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Marks : 100


1. Indian States and Society in the 18th century

2. Beginning of European Settlements

3. British Conquest of India

4. Structure of Government and Administrative

Organisation of the British Empire (1to 6 Marks : 15)

5. Economic, Social and Cultural Policy of the

British Empire in India ( 1757 - 1857)

6. Social and Cultural Awakening in the first half of the

19th Century

7. The Revolt of 1857

8. Growth of New India : Religious and Social Reforms

9. Administrative Changes after 1858 (7 to 11 Marks : 20)

10. India and her Neighbors

11. Economic Impact of the British Rule

12. Growth of Net India: Nationalist Movement (12 to 14 Marks 20)

13. Nationalist Movement (1905 - 1981)

14. Struggle for Swaraj

Map work of Modern India)(Marks : 05)


15. Introduction

16. The world from about the end of the 19th centuryto the end of the First world War.(15 to 16 Marks 07)

17. The world from 1919 to 1939 (Marks : 09)

18. The Second World WAR (18 to 19 Marks 13)

19. The World after the Second World War

20. Development in studies and Culture. (20 to 21 Marks 06)

21. The future Outlook

Map Work on Contemporary World ] (Marks : 05)


Topic-Wise Details


1. Indian States and Society in the 18th Century

  • Hyderabad and Carnatic, Bengal, Avadh, Mysore, Kerala
  • Areas around Delhi
  • Bangash Pathans and Rohelas.
  • The Sikhs
  • the Rise and fall of the Maratha Power Social and economic condition of the people
  • Education
  • Social and Cultural life.

2. Beginning of European companies and settlements

  • New Trade routes
  • European companies and settlements in India
  • Growth of the East India Company's trade and influence (1600 - 1744) Internal organisation of the Company
  • Organisation of the Company's factories in India
  • The Anglo-French struggle in South India.

3. British Conquest of India

  • Foundation and expansion of the British empire ( 1756 - 1818) : British occupation of Bengal.
  • dual systems of administration in Bengal.
  • Expansion under Warren Hastings. Consolidation of the British Power (1818 - 1857) : Conquest of Sindh and Punjab.
  • Dalhousie and the policy of annexation.

4. Structure of Government and Administrative Organisation of the British Empire in India

  • Structure of Government
  • Civil Service Army
  • Police Judicial organisation
  • Rule of Law
  • equality before law.

5. Economic, Social and Cultural Policy of the British Empire in India ( 1757 - 1857)

  • British economic policies in India
  • The drain of wealth
  • Means of transport and communication
  • Land revenue policy-Permanent settlement
  • ryotwari system
  • Mahalwari system
  • social legislation.

6. Social and Cultural awakening in the first Half of the 19th Century

  • Ram Mohan Roy
  • Young Bengal movement
  • The Brahmo Samaj
  • Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
  • Social and cultural awakening in western India.

(Marks for Topic No. 1-6 is 15)

7. Revolt of 1857

  • Causes of discontent against British
  • rule

  • Early revolts
  • Immediate causes of the Revolt of 1857
  • Spread of the Revolt
  • Causes of defeat
  • Nature and results of the Revolt.

8. Growth of New India : Religious and Social Reforms after 1858

  • Brahmo Samaj
  • Religious reform movement in Maharashtra
  • Jyotiba Phule
  • Ramakrishna and Vivekananda
  • Dayananda and Arya Samaj
  • Narayana Guru
  • Veeresaligam
  • Theosophical Society
  • Syed Ahmed Khan and the Aligarh Movement
  • Muhammad Iqbal
  • Religious reform among the Sikhs, Social reforms; Emancipation of women
  • Struggle against the caste system.

9. Administrative Changes after 1858

  • Administrative
  • Provincial administration
  • Local bodies
  • Changes in the army
  • Public services
  • relations with Princely States
  • Administrative policies
  • Hostility to educated Indians
  • Attitude towards the Zamindars
  • Attitude towards social reforms
  • Backwardness of social services
  • Labour legislation
  • Restrictions on the Press
  • Racial arrogance.

10. India and her Neighbours

  • War with Nepal
  • Conquest of Burma
  • Relation with Afghanistan

11. Economic Impact of the British Rule

  • Disruption of the traditional economy
  • Ruin of artisans and craftsmen
  • Improverishment of the peasantry
  • Ruin of old Zamindars
  • Attitude towards social reforms
  • Backwardness of social services
  • Labour legislation
  • Restrictions on the Press
  • Racial arrogance.

(Marks for Topic No. 7-11 is 20)

12. Growth of New India : Nationalist Movment ( 1858 - 1905)

  • Consequence of foreign domination
  • administrative and economic unification of the country
  • Western thought and education
  • role of the press and literature
  • Rediscovery of India's past
  • Racial arrogance of the Rulers
  • Immediate factors
  • Predecessors of the Indian National Congress. The Indian National Congress - Congress during its early phase ( 1885 - 1905). Constitutional reforms
  • Economic reforms
  • Administrative reforms
  • Defence of Civil rights
  • Methods of Congress political work
  • British government's attitude.

13. National Movement

  • Growth of militant nationalism
  • Recognition of the true nature of British Rule
  • Growth of self- respect and self
  • confidence
  • Growth of education
  • Unemployment
  • International influences
  • Militant nationalist school of thought
  • Partition of Bengal
  • The anti - Partition Movement Swadeshi and Boycott
  • All India aspect of the movement
  • Growth of militancy
  • Growth of revolutionary terrosim
  • The Indian National Congress ( 1905 - 1914). The Muslim league
  • Growth of communalism
  • Nationalist movement and the First world War. The Home Rule Leagues
  • Lucknow session of the Congress ( 1916).

14. Struggle for Swaraj

  • Nationalist movement after the First World War- Montague
  • Chelmsford Reforms
  • Rewlatt Act
  • emergence of Mahatma Gandhi
  • Gandhiji's ideas
  • Champaran Satyagraha
  • Movement against the Rowlatt Act
  • Jallianwala bagh massacre
  • Khilafat and Non
  • Cooperation Movement
  • the Swarajists
  • Constructive Programme
  • revolutionaries
  • Simon Commission
  • Lahore Session of the Congress and the slogan of Purna Swaraj
  • Civil Disobedience movement
  • government of India act of 1935
  • formation of the Congress Ministries
  • Movements of Peasants and workers
  • Growth of socialist ideas
  • Congress and international developments
  • Movements of the States people
  • Growth of Communalism Nationalist Movement during the Second world War
  • Quit India
  • INA
  • Nationalist movement after the Second War
  • Achievement of Independence
  • Immediate problems.

(Marks for Topic No. 12-14 is 20)


    15. Introduction

    • Contemporary period in world history
    • Distinction between contemporary history and modern history
    • Characteristic features of contemporary history
    • A broad survey of the historical background of contemporary world.

    16. The World from about the end of the 19th century to the end of the First world War.

    1. Developments up to 1914 : Imperialism and the hegemony of Europe
    • Rise of the United States of America
    • Development in Asia, Africa and Latin America
    • Imperialist rivalries and conflicts.
    1. The First World War : The underlying causes
    • Course of the War
    • U.S. entry
    • End of the war
    • Immediate consequences.
    1. The Russian Revolution : Political, economic and social conditions in Tsarist Russia
    • Russian empire
    • Revolutionary movement in Russia
    • 1905 Revolution
    • Russia and the First World War
    • February Revolution
    • October Revolution Revolution
    • Significance of the October Revolution.

    (Marks for Topic No. 15-16 is 07)

    17. The World from 1919 to 1939 (Marks : 9)

    • Political consequences of the first World War for Europe, Asia and Africa
    • The Peace Settlement
    • League of Nations.
    • Developments in Europe and North America : Failure of revolutions in Germany and Hungary
    • Fascism in Italy
    • Economic depression, its economic, social and political consequences
    • Nazism in Germany
    • Developments in U.S.A..
    • The New Deal
    • Growing importance of U.S.A. in the world
    • Developments in Britain and France.
    • Emergence of USSR
    • Major developments in USSR
    • Role of USSR in World Affairs. Development in Asia, Africa and Latin America (1919 - 1939). Rising strength of nationalist movements in Asia
    • Developments in Africa
    • Militarism in Japan. Aggression and Appeasement : Japanese invasion of China
    • Italian invasion of Ethiopia
    • Civil War in Spain
    • Nazi Germany's role in world affaris
    • Munich Pact.

    18. The Second World War

    1. Underlying causes of the Second World War.
    2. German invasion of Poland and outbreak of hostilities
    • Fall of France.
    1. The War becomes a global War
    • Invasion of USSR
    • U.S. entry into the War
    • Course of the War.
    1. End of the War
    • Destruction caused by the War
    • The Atom Bomb
    • Plans of the Post
    • War reconstruction of the world
    • United Nations.

    19. The World after the Second World War

    • General features : Political composition of the world after the Second World War
    • Disintegration of the colonial imperialist system
    • Neocolonialism
    • Emergence of USA and USSR as world power. Formation of NATO and Warsaw pact
    • the armament race
    • Trend towards international cooperation. End of the Cold War. Developments in Asia, Africa and Latin America with special reference to national liberation movement
    • their role in world affairs, Panchsheel
    • The Non - aligned movement,
    • Problems of development.
    • Development in Europe : Political map of the post - war Europe
    • main features of political, economic and social developments in Europe.
    • Main features of developments in USSR from 1945 to 1991.
    • Break - up of USSR.
    • Recent developments.

    (Marks for Topic No. 18-19 is 13)

    20. The World after the Second World War

    • Revolutionary developments in science, New sources of energy, industrial production, transport and communications, Information technology.
    • The mass media - Newspapers, Radio, Cinema, Television
    • Impact on culture
    • Literature and art in the contemporary world - main features only.

    21. The future outlook

    • Major issues, problems and trends
    • problem of survival
    • Awareness of common concerns.
    • Interdependence
    • Indivisibility of the world
    • The imperative of International cooperation.

    (Marks for Topic No. 20-21 is 06)

    Map Work on Contemporary World ( Marks : 05)

    • Untitled Document

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