Sample Papers

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         Sample Papers
   Sample Papers
 Board Papers
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Time allowed : 3 hours

Maximum Marks : 70

General Instructions :
(i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii) Marks for each question are indicated against it.

(iii) Question numbers 1 to 10 are very short-answer questions each of 1 mark. Answer them in about one sentence each.

(iv) Question numbers 11 to 26 are short - answer question of 2 marks each. Answer them in not more than 30 words each.

(v) Question numbers 27 to 32 are short - answer questions of 3 marks each. Answer them in not more than 40 words each.

(vi) Question numbers 33 and 34 are long-answer questions of 5 marks each. Answer them in not more than 70 words each.

(vii) Use Log Tables, if necessary.


Why are all the P.F. bonds in PF5 molecule not of the same length ?


The molecule of PF5 has trigonal bypyrimidal geometry with three equatorial fluorine atoms close to the central phosphorous atom than the two vertical fluorine atoms. Hence all the five P-F bonds are of different lengths.


Name the type of structure processed by a unit cell of CsCL.


Unit cell of cezium chloride has body centered cubic crystal lattice structure.


Unit cell of cezium chloride has body centered cubic crystal lattice structure.

23/11 Na.... ------> 23/12 Mg + )0/1 n

Ans. 23/11 Na + 1/1 H ----> 23/12 Mg. + 1/0 n
Q.4. Write the IUPAC name of the following compound :

CH3 --CO--CH--CH2-->CH2Cl


Ans. CH3 --CO--CH--CH2-->CH2Cl


5 chloro 3 methyl 2 pentanone.

Q.5. Which one of the following elements exhibits + 1 oxidation slate as well ?

Al, B,Ca, tl, Be.

Ans. Thalium (Tl) exhibits + 1 onidation State State as well ( due to inert pair effect).
Q.6. Why is copper sulphate pentahydrate coloured ?
Ans. Copper sulphate cuso4 - 5H2O has cu (H2O)4 - SO4 - H2O structure. Due to [cu (H2O)4]2+ Complexion it is blue in colour.
Q.7. Write the IUPAC name of the linkage isomer of [ Co(NH3)5 NO2] Cl2.
Ans. Linkage isomers of [ Co(NH3)5 NO2] cl2 is

[Co(ONO) (NH3)5] Cl2


What type of substance is phenylalanine bydroxlase ? What is the importance for us ?


Phenylalanine hydroxylase is an enzyme whose deficiency causes congenital disease phenyketone urea.


What is the role of dimethyl and monomethyl hydrazines in rockets ?


Dimethyl and monomethyl hydrazines along with liquid N2O4 are used as liquid propellents in rockets.

Q.10. Which category of dyes does alizarin belong ?

Alizarine is an anthraquinone dye, it is also a morodant dye.


In the compound AX, the radius of A+ ion is 95 pm and that of Ion is 181 pm. Predict the crystal structure of AX and write the coordination numbers of each of the ions.


Radius A+ / X- = 95/181 = 0.5 Which lies between 0.414 - 0.732 A + X- has octahedral crystallattice with co-ordination numbers A + : X- as 6:6 each.


Differentiate between molarity and molarity of solution. When and why is molarity preferred over molarity in handling solutions in chemistry ?


Molarity of a solution equals number of moles of solute in one litre of the solution but molarity of a solution refers to the number of moles of solute dissolved in one kg. of the solvent.

Molarity of a solution is preferred for expressing the concentration in procedures where temperature changes may occur because molarity unlike molarity does not change with temperature. Colligative properties like depression of ferrzing point,

D Tf and elevation of boiling point DTb are proportional to molarity DTb a molarity and DTf a molarity


Define the term 'entropy'. How does TDS determine the spontaneity of process ?


Entrophy is the property of a system which describes the disorder in it. The more the disorder in the system greater its entropy.

For any spontaneous reaction DG should be negative By the relation DG = DH - TDS if DH is + ve, this reaction will be spontaneous only when DS is positive and TDS is greater than DH. Then DG will be -ve.

Q.14. With the help of a graph expl [ question to be inserted ]
Ans. For a strong electrolyte the graphÙ m Vs (C)1/2 the concentration shows that at low concentration Ù m , reach a limiting valve. Extapulation of this line gives Ù a/m of the electrolyte. But for a weak electrolyte like CH3COOH there occurs a steep rise in

Ù m with continuous decrease in concentration. This is due to an increase in the number of ions with continuous decrease in concentration the graph shows that at no point does it interest the line of infinite dilution (c = 0)1/2. Hence it is not possible to determine

µ  Ù m of weak electrolyte by graphic method.

Q.15. Differentiate between :

(i) rate of reaction and rate constant of a reaction.

(ii) order of a reaction and its molecularity.

(i) Rate of reaction Rate constant of reaction.

(a) It refers to the rate of change in the concentration of reactant or the reactants. In Dx/Dt = k [A]m [B]x rate of reaction of reaction dx/dt.

(a) In the expression dx/dt = x[A]m [B]n for the reaction A + 2B --- 3C K (constant ) is the rate constant of the reaction. It is numerically equal to the rate of reaction if concentration of reactant (-s) is unity.

(b) The units of rate of reaction are mol L-1, S-1 for all orders of reaction.

(b) Units of K are different for different orders k has units - S-1 and for second order L mol-1 S-1 for zero order reaction k has same units as the rate of reaction ( mol L-1 S-1)

(c) Rate of reaction changes with change in the concentration reactants.

Order of reaction Molecularity

1. Order of a reaction is the sum of the exponents of concentration terms of reactants as in experimentally deter-minded rate equation for any reaction. Example if for A+2 -- 3C.

Rate =K[A]m X [B]n order of this reaction is (m+n)


1. Molecularity is equal equal to the number of molecules as given in the stoichiometric equation for the reaction. For A + 2B -- 3C

molecularity = 1 + 2 = 3


2. Order of a reaction may be a whole numbers or a fraction or zero.

2. Molecularity of a reaction can only be a whole number.

3. It can be determined experimentally with reference to the kinetic data. It has no relation with the balanced chemical equation for the reaction.

3. It is calculated by simply adding the number of molecules of the reactants in balanced chemical equation for the reaction.


Calculate the energy change in J/mol for the nuclear reaction

0/1 n -----> 1/1 p + 0/1 e

Ans. For 0/1 n ----> 1/1 p + 0/1 e

Decrease in mass = 1.00867 - 1.00728

= 0.00139 amu.

Energy change per atom = mc 2

= 0.00139 x 1.66 x 10-27 x (3 x 108 ms)2

Energy change per mole = 0.00139 x 1.66 x 10-27 x (3x108)2 x 6.02 x 1023

= 1.24 x 10-27 Jmol-1

Q.17. Account for the following :

(i) Haloarenes are insoluble in water but are soluble in benzene.

(ii) Phenols are move acidic than alcohols.


Haloarenes are insoluble in water because they cannot break hydrogen bounds between water molecules. They are however soluble in benzene due to similar structure of haloarene and benzene.

(ii) Phenols are more acidic than alcohols because the phenoxide ion C6H5O is more stablised by resonance than phenol.


Anorganic compound (A) which has a characteristic odour, on treatment with NaOH forms two compounds (B) and (C). Compound (B) hs the molecular formula. C7H8O which on oxidation gives back compound (A). Compound (c) is the sodium salt of an acid. (C) when heated with sodalime yields an aromatic hydrocarbon (D). Deduce the structures of (A), (B), (C) and (D).

Q.19. Suggest chemical tests to distinguish between :
(i) propanol and propanone
(ii) acetaldehyde and benzaldehyde
Ans. (i) Propanol (CH3CH2CH2OH)

Add iodine and dil NaOH solution and warm no reaction.

Propanone (CH3COCH3)

On boiling with I2 and NaOH (aq) a yellow crystalline substance iodoform is produced.

CH3C-CH3 I2+3NaoH

|| CH I3 + CH3 CooNa


(ii) Acetaldehyde ( CH3 CHO)

Add Fehling reagent Cuso4 + Naoh and warm. A reddish precipitate is formed

2CU z+ 50H + CH3 CHO -- CH3COO + 3H2O + Cu2O (red)

Benzaldehyde ( C6H5CHO)

on warning with fehling solution C6H5CHO does not give any reddish colour.

C6H5CHO + 50H + 2Cu 2+ -- No reaction


What is meant by 'Catenation'? How does the catenation tendency for elements of group 14 vary ?


Catenation is the property of interlinking of atoms of the same element to from long, branched or cyclic chains.

This phenomenon is shown by carbon, sulphur and phosphorous.

  • Tendency for contenation decreases in going down group 14 C-C>Si-Si>Ge-Ge>Sn-Sn>Pb-Pb

This is due to decrease in the strength of M-M bond C-C>Si-Si>Ge - Ge > Sn-Sn > Pb - Pb


Using the Valence Bond approach, explain the shape and magnetic behaviour of [Ni (NH3)6]2+. Given : At. No. of Ni = 28.


[ Ni(NH3)6]2+ has octahedral geometry because the six pairs of electrons donated by 6 NH3 ligands are accommodated in six sp3 d2 hyberdised orbitals of Ni2+.

There are two upaired electrons in the complex (in 3d orbitals) It is paramagnetic.


Calculate the standard free energy change for the reaction occurring in the cell :

Zn(s) | Zn2+ (!M) || Cu2+ (1M) | Cu(s) [ Given E0 Zn2+ / Zn = -0.76V, E0 Cu2+ /Cu = +0.34 V; F + (^%)) Cmol-1]

Ans. For the cell Zn : Zn2+ || Cu2+ : Cu(s)

(1M) (1M)

E0 cell = C0 Cathode - E0 Anode = +0.34 -(-0.76) = 1.10 Volt.

D G0 = nFE0 ( Cell reactuib us Zn(s) + Cu2+ (aq) --- Zn2+ (aq) + CU0 (s)

= - 2x 96500 x 1.10

= - 212.3 K Joule.

Equilibrium constant K is related to free energy change for the cell reaction by the relation.

D G0 = -2.303 x RT log K = - nFE0


The decomposition of N2 in CCl4 solution follows the first order rate law. The concentrations of N2O5; measured at different time intervals are given below :

formula to be inserted.

Time in seconds (t) 0 80 160 410 600 1130 1720
  [ N2O5] mol/L 5.5 5.0 4.8 4.0 3.4 2.4 1.6

Calculate its rate constant at t = 410 s and t = 1130s. What do these results show ?

Ans. For the decomposition of N2O5 in ecl4 solution :

k = 2.303 / t log a/a-x ( ist order reaction)

K1 = 2.303 /410 log 5.5/4.0 = 7.708 x 10-3

k2 = 2.303 / 1130 log 5.5 / 2.4 = 7.401 x 10-3


Write equations for the synthesis of the following polymers : (a) Glypptal (b) Teflon


(b) Synthesis of Teflon --------->

n(CF2 -- CF2) n ----------> (CF2--CF2) n

(Tetrafluro-ethylene) Teflon


Explain the term CONDON in relation to mRNA. What are nucleotides ?


(i) Condon : mRNA has Adenine, guanine, cytosin and uracil bases attached to ribose sugar. Base triplet on m RNA chain which codes for a specific ammino acid is called a condon.

(ii) Nucleotides : A nucleotide consists of three components.

(a) A five carbon atom sugar Ribox/deoxyribox.

(b) A phosphate - PO4

(c) A nitrogenous base - adenine, guanine, cytosine.


Uracil and thiamine :Sugar --Phosphate Re[resemts miceptode/


What is genetic engineering ? In what way are biotechnological products useful to human beings? Illustrate with two examples.


Genetic engineering is a biotechnology involving enzymes which help in inserting a section of a DNA molecule into an organism ( bacterium) to synthesise newer proteins with altered aminoacid sequences.

Biotechmoligal products are helpful to human beings.

(i) Insulin is used for treatment of diabetes.

(ii) interferon is anti viral agent.


In what way Heisenberg's uncertainty principle contradicts the concept of stationary orbit for electrons as suggested by Bohr ?

An electron has a speed of 500 ms-1 with an uncertainty of 0.02 %. What is the uncertainty in locating its position ?

[ Give mass of electron = 9.1 x 10-31 kg, h = 6.6 x 10-34 Js]


(a) The concept of stationary orbits for electron suggested by Bohr assigns a fixed position to an electron moving round the nucleus whereas heisen - burg "it is impossible to determine simultaneously and accurately the position and momentum of the moving electron. The position and momentum of the moving electron. The position and momentum of the moving electron in uncertain.

(b)D V = 0.02 / 100 x 500 = 0.1ms-1

m = 9.1 x 10-31kg

m DV x D x = h /4p x 1 /mDV

= 6.6 x 10-34 x 7 / 4 x 22 x 1 / 9.1 x 10-31x0.1

= 66 x 7 / 4x22x9113 x 10-34x10+31 x x 10

3/52 x 10-2 = 5.77 x 10-4


Assuming complete dissociation, calculate the expected freezing point of a solution prepared by dissolving 6.00g. of Glauber's salt, Na2SO4. 10H2O in 0.100 kg of H2O. [ Given for water, Kr = 1.86 K kg mol-1 Atomic masses : Na = 23, S = 32, O = 16, H = 1 amu]

Ans. Na2SO4 -----------> 2Na+ + SO4 (3 particles)

Molar mass of Na2 SO4 - 10H2O = 44 + 32 + 64 + 10 x 18 = 322.

Wa = Mass of H2O = 0.1 kg = 100 g

WB = Mass of the solute = 6.0 g

Kf = 1.86 k kg. mol-1 and i (Vont Hof factor) = 3

By the relation DTf = kf / MB x 1WB/WA x 1000 x i

= 1.86 / 322 x 6.0 / 100 x 1000 x 3 = 0.346k

Freezing point of solution = 273 - 0.346 k = .654 k.


Calculate the standard free energy change for the following reaction at 270 C. f

H2 (g) + I2(g) -- 2HI (g) ; D H0 = + 51.9 kJ

[Given S0 H2 = 130.6JK-1 mol-1, S0 I2 = 116.7 JK-1

mol-1 S0 HI = 206.3 JK-1 mol-1

Predict whether the reaction is feasible at 270 or not.

Ans. D S = S0 (products) - S0 (reactants)

= S0 (2HI) - [S0(H2) + S0 (I2)]

= 2 x 206.3 - (130.6 + 116.7)

= 412.6 - 247.3 = 165.3Jk-1

DH0 = 51.9 kJ

= 51900 J

DG0 = DH0 - TDS0

= 51900 - 300 x 165.3

= 51900 - 49590 = 2310 Joule

Since DG0 is +ve the reaction is not feasible at 300 k.


(a) Compare physical adsorption and chemical adsorption in terms of rate and prevailing temperature.

(b) Show graphically how the amount of a gas adsorbed on a solid in physical adsorption varies with (i) pressure and (ii) temperature ?

Physical adsorption Chemical Adsorption

(1) Physical adsorptions are instantaneous taking less than 0.01 seconds.

(1) Chemical adsorption may sometimes be quite slow depending upon the nature of chemical reaction involved in adsorption.

(2) Physical adsorption takes place at low temperature and decreases with rise of temperature.

(2) Chemical adsorption takes place at high temperature. It shows an initial increase up to certain temperature. Then decreases when the temperature is raised.

b Figure to be inserted

Physical adsorption increases with increase in pressure but becomes constant after certain limiting pressure.


How are the following conversions carried out ? (Write reactions and conditions only)

(i) 1-Bromopropane to 2-bromopropane

(ii) propanone to iodoform

(iii) phenol to salicylic acid

Q.32. Account for the following :

(i) NH3 has higher boiling point than PH3

(ii) H3PO3 is a diprotic acid

(iii) OF2 should be called oxygen difluoride and not fluorine oxide.


(a) Due to high electronegativity of nitrogen atom of NH3 its molecules are associated through hydrogen bonds



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It has a higher boiling point than PH3. Phosphorous is less electrogengative than nitrogen. No hydrogen bonds exist between PH3 molecules.

(b) Experiments show that H3PO3 has reducing properties. One of its three hydrogen atoms is directly attached to P-atom as in the structure






This H-atom is not ionised while two other hydrogens are ionisable they exist as - OH groups. This explains why H3PO3 is diprotic.

(c) in OF2 oxygen is electropositive with respect to fluorine OF2 is called oxygen fluride and not fluorine oxide.


What is vapour phase nitration ? Describe the preparation of nitroalkanes and alkyl nitrites from alkyl halides. Explain why the boiling points of nitroalkanes are higher than those of corresponding alkanes ?

How can the following compounds be prepared :

(i0 Aniline from nitrobenzene

(ii) Ethylamine from nitroethane


(i) Vapour phase nitration : Saturday by hydrocarbons react with nitric acid in vapour phase between 420 - 700 K when a mixture of nitro derivatives is formed.

(iii) Boiling points of nitro compounds are higher than the corresponding hydrocarbons (alkanes ) because alkanes are nonpolar whereas nitroalkanes are polar compounds.

(iv) Conversions (i) aniline from nitrobenzene


(a) Describe with the help of chemical equations the preparation of potassium dichromate from chromite ore.

(b) Give balanced chemical equations for what happens when acidified potassium dichromate solutions reacts with :

(i) ferrous sulphate solution

(ii) hydrogen sulphide gas

(c) Draw the structure of Cr2O2/7- ion.

Ans. (a) For preparing K2 Cr2 O7 from Fe Cr2 O4 ore :

(i) Fusing chromite ore with Na2  CO3 and lime as flux in excess of air

4FeCr2O4 + 8Na2CO3 + 7O2 -- 8Na2 CrO4 + 2Fe O3 + 8CO2

(ii) Reacting Na2 CrO4 solution with conc H2SO4 to get Na2, Cr2, O7

2Na2 CrO4 + H2 SO4 -- Na2 Cr2 O7 + Na2SO4 + H2O

(iii) Addition of KCI solution

Na2 Cr2 O7+ 2KCI -- K2Cr2 O7 + 2NaCl

( Less soluble) (More soluble)

On cooling the hot concentrated solution obtained in step (iii) the less soluble K2Cr2 O7 separates as orange crystals.

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