Sample Papers

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         Class - XI
         Class - XII
         Board Papers
         Sample Papers
   Sample Papers
 Board Papers
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  Areas of Interest





Marks : 100


1.Production Process(Marks : 7)

2.Nature of Goods and Services(Marks : 8)


3.Generation of Income(Marks : 10)

4.Measurement of Income (Marks : 20)

5.Calculation of Net Domestic (Marks : 05)

Product in India


6.Introduction (Marks 05)

7.Demand, Supply and Price (Marks : 25)

8.Distribution (Marks : 10)

9.Macro - Economic Theory (Marks : 10)


Unit 1 : Production Process (Marks : 7)

Basic Concepts.

Nature of production process, organisation of labour and technology.

Production, expenditure and income flows.

Production of goods and services for self consumption and for exchange.

Categories of producers : Government; Corporate and Household enterprises.

Unit 2 :Nature of Goods and Services Produced (Marks : 8)

Categories of goods produced

  • Economic and Non - economic goods.
  • Consumer and producer goods
  • Intermediate and Final goods.

Value of output and value added.

Unit 3 :Generation of Income (Marks : 10)

Generation of income in the production process.

Domestic factor incomes :

  1. Compensation of employees
  2. Operating surplus : income from property and income from entrepreneurship.
  3. Mixed Income

Unit 4 :Measurement of Income (Marks : 20)

Methods of measuring National Income :

  1. Value added method

  2. Income method ; and
  3. Expenditure method.

Final Expenditure

  1. Final consumption expenditure :

    -General Government


  2. Gross capital formation

  • Public

  • Private

  • Net exports of goods and services.

Reconciliation of the three measures of National Income.

Unit 5: Calculation of Net Domestic Products in India
(Marks : 5 )

The concepts of gross domestic product, net domestic product and National Income.

Distinction between net domestic product at factor cost and net domestic product at market prices.

Estimation of National Income in India.

Note :The students may be familiarised with the national account statistics of the CSO.

However, no questions will be set on this.


Unit 6 :Introduction (Marks : 5)

The Economic problem and method of economic theory.

Unit 7 : Demand, Supply and Price (Marks :25 )

Law of demand, price elasticity of demand, shifts in demand

Revenue : total, average and marginal.

Production : Laws of returns and returns to scale.

Total, average and marginal product; Total, average and marginal cost.

Law of supply, price elasticity of supply, shifts in supply.

Equilibrium price and quantity under perfect competition.

Shifts in demand and supply and changes in the equilibrium price.

Other market forms Concepts and features of monopoly and monopolistic competition.

Unit 8: Distribution (Marks :10 )

Pricing of factors of production (rent, wages, interest and profits) under competitive condition.

Unit 9 : Macro – Economic Theory (Marks : 10)

Aggregate demand and aggregate supply and their components.

Meaning of excess and deficient demand. Determination of aggregate output and employment, concepts of involuntary unemployment.

  1. Measure to correct excess demand.

    • reduced budget deficit.
    • higher rates of interest and restricted availabilities of credit.
    • an enlarged import surplus

  2. Measure to correct deficient demand :

    • step up investment.
    • lower rates of interest and increased availability of credit : and
    • an enlarged export surplus.

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