above passage in 80 words. also suggest a suitable title. (3)

Ans. (a) Malnutrition of children in India.

A. India too has illfed children

(i) not South Africa alone (ii) 53 % of illfed kids in India.

B. Causes for malnutri

(i) much population (ii) social hatred against female (iii) weak mothers (iv) no proper food

C. Steps taken

(i) NNC in 1994 (ii) ICDS in 1975

D. Results

(i) fail, part success (ii) non performance (iii) populist measures fail

E. Remedies

(i) health care mother and child (ii) safe drinking water (iii) environmental sanitation (iv) education and literacy.

(b) Malnutrition of children in India

As many as 53 % of illnourished children are in India. Reasons for this are : population explosion, weak and feeble mothers, a social prejudice against the female child and lack of coordination among agencies associated with improving the health of the childs. Many steps have been taken by the state in this direction but they have failed because of lack of direction and interest. We have to give proper food, good medicine and arrange healthy atmosphere for the development of the children.


(a) You are the Sport Captain of King's Public School. Write a notice in fifty words for the school notice board infoming the students about the inter-school basketball match to be played. (give all necessary details of the match.) (5)


You are Sumita/ Rajan running a telephone booth in the Central Market, Bhopal. Give a suitable advertisement for a telephone operator in 'Situation Vacant' column of Bhopal Times, offering attractive remuneration. (5)

Ans. (a)

Inter-School Basketball Match

Our school is playing a friendly basketball match with ABC Model School on Monday, the 13th March,2000 from 0900 hours in the basketball court of our school. You are requested to come and boost the morale of your players.


Sports Captain of King's Public School, Pilani

(b) Wanted

A female telephone operator for a private telephone booth in Bhopal. Should be a trained operator. Age 20 years, salary Rs. 2,000 plus conveyance allowance. Minimum tenth pass.

Apply with full particulars to : Rajan 20 Ram Nagar, Bhopal before 13th March.


You have noticed many stray animals on the road during the busy hours of the day. These animals have caused traffic jam as well as accidents. You have already written to the concerned authorities but no action has been taken so far. so write a letter to the editor of a leading news paper telling him about the nuisance created by the stray animals. Sign your name as Preeti/ Krishnan, C/5, Assam. (10)


This summer vacation you are planning to visit Shimla. Write a letter to a travel agency in Shimla requesting them to book you a room in a five star Hotel. Give other details of your journey and facilities you require there. Sign your name as Leela/ Mohan, C/5, Assam. (10)

Ans. Krishnan

C-5 Ram Nagar Assam


The Editor,


Dear Sir,

Stray animals are a common sight in Ram Nagar. One finds them at busy crossroads and streets. their owners let them loose the whole day. Cows are a menance for traffic. They scatter in the middle of busy roads and at precarious turns. Many accidents have taken place because of the clusters of animals. Last month as many as 12 children lost their lives in these accidents.

I have written letters to the Municipal Committee and the Chief Minister many times. We also met the Municipal Commissioner in a delegation last month. Nothing has been done to curb the menace.

I shall be grateful if you take up our cause with the government.

Yours faithfully,




C-5, Ram Nagar,

Guwahati (Asam)


The Manager,

Star Travel,

The Mall,


We plan to spend our vacations in Shimla in June. We need a deluxe three-bed room in a luxury hotel around the Mall. Tariff is no constraint. We need it for seven days w.e.f. 7th June, 2000. I enclose a cheque for Rs. 3,000.00 as the initial payment.

I shall send you more money on hearing from you.

A line in reply will oblige me.

Faithfully yours,



During the Kargil conflict the Arts Club of your colony had organised various culture activities to collect funds for the victims' families. As the Secretary of the club write a report for your News Letter about these activities and how you utilised the funds collected. (Word limit -100) (5)


Your school has celebrated 'Library Week'. As the Head Boy/Head Girl of your school write a report on it to be published in your school News Letter. (Word limit - 100 words) (5)

Ans. Kargil War Heroes' Fund

The residents of our mohalla contributed generously towards the Kargil War Heroes' Fund. We are a small locality yet we collected Rs. 2 lakhs within seven days. We organised many cultural activities including sons and plays. We organised a charity film show. the funds so collected were sent to the Prime Minister War Heroes' Relief Fund, and the Defence Employees' Welfare Fund. We are proud of the donors. We acknowledge our gratefulness to each of them.


Library Week

Library Week of our school was held between 3rd and 9th March,2000. Each class was taken to the library and was told how to use journals and encyclopaedia. Higher classes were taught the use of reference books. We were told how to handle books from the open shelf section. It was told us that some students tear pages from costly books. We were asked not to do such things. We were thrilled to see the library books. We spent daily three hours in the reading room. It was a novel experience indeed.


You are very much concerned about the wastage of money and manpower due to the frequent elections in your country. Write an article on the urgent need to have a stable government. (Word limit - 200 words) (10)


You are the member of the Environment Club of your School. After visiting many paces you have realised that it is the need of the hour to protect our environment. Write an article on this topic to create awareness among the people. (Word limit - 200 words) (10)


Urgent need for a stable government at the centre

India had stable centres under Nehru, Indira Gandhi, and Rajive Gandhi as Prime Minister. Instability crept in after 1992 under Narsimha Rao. Petty and small time politicians raised irrelevant issues and discredited great leaders. consequently, all centre governments thereafter have been lameduck governments. coalition experiments failed India in 1977 under the late Mr. Morarji. devgowda and Gujral and similar problems.

Bajpayee's cabinet is too a mixture of opposites. He is busy all the time to keep his chickens in tact. Every day some coalition partner threatens him. Jaylalitha sacked him and got herself sacked.

Coalitions in India are a miserable failure. Public welfare is paled into the backseat. Regional aspirations and petty considerations are given utmost priorities. Indian democracy is almost derailed, people have lost faith in their political mentors. Many of them are criminals and politics is a way of making money.

There is a high time to undertake review of elections in India. WE should have a prime minister elected by the entire country and he should select his cabinet from amongst the experts as is the case in America and many other countries. Moreover, elections have become a costly farce. Money and muscle powers should be reduced to win elections.


Environmental awareness among the people

India is on the verge of collapse. It may ruin anyday. The enemy is not without. It is within. We have defence preparedness to meet any foreign attack. we are equipped with the sophisticated arms and armaments to save ourselves. but we are daily killing ourselves. We are murderers and stranglers.

Pollution, rather super pollution is the cause of our ultimate ruin. We cut trees mindlessly. We have made millions of houses to give shelter to our population. Green patches are decreasing. We consume polluted water. We breathe in a poisonous air. We eat everything which is contaminated.

Delhi, Calcutta, Bombay and Madras are polluted cities. People in these megapolises suffer from breathing and heart problems. No amount of good medicines can save us from the disaster. We have to maintain beatness in our life, by adopting trees. We should not behave as foolish litterbugs. We should not scatter debris all around. We should find a way of controlling vehicle pollution.

The state has to come forward with a heavy hand on those who are polluters. We have to chalk out a comprehensive plan to end pollution and save our future.

Section 'B'


Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :

'Oh yes,' he said. 'I live on shore now - I do needle work."

'And I love house work,' she cried.

They began to understand one another.

'I have always been a house maid,' she said.

He kissed her thankfully.

'I am Mr. Patch, tailor,' he observed proudly.

And that same night the Captain's uniform was kicked into the dustbin.


Who are the two persons conversing here ? (2)


How did they begin to understand each other ? (2)


Were they happy to reveal their identity ? (1)


He kissed her thankfully - Why ? (2)


Why was the Captain's uniform kicked into the dustbin ?(2)

Ans. (i)

Mr. Patch is in conversation with Miss Straw.


They began to understand each other with a loving heart. They loved each other despite their low status.


Of they were very happy to reveal their low identity. Their love transcended their social positions.


It was a warm kiss, a seal of true and genuine love. It was an acceptance of her as his wife.


The Captain's uniform was an illusion, an unreality, a dream which was over. Mr. Patch throws his dreams off. He becomes a real man, a tailor without any regrets.

Q.8. Answer the following in 30-40 words each :

Why did Ganga Ram feed Kala Nag ? (2)


How was the collision between Comet Dutta and the earth averted, according to Dutta ?

(b) What causes the old tiger's death ? (2)

Why does Gafur decide to go to Fulbere? (2)


Why reason did Najab give Kaley Shah for visiting the village? (2)


Why was Indrani Debi worried after the discovery of Comet Dutta ? (2)


What are the bandsmen described as heroes ? (2)


What made Nancy realise that Diamond Joe was mean to the canary ?


Why did the scientists feel guilty after the atomisation of Hiroshima ? (2)


Robichon helps himself by helping the stranger. How? (2)


According to Dutta the collision between Comet Dutta & the earth averted because of the Project Light Brigade. A space-craft would be despatched with the payload. After a rendezvous with the comet the payload would be detonated.


The rifle of Mrs. Packletide flashed out with a loud report. At this, the tiger jumped to one side. As he was an old tiger, his heart failed on account of this exertion. So it dies of heart-failure. Louisa Mebbin pointed out to her that the bullet had hit the goat.


Gafur had killed his bull, Mahesh. He had to pay for the penance heavily. So, he wanted to go to work at the jute mill at Fulbere, leaving Kashipur.


Najab gave Kaley Shah slip cunningly. He told him that he had come to purchase cloves. He told him that he would pay gold for the purchase.


Indrani Debi suspected that the discovery of the new Comet by her husband might bring ill luck to the family so, she was much worried. She arranged for a Yajna to counter the ill effects of evil spirits.


Nancy had asked Diamond Joe merely to replace charlie's Canary with another bird release Charlie's Canary from the cage. But Joe instead strangled the canary out of sheer jealousy. This made Nancy realize that Joe has been mean to the canary.


The scientists felt guilty after the automisation of many civil centres of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They felt they were to blame for the tragic loss of innocent lives.


Robichon feels greatly relieved when he finds a godsend chance to play the Public Executioner Jacques Roux. He helped him as he was nervous at the stage. He too helped himself by playing a solemn role to win his lady love.


In the story 'Coin Diver' Nancy did not respond to Charlie's love in the beginning. But finally she decided to marry Charlie. Do you think that it was a right decision ? Give at least three reasons to support your answer. (Word limit - 150 words) (10)


'God is near' is a treat for all animal lovers. In the light of this story describe Miss Stubbs' love for her animals and the sacrifices she had made for them. (Word limit - 150 words) (10)


Charlie, the coin-diver loved Nancy, the star singer of Freetown from the core of his heart. He was much beneath her. He could only fumble his love for her. He offered a few coins as he could not afford much. She scorned his offer and went away with Diamond Joe the rich rival. She later decided to come to Charlie's cage. Her reasons were, (i) Charlie was simple, sincere and honest, (ii) Joe was insincere, wicked and evil, and (iii) Charlie loved her beauty, her song and her soul. She could not guage his love warmth earlier. Now she forgets her station in society. True love does not believe in social positions. She feels sorry for her jilting of Charlie.


Henri Deplis was reduced to a mere background after he got his back tattooed. Describe the circumstances which led him to this sad condition. (word limit - 150 words) (10)


Mikali felt that his life was full of horrors but he wanted his motherless infant brother to live. What did Mikali do to help his brother ? (Word limit - 150 words) (10)


The story "The Background" is both humorous as well as ironical. Henri Deplis gets a legacy. He gets a legacy. He squanders it like easy come easy go. Second humorous as well as ironical element is artist tattooed Icarus the son of Daedelus. The the woman-widow of the artist presents the masterpiece of her husband to the municipality of Bergamo, municipality in a very ironical action becomes the owner of the physical beings of Henry, a living soul. This is very much ridiculous, humorous and ironical. The greatest humour lies in the action of the Italian government to extern Henri as an alien but bring him back as an Italian piece of art. This is the most ironical part of the story. the German expert declaration that it was spurious Pincini - was the height of irony in the story and that of the poor Henry. Another irony is that Henri wanted that master - piece on his back of brisk business but after it he could do no business.

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