Sample Papers

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         Class - XII
         Board Papers
         Sample Papers
   Sample Papers
 Board Papers
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Maximum Marks : 70




1. Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding 04
2. The Solid State 03
3. Solutions 05
4. Chemical Thermodynamics 05
5. Electro-Chemistry 04
6. Chemical Kinetics 04
7. Organic Chemistry Based on Functional Groups I

Halides and Hydroxy Compounds.

8. Organic Chemistry Based on Functional Groups II 05
9. Organic Chemistry Based on Functional Groups III 05
10. Chemistry of Representative Elements 06
11. Transition Metals including Lanthanides 06
12. Coordination Chemistry and Organometallics 03
13. Nuclear Chemistry 03
14. Synthetic and Natural Polymers 02
15. Surface Chemistry 03
16. Bio-Molecules 03
17. Chemistry of Biological Processes 02
18. Chemistry in Action 02
Topic-Wise Details :
1. Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding:

Atoms : dual nature of matter and radiation. The de-Broglie relation. Uncertainty principle. Orbitals and quantum numbers. shapes of orbitals. electronic configuration of atoms. Molecules : Molecular orbital method. Hybridisation involving s,p,d orbitals.

2. The Solid State:

Structure of simple ionic compounds. Close - packed structures. Ionic-radii, Silicates (elementary ideas.) Imperfection in solids (Point defects only). Properties of solids, amorphous solids.

3. Solutions:

Types of solutions. Vapour - pressure of solutions and Raoult's law. Colligative properties. Non-ideal solutions and abnormal molecular masses.

4. Chemical Thermodynamics:

First law of thermodynamics : Internal energy, enthalpy, application of first law of thermodynamics.

Second law of thermodynamics : Entropy, free energy, spontancity of a chemical reaction, free energy change and chemical equilibrium, free energy as energy available for useful work.

Third law of thermodynamics.

5. Electrochemistry:

Electrolytic conduction. Voltaic cell. Electrode potential and elelctromotive force. Gibb's free energy and cell potential. electrode potential and electrolysis. Primary cells including fuel cells. Corrosion.

6. Chemical Kinetics:

Rate expression. Order of a reaction (with suitable examples). Units of rates and specific rate constants. Order of reaction and effect of concentration ( study will be confined to first order only). Temperature dependence of rate constant, fast reactions (only elementary idea). Photochemical reaction. Photochemical reactions. Mechanism of reaction (only elementary idea.)

7. Organic Chemistry Based on Functional Groups I :

(Halides and hydroxy compounds)

Nomenclature of compounds containing halogens atoms and hydroxyl groups : Preparation, properties and uses of haloalkanes, haloarenes, alcohols and phenols. Correlation of physical properties.

Physical properties.

Preparation , properties and uses of the following :

Polyhalogen compounds : chloroform, iodoform.

Polyhydric compounds : ethane-1,2-diol: Propane 1,2,3-triol.

8. Organic Chemistry Based on functional Groups II:

(Ethers, aldehdes, ketones, carboxylic acids and their derivatives).

Nomenclature of ethers. aldehydes, carboxylic acids and their derivatives. (acylhalides, acid anhydrides, amides and esters).

General methods of preparation, correlation of physical properties with their structures, chemical properties and uses.

Structures, chemical properties and uses.

9. Organic Chemistry Based on functional Groups III:

(Cyanides, isocyanides, nitrocompounds and amines)

Nomenclature of cyanides and isocyanides; nitro compounds and amines; and their methods of preparation; correlation of physical properties with structure. Chemical reactions and uses.

10. Chemistry of Representative Elements:

The chemistry of s and p-block elements, electronic configuration, general characteristic properties and oxidation states of the following :

Group 1 elements - Alkali metals.

Group 2 elements - alkaline earth metals.

Group 13 elements -Boron family.

Group 14 elements -Carbon family.

Group 15 elements -Nitrogen family.

Group 16 elements -Oxygen family.

Group 17 elements - Halogen family.

Group 18 elements - Noble gases.

11. Transition Metals Including Lanthanides:

Elecltronic configuration : General characteristic properties, oxidation state of transition metals, atoms in their salts and compounds.

First row transition metals and general properties of their compounds - oxides, halides and sulphides.

General properties of second and third row transition elements. Preparation, properties and uses of potassium dichromate and potassium permanganate. Inner transition elements : General discussion with special reference to oxidation states and Lanthanide contraction.

12. Coordination Chemistry and Organometallics:

Coordination compounds : Nomenclature. Isomerism in co-ordination compounds, bonding in co-ordination compounds, stability of co-ordination compounds and Applications of coordination compounds. Compounds containing metal carbon bond. Application of organometallics.

13. Nuclear Chemistry:

Nature of radiation from radioactive substances.

Nuclear structure and nuclear properties, nuclear reaction : radioactive disintegration series; artificial transmutation of elements. Nuclear fission and Nuclear fusion. Radio isotopes and their uses; Carbon-dating. Synthetic elements.

14. Synthetic and Natural polymers:

Classification of polymers, natural and synthetic polymers ( with stress on their general methods of preparation ) and imporotant uses of the following : Teflon. PVC, Nylon-66, Terylene and synthetic rubber.

15. Surfaces : adsorption:

Colloids : Preparation and general properties.

Emulsion and micelles.

Catalysis : Homogeneous and heterogeneous, shape selective catalyst.

16. Bio-Molecules:

Carbohydrates, monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides.

Amino acids, Peptides - structure and classification.

Proteins : Structure and their role.

Nucleic acids _ DNA and RNA.

Biological functions of nucleic acids - protein synthesis and replication.

Lipids - structure, membranes and their functions.

17. Chemistry of Biological Processes:

Carbohydrates and their metabolism. Blood, haemoglobin and respiration. Immune system, Vitamins and hormones. Simple idea of chemical evolution.

18. Chemistry in Action:

Dyes, Medicines, antipyretic, analgesic, antibiotics and tranquilisers Rocket propellants.


Marks : 30



1. Core Experiments

(a) Mixture Analysis

(b) Volumetric Analysis

(c) Content Based Experiments




2. Record of one Investigatory Project and Viva based on the Project 3+2=5
3. Class Record and viva for Core Experiments 3+2=5
List of Core Experiments:
1. Preparation of double salt of ferrous ammonium sulphate or potoash alum.
(i) Preparation of one lyophilic and one lyophobic sol.

Lyophilic sols - starch, egg, albumin and gum.

Lyophobic sols - hydrated aluminium oxide, hydrated Iron (III) oxide, arsenious sulphide.

(ii) Dialysis of sols, prepared in 2 (i) above
(iii) Comparision of the precipitation values of sodium chloride, barium chloride and aluminium chloride for arsenious sulphide solution.
3. Study of the role of emulsifying agents in stabilizing the emulsions of different oils.
4. Effect of concentration and temperature on the rate of reaction between sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid.
(i) Separation of pigments in leaves and flowers by paper chromatography, Detemination of R values.
(ii) Separation of constituents present in an inorganic mixture ( constituents having wide difference in R values only will be provided).
6. Determination of the strength of KMnO4 solution by titrating it against.
(i) Oxalic acid solution.
(ii) Ferrous ammonium sulphate solution.
7. Qualitative analysis

Determination of two cations and two anions from mixture.

Cations : Pb2+, Cu2+, Cd2+, As3+, Hg2+, Al3+, Fe3+, Zn2+, Co2+, Mn2+, Ni2+, Ca2+, Ba2+, Sr2+, Mg2+, NH4+

Anions : S2-, So3 2-, SO4 2-, CO3 2-, NO2 -, NO3 - , CL-, Br-, L-, PO4 3-, CH3 COO-

8. Identification of cations and anions in common fertilisers.
9. Study of simple cation of carbobydrates, fats and proteins in pure form and detection of their presence in given foodstuffs.
10. Test for the functional groups :
(i) Unsaturation.
(ii) Alcoholic group
(iii) Phenolic group.
(iv) Aldehyde group.
(v) Carboxylic group.
(vi) Ketonic group
(vii) Amino group.
11. Distinguish between the following pairs of organic compounds by suitable chemical tests :
(i) Methanol and ethanol.
(ii) Benzaldehyde and acetone.
(iii) Ethyl alcohol and phenol.
(iv) Phenol and benzoic acid.
(v) Aniline and phenol.
12. Preparation of any two of the following :

(i) lodoform, (ii) Aspirin, (iii) Acetanilide, (iv) Di-benzal acetone, (v) p-nitroacetanilide.

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