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Time allowed : 3 Hours

M.M. : 100

Note :

(i) This paper is divided into four parts - A,B, C,D.

(ii) Part A is compulsory; attempt one out of parts B,C and D.

(iii) Each part carries 50 marks.

(iv) Each question carries marks indicated against it.


Q.1. What is meant by goodwill ? Name any two methods of valuation of goodwill. (2)

Goodwill may be defined as the capacity of a business to earn super profits in the future. It is an untangible but a valuable asset. It is not fictitious asset in the case of a profitable concern .

Methods of valuation of Goodwill :

1. Average Profit Method

2. Super Profit Method


R and S are partners sharing profits in the ratio of 5:3, T joins the firm as a new partner. R gives 1/4 of his share and S gives 2/5 of his share to the new partner. Find out the new ratio. (3)

Ans. R's Share = 5/8

S's Share = 3/8

R surrenders 1/4 of his share is favour of T and S surrenders 2/5 of his share in favour of T.

Thus, R will surrender = 5/8 x 1/4 = 5/32


S will surrender = 3/8 X 2/5 = 6/40


R's new profit sharing ratio = 5/8 - 5/32 = 20-5/32 = 15/32

S/s new profit sharing ratio = 3/8-6/40 = 15-6/40 = 9/40

T's profit sharing ration = 5/32 + 6/40 = 25+24 / 160 = 49/160

Or New Ratio of R:S:T = 15/32 : 9/40 : 49/160


= 75 : 36 : 49

Q.3. "Comparision with the help of ratios is not possible if different firms follow different accounting policies. " Comment.


State any three purposes for which share premium amount can be utilised. (3)


"Comparison with the help of ratios is not possible if different firms follow different accounting policies" : Different firms adopt diffeent accounting policies. The difference in the method of valuation of stock, depreciation on fixed assets, creation of provision for doubtful debts, will not provide identical data, thus make the comparison task between various firms difficult.

Q.4. P,Q and R are partners in a firm. Their capital accounts stood at Rs. 30,000, Rs. 15,000 and Rs. 15,000 respectively on ! January, 1996.

As per the provisions of the deed :

(i) R was to be alloweod a remuneration of Rs. 3,000 p.a.,

(ii) Interest at 5 % p.a. was to be provided on capital,

(iii) Profits were to be divided in the ratio of 2:2:1, Ignoring the above terms, net profit of Rs. 18,000 for the year ended 1996 was divided among the three partners equally.

Pass an adjustment entry to rectify the error. Show the working clearly. (4)



Date Particulars L.F. Debit Rs. Credit Rs.
1.1.97 Q's Capital A/c Dr.

To P's capital A/c

To R's capital A/c

(Being retification for
adjustment of profits in
terms of partnership deed)

- 450 300


Working Notes :

Adjustment of Capital

Item P Q R Firm - - - -
- Dr.
















Remuneration to R - - - - - 3000 3000 -
Int. on Capital - 1,500 750 - - 750 3000 -
Profit wrongly distributed now debited to partners(1:1:1) 6,000 - 6,000 - 6,000 - - 18,000
Net profit distributed (in 2:2:1) - 4,800 - 4,800 - 2,400 12,000 -
- 6,000 6,300 6,000 5,500 6,000 6,150 18,000 18,000
Net effect (Dr./Cr.) - 300 450 - - 150 - -

X Limited issued 12 % debentures of Rs. 10,00,000 at 8 % discount redeemable at Par. Assume that the debentures are redeemed by drawings methods in the following manner : (5)

Year end Face Value (Rs.)
2 1,00,000
3 2,00,000
4 3,00,000
5 4,00,000
Prepare Discount on Issue of Debentures Account.
Ans. Statement Showing Allocation Discount

"Discount on issue of debentures Rs. 80,000 will be written off proportionately from profit and loss account for five years. The proportion in which it is to be written off will be found out as follows :

Year Total amount outstanding Ratio Amount (Rs.)
1. 10,000 10 (10/40) x 80,000 = Rs. 20,000
2. 10,00,000 10 (10/40 x 80,000 = Rs. 20,000
3. 9,00,000 9 (9/40 X 80,000 = Rs. 18,000
4. 7,00,000 7 (7/40 X 80,000 = Rs. 14,000
5. 4,00,000 4 (4/40 X 80,000 = Rs. 8,000
- - 40 Total 80,000
Q.6. Rearrange the following in the form of a Company Balance - Sheet as per Schedule VI Part I of the Companies Act, 1956. (5)
- Rs.
Bills payable 30,000
Unclaimed dividend 12,000
Accounts Receivable 11,000
Shares in NTPC LTd., 20,000
Deposits with ICICI Bank 50,000
Share Premium 75,000
Prepaid Rent 1,000
Underwriting commissions 1,500
Stores and spares 6,000
Patents 2,000
Ans. Balance Sheet as at .....
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
I. Share Capital :

Authorised issued and subscribed

...... I. Fixed Assets


II. Reserve & Surplus

Share Premium

75,000 II Investments

Shares in NTPC Ltd.

III Secured Loan ....


III. Current Assets,

Loans and Advances

(A) Current Assets

Account Receivable

Stock & Spares

(B) Loans and Advances

Deposit with ICICI Bank





IV Unsecured Loans - IV Miscellaneous Exp.

Underwriting commission

- V Current liabilities and provisions

(A) Current Liabilities

Bills Payable Unclaimed Dividend

(B) Provisions




(a) M and N are partners in a firm. M has given a loan of Rs. 8,000 to the firm on 1 April, 1994. The partnership deed is silent upon the question of provision of interest on partners' loan.

Compute the amount of interest payable on the loan advanced by M to the firm assuming the books are closed on 31 December each year.

(b) P,R and S are in partnership sharing profits in the ratio of 4:3:1 respectively. It is provided in the partnership deed that, on the death of any partner, his share of goodwill is to be valued at half of the profits credited to his account during the previous four completed years.

R dies on 1 January, 1997. The firm's profits for the last four years 1993 : Rs. 120,000, 1994 : Rs. 80,000, 1995 : Rs. 40,000, 1996 : Rs. 80,000.

Determine the amount that should be credited to R in respect of his share of goodwill. (6)

Ans. (a) Interest on Loan = 8,000 X 6/1000 X 9/12 = Rs. 360.

(b) Calculation of Goodwill :

Total profits for last 4 years = Rs. 3,20,000

R's Share = 3,20,000 X 3/8 = Rs. 1,20,000

Goodwill = 1,20,000 x 1/2 = Rs. 60,000.


K Limited has been registered with an authorised capital of Rs. 2,00,000 divided into 2000 shares of Rs. 100 each of which, 1000 shares were offered for public subscription at a premium of Rs. 5 per share, payable as under :

- Rs.
on application 10
on allotment 25 (including premium)
on first call 40
on final call 30

Applications were received for 1800 shares, of which applications for 300 shares were rejected outright; the rest of the applications were allotted 1000 shares on pro-rata basis. Excess application money was transferred to allotment.

all the monies were duly received except from Sundar, holder of 100 shares, who failed to pay allotment and first call money. His shares were later forfeited, and reissued to Shyam at Rs. 60 per share Rs. 70 paid up. Final Call has not been made.

Pass necessary Cash Book and journal entries in the books of L Limited. (10)


Books of K Ltd.,


(Bank Column only)

Dr. - - Cr.
Particulars Amount Rs. Particulars Amount (Rs.)
To share application

A/c - application money in

respect of 1,800 share @

Rs. 10 per share

To Share Allotment A/c



By Share application A/c refined of application money in respect of 300 shares rejected.

By Balance c/d



To share first call A/c - first call money Rs. 40 received on 900 shares

To share capital A/c



- -
- 78,000 - 78,000
Journal Entries
Particulars Dr. Rs. Cr.
Share Application A/c Dr.

To Share Capital A/c

To share Allotment A/c

(Being pro-rata allotment of 1,000
shares to the applicants of 1,500 shares; excess application money adjusted towards allotment)

15,000 10,000


Share Allotment A/c Dr.

To Share Capital a/c

To Share Premium A/c

(Being amount due on allotment
@ Rs. 25 per share; Rs. 20 for share
capital and Rs. 5 for share premium)

25,000 20,000


Share first call A Dr.

To Share Capital A/c

(Being amount due in respect of share

first call of Rs. 40 per share on 1000 shares)

40,000 40,000
Share Capital A/c Dr.

Share Premium A/c Dr.

To share forfeited A/c

To Share Allotment A/c

To share First Call A/c

(Being forfeiture of 100 shares of
Rs. 100 each issued at premium of
Rs. 5, Rs. 70 called up on which
Rs. 1,500 were received at the time of receipt of applications).






Share forfeited A/c Dr.

To share Capital A/c

( Being discount of Rs. 10 per share

allowed in re-issue of 100 forfeited

shares debited to shares forfeited A/c)

1,000 1,000
Share forfeited A/c Dr.

To Capital Reserve

( Being profit on re-iissue of 100 forfeited

shares transferred to capital Reserve).

500 500
Working Notes :

1. Mr. Sundir, who had been alloted 100 shares must have applied for 1500/1000 x 100, i.e., 150 shares. His excess application money, viz., Rs. 10 per share on 50 shares, i.e., Rs. 500 has been adjusted towards sum due on allotment. Total money due from him on allotment is Rs. 2,000 arrived at as follows :

Money due on 100 shares @ Rs. 25 =Rs. 2,500
Less : Amount adjusted as excess
application money
- Rs. 2,000
2. Money payable on allotment Rs. 25,000
Less : Transfer from Application A/c 5,000
- 20,000
Less : Amount not paid by Mr. Sundar 2,000
- 18,000

3. On 100 shares forfeited, amount received is Rs. 1,500 Mr. Sundar paid Rs. 10 per share as application money on 150 shares applied by him.

4. Share premium account is debited because on shares forfeited no premium money has been assumed to be received.


J,S and R were in partnership sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3:2:1. Their Balance Sheet as on 31 December, 1994 was as follows :

Balance - Sheet
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Capital accounts - Buildings 10,000
J 12,000 Plant 22,000
S 8,600 Stock 6,000
R 10,400 Joint Life Policy 6,200
Reserve Fund 3,000 - -
Employee's Provident Fund 3,000 Debtors 5,000
Depreciation Reserve 5,000 Accrued Interest 1,000
Creditors 11,000 Cash 2,800
- 53,000 - 53,000
It was agreed to dissolved the firm, and the terms of the dissolution were :

(i) J took over Building at book value and agreed to pay off creditors.

(ii) Accrued interest was not collected whereas there was a contingent liability of Rs. 600 which was met.

(iii) Other assets realised : Plant : Rs. 25,000, Stock : Rs. 5,000, Debtros : Rs. 4,600.

(iv) Realisation expenses Rs. 600.

Prepare Realisation account, Capital accounts and Cash account. (12)

Dr. - - - - Cr.
Particulars - Amount (Rs.) Particulars - Amount (Rs.)
To Sundry Assets RS. - By Employee's - -
Buildings 10,000 - Provident Fund - 3,000
Plant 22,000 - By Dep. Reserve - 5,000
Stock 6,000 - By Creditors - 11,000
Joint Life Policy 6,200 - By J's Capital A/c - Building - 10,000
Debtors 5,000 - By Cash A/c- - -
Accrued Interest 1,000 50,200 Plant 25,000 -
To J's Capital A/c -Crs. - 11,000 Stock 5,000 -
To Cash A/c Contingent Lia 600 - Debtors 4,600 -
Employees Provident Fund 3000 3600 Joint Life Policy 6,200 40,800
To Cash A/c Expenses - 600 - - -
To Profit tr. to : - - - - -
J's Capital A/c 2,200 - - - -
S's Capital 1,467 - - - -
R's Capital 733 4,400 - - -
- - 69,800 - - 69,800
Partner's Capital Accounts
Dr. - - - - - - Cr.
Particulars J






Particulars J






To realisation - - - By Balance b/d 12,00000 8,600 10,400
Buildings 10,000 -- - By Reserve Fund 1,500 1,000 500
To Cash A/c 16,700 11,067 11,633 - -- - -
- - - - By Realisation - - -
- - - - A/c Profit 2,200 1,467 733
- - -- - By Realisation - - -
- - - - A/c -Crs. 11,000 - -
- 26,700 11,067 11,633 - 26,700 11,067 11,633
Cash Account
Dr. - -


Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
To Balance b/d 2,800 By Realisation A/c

[3,600 + 600]

To Realisation A/c 40,800 By J's Capital A/c 16,700
- - By S's Capital A/c 11,067
- - By R's Capital A/c 11,633
- 43,600 - 43,600

Part - B


Indicate which of the following transactions would result in (a) source, (b) use, and (c) neither source nor use of the fund :

(i) Collection from debtoros Rs. 5,000, (ii) Sale of old machinery Rs. 2,000, (iii) Redemption of Debentures of Rs. 10,000. (3)

Ans. (a) Neither source nor use of fund.

(b) Source of fund.

(c) Use of fund.

Q.11. Compute cash from operations from the following details : (4)
- 1990




P & L a/c 1,10,000 1,20,000
Debtors 50,000 62,000
Outstanding Rent 24,000 42,000
Goodwill 80,000 76,000
Prepaid Insurance 8,000 4,000
Freditors 26,000 38,000

Calculation of Cash from Operation

- - Rs.
Profit - Balance - 1990 - 1,10,000
Less - Profit, 1989 - 1,20,000
- - -10,000
Add : Decrease in Current assets : - -
Debtors 12,000 12,000
Increase in Current Liabilities - NIL
- - 2,000
Less : Increase in Current Assets - -
Prepaid Insurance 4,000 -
Decrease in Current Liabilities - -
Outstanding Rent 18,000 -
Creditors 12,000 34,000
Cash from operation - -32,000
Q.12. Explain briefly the meaning and significance of

(i) Return on Investment, and (ii) Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio. (4)


(i) Return on Investment : Return on Investment (ROI) is the basic profitability ratio. It is found out by comparing the profit earned and capital employed to earn it.

The objective of calculating this ratio is to find out how much income the use of Rs. 100 of Capital generals.

The ratio is completed as follows :

ROI = Profit before interest, tax and dividends / Capital Employed x 100

Capital Employed = Long -term debts + Shareholders' Funds.

Objective - The objective of computing this ratio is to measure overall profitability of the enterprise.

Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio : This ratio measures a relationship between net sales and fixed assets. It is calculated by dividing net sales by fixed assets with the help of following formula :

Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio = Net Sales or Cost of Sales/ Fixed assets Less depreciation Significance : It indicates how efficiently fixed assets are utilised . In general, higher the ratio, the more efficient the management and utilization of fixed assets and vice-versa.

Q.13. Prepare a Comparative Income Statment from the following information : (5)
- 1992




Gross Sales 1,20,200 1,35,800
Sales REturns 5,200 3,800
Cost of goods sold 80,000 84,000
Operating Expenses 12,000 9,000
Income Tax 50 % 50 %

Comparpative Income Statement

Particulars 1992










Gross Sales

Less : Sales Returns









Net Sales

Less : Cost of Gods Sold









Gross Profit

Less : Operating Exp.









Net Profit before -tax Income - tax 23,000








Profit after tax 11,500 19,500 8,000 69.56
Q.14. The Debt - Equity ratio of X Ltd., is 1:2. Which of the following would increase, decrease or not change the debt-equity ratio :

(a) Issue of Equity shares, (b) Cash received from Debtors, (c) Sale of goods on cash basis, (d) Redemption of Debentures, (e) Purchase of goods on credit. (5)

Ans. (i) Decrease

(ii) No change.

(iii) Increase if there is profit

(v) No change.

Q.15. What is meant by analysis of financial statements ? How is it important from the viewpoint of creditirs and management ? (6)

Analysis of Financial Statements is the process of identifying the financial strengths and weaknesses of the firm by property establishing relationship between the items of the Balance - Sheet and Income Statement. In the words of Myers, "Financial statement analysis is largely a study of relationships among the various financial factors in a business as discloseod by a single set of statements and a study of the trend of these factors as shown in a series of statements.

Importance of analysis of financial statements for creditors : On the basis of analysis of financial statement short -term creditors determine whether the amounts owing to them will be paid when due . Long - term creditors determine whether their principals ( Capital amounts )and the interest thereon will be paid when due.

For Management : On the basis of analysis on financial statements management can consider the firm's (i) short - term solvency (ii) Long -term solvency, (iii) activity (viz., effective utilization of its resources)

(iv) profitability in relation to Turnover (v) profitability in relation to investments.


From the following information calculate Stock Turnover ratio. Operating ratio and Capital turnover ratio : (6)

- Rs.
Opening stock 28,000
Closing stock 22,000
Purchases 46,000
Sales 90,000
Sales Returns 10,000
Carriage inwards 4,000
Office expenses 4,000
Selling & Distribution Exp. 2,000
Capital Employed 2,00,0000
Ans. Stock Turnover = Cost of Goods sold / Average Stock

Cost of goods sold = Opening stock + Purchases + Carriage inwards - Closing Stock

= 28,000 + 46,000 + 4,000 - 22,000

= Rs. 56,000

Average Stock = Opening Stock + Closing Stock / 2

= 28,000 + 22,000 /2 = Rs. 25,000

Stock Turnover Ratio = 56,000/25,000 = 2.24 Times

Operating Ratio + Cost of goods sold + All operating exp. / Net Sales X 100

Net Sales = Sales - Sales return

= 56,000 + 4,000 + 2,000 / 80,000 X 100 = 77.5 %

Capital Turnover Ratio = Net sales / Capital employed

= 80,000 / 2,00,000 = .4 Times.


From the following information, prepare a Cash Budget for January, February and March, 1998 :

1988 Cash



Collection from






January 40,000 20,000 25,000 5,000
February 44,000 26,000 24,800 5,200
March 56,000 33,000 23,700 6,800
Estimated Cash Balance on 1 January, 1998 Rs. 10,000. In January a new machinery is to be purchased at Rs. 20,000 on credit, to be paid in two equal instalements in February and March.

Cash Budget

for the month of January - March, 1998

Particulars January






A. Total Cash Available - -- -
Opening Balance 10,000 40,000 70,000
Cash Sales 40,000 44,000 56,000
Cash collected from Debtors 20,000 26,000 33,000
- 70,000 1,10,000 1,59,000
B. Total CAsh Payments - - -
Purchase 25,000 24,800 23,700
Wages 5,000 5,200 6,800
Machinery -- 10,000 10,000
- 30,000 40,000 40,500
C. Closing Balance (A-B) 40,000 70,000 1,18,500

From the following Balance - Sheet, prepare (i) Schedule of Changes in working Capital and (ii) Funds Flow Statement :

Liabilities 1994




Assets 1994




Share Capital 2,00,000 2,00,000 Plant 70,000 1,00,000
10 % debentures -- 20,000 Building 80,000 75,000
P & L a/c -- 8,000 Stock 60,000 50,000
Creditors 45,000 30,000 Debtors 30,000 40,000
Provision for tax Depreciation -- 10,000 Bills


10,000 15,000
Reserve (Plant) 10,000 12,000 P & L a/c 5,000 --
- 2,55,000 2,80,000 - 2,55,000 2,80,000
Additional information :

(a) Plant costing Rs. 15,000 was sold for Rs. 6,000. Accumulated Depreciation on the same was Rs. 5,000.

(b) No Depreciation was provided on buildings during the year.

- 31st Dec. Change in
working capital
- -
- 1994








A. Current Assets - - - -
Stock 60,000 50,000 - 10,000
Debtors 30,000 40,000 10,000 -
Bill Receivable 10,000 15,000 5,000 -
- 1,00,000 1,05,000 - -
B. Current Liabilities - - - -
Creditors 45,000 30,000 15,000 -
Provision for Tax --- 10,000 - 10,000
- 45,000 40,000 - -
C. Working
Capital (A-B)
55,000 65,000 - 10,000
D. Increase in
w. Cap.
10,000 - - -
- 65,000 65,000 30,000 30,000
Funds Flow Statement

for the year ended on 31-12-1995

Source Rs. Application Rs.
Funds from Operations 24,000 Plant Purchased 45,000
Sale of Plant 6,000 Increase in working
Sale of Building 5,000 Capital 10,000
Issue of Debentures 20,000 - -
- 55,000 - 55,000
Working Notes :

1. Calculation of funds from operations

Adjusted Profit and Loss A/c

Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
To Balance b/d 5,000 By Funds from
(Balancing figure)
To Loss on Sale of Plant 4,000 - -
To Depreciate Reserve 7,000 - -
To Balance c/d 8,000 - -
- 24,000 - 24,000
Plant A/c
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
To Balance b/d 70,000 By CAsh A/c (Source ) 6,000
To Bank A/c ( Purchases ) (B.f.) 45,000 By Depreciation REserve 5,000
- - By P & L A/c - Loss 4,000
- - By Balance c/d 1,00,000
- 1,15,000 - 1,15,000
Depreciation Reserve (Plant)
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
To Plant A/c 5,000 By Balance b/d 10,000
To Balance c/d 12,000 By P & L A/c (b.f.) 7,000
- 17,000 - 17,000
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