Sample Papers

         Class - X
         Class - XI
         Class - XII
         Board Papers
         Sample Papers
   Sample Papers
 Board Papers
  Sample Papers
  Areas of Interest





Marks : 100


Principles and Functions of Management

  1. Nature and Significance of Management(Marks : 7)
  2. Principles of Management (Marks : 7)
  3. Planning(Marks : 8)
  4. Organising (Marks : 8)
  5. Staffing (Marks : 5)
  6. Directing (Marks : 10)
  7. Controlling (Marks :5)



1.Personnel Management (Marks : 14)

2.Finance Management (Marks : 18)

3.Marketing Management(Marks : 18)



1. Nature of factory and its characteristic(Marks : 5)


2.Setting up a Factory (Marks : 12)

3.Factory Design and Layout (Marks : 10)

4.Internal Organisation of a Factory (Marks : 5)

5.Factory Materials and Stores (Marks : 8)

6.Factory Labour and Employment (Marks : 10)



C. Office Administration

1.Nature and function of Office (Marks : 5)

2.Office Layout and Working(Marks : 6)

3.Work Flow in Office (Marks : 3)

4.Office Organisation (Marks : 5)

5.Office Communication (Marks : 5)

6.Office Mechanisation (Marks : 6)

7.Handling Inward and Outward Mail (Marks : 10)

8.Filing and Indexing (Marks : 10)

Topic - Wise Details

Unit 1 : Nature and Significance of Management (Marks : 7)

Management as an activity a process, a discipline and as a group.

Nature of management - management as a science and an art.

Management as a profession.

Objectives and importance of management.

Distinction between management and administration.

Levels of management - top level, middle level, and first line (supervisory)

Management functions-Planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling.,

Coordination - nature and meaning.

Unit 2 :Principles of management (Marks : 7)

Nature of and need for management principles.

Fayol's principles of management.

Scientific management : Principles and techniques.

Unit 3 :Planning (Marks : 8)

Meaning, features, importance and limitations of planning.

Steps in planning.

Unit 4 :Organising (Marks : 8)

Meaning, process and structure of organisation.

Importance of organisation.

Formal and informal organisation.

Principles of organisation.

Types of administrative organisation-line, line and staff, and functional - meaning,

Features and distinction.

Meaning of authority, responsibility and accountability.

Importance of delegation. Process of delegation.

Difference between delegation and decentralisation.

Unit 5: Staffing (Marks : 5 )
Meaning, need and importance of staffing.
Staffing Process - estimating staff requirements,

Unit 6 :Directing (Marks : 10)
Meaning, need and importance of staffing.
Elements of directing :

  • Supervision - functions of supervisors.
  • Motivation-need and incentives (monetary and non-monetary incentives)
  • Leadership -Importance, qualities of a good leader.
  • Communication -importance-types of communication (formal and informal), channels of communication (oral, written).

Unit 7 : Controlling (Marks : 5)
Meaning and importance of controlling.
Steps in the process of control.
Features of a good control system.

Note : One of the following three parts is to be selected for study :

Functional Management or Factory Organisation or Office Administration.


Unit 1: Personnel Management (Marks :14 )

Meaning and nature of personnel management.
Role and responsibilities of Personnel manager.
Manpower planning, estimating manpower requirements.
Job analysis, Job description and job specification
Recruitment - meaning and sources.
Selection process - Employment tests and Interviews.
Training and Development - Purpose and Methods.
Job Evaluation- concept and methods. Compensations - methods of wage payment :
Time rate and piece rate methods. Performance appraisal and its importance.
Personnel records - uses and types.

Unit 2 : Financial Management (Marks : 18)

Meaning and objects of financial management.
Functions of financial Manager.
Capital structure - meaning, factors governing capital structure, Capitalisation - over and under.
Sources of Corporate finance, Scope and importance of capital market.
Management of fixed capital. Capital budgeting -nature and scope.
Management of working Capital. Factors determining Working Capital.

Unit 3 : Marketing Management (Marks : 18)

Marketing Management - meaning and objectives.
Marketing concept and selling.
Marketing mix - elements.
Sales promotion methods.
Advertising - features : benefits to manufacturers and society.
Media of advertising. Choice of media.
Features of personal selling. Qualities of a good salesman.
Consumer rights. Means of Consumer protection.


Unit 1 :Nature of Factory and its Characteristic features (Marks : 5)
Nature of manufacturing activity (seasonal and perennial); concept of factory and workshops.
Definition of factory under the Factories Act.
Characteristic features of small and large factories (small - scale units : and large scale establishments)

Unit 2 :Setting up a factory (Marks : 12)

Setting up a small - scale unit :
(a) Deciding on the nature of product and volume of production with reference to products reserved for small-scale sector.
(b) Availability and sources of raw materials, fuel, power, water, transport and banking facilities.
(c) Estimation of capital : long term funds and working capital (factors to be considered).
(d) Selection of factory site (location) consideration in selection.
(e) Placing orders for machinery and equipments : Sources, methods and procedures.
(f) Major provisions in local laws and rules; permission from local authorities; procedure.
(g) Registration of factory under Factories Act or other appropriate laws (Shop and Establishment Act) : procedure.

Unit 3 :Factory Design and Layout (Marks : 10)

Factory design : meaning, importance, factors to be considered.
Types of factory building (horizontal, vertical/single, storey & multistorey) - relative needs and advantages.

Factory layout : meaning, types, considerations : heating, lighting, ventilation, service facilities.
Rules of law regulating factory layout (main requirements).

Unit 4 : Internal Organisation of a Factory (Marks : 5)

Departmentation in a factory - operating departments (workshop) and service departments.
Status ; authority and responsibilities of the factory manager.
Factory Manual - meaning and broad outline of contents.

Organization chart of a typical factory.

Unit 5 :Factory Materials and Stores ( Marks : 8)

Raw materials, work in process, finished goods, spare parts, stores and supplies, their meaning.
Materials procurement procedure.
Storage -need, importance and methods.
Materials control : issue and replenishment of materials, safety stock, ordering levels, order quantities.

Unit 6 : Factory Labour and Employment Conditions
( Marks : 10)

Type of factory workers - skilled, semiskilled, unskilled, seasonal, causal, regular .
Recruitment of factory workers - sources.
Methods of wage payment : time rate and piece rate : their relative advantages and suitability.
Employment conditions.
Safety, health and welfare amenities.


Unit 1 :Nature and Functions of Office ( Marks : 5)

Meaning and importance of office.
Relationship of office with other departments.
Functions - basic and auxiliary.
Position and role of an office manager in an organisation.

Unit 2 :Office Layout and Working Conditions ( Marks : 6)

Location of office - factors, importance.
Office building - Need and characteristics of a suitable office building.
Office layout - nature, principles, types.
Open and private offices.
Offices environment - Meaning and elements : lighting, ventilations, temperature,
And interior decoration ( general outline).

Unit 3 :Work Flow in Office ( Marks : 3)

Concept of work flow and flow charts.
Difficulties in work flow.

Unit 4 : Office Organisation ( Marks : 5 )

Types - line, line and staff and service organisation.
Office charts and manuals, meaning and usefulness.

Unit 5 : Office Communication ( Marks : 5)

Basic principles,
Method of Internal and external communication.

Unit 6 : Office mechanisation (Marks : 6)

Need for mechanisation.
Considerations in mechanisation.
Types of office machines and equipments including the use of computers.

Unit 7 :Handling Inward and Outward Mail (Marks : 10)

Organisation of the mailing section.
Arrangement with post offices for receipt and despatch of mail.
Inward Mail routine.
Dealing with correspondence.
Mechanising mail service.

Unit 8 :Filing & Indexing ( Marks : 10)


  1. Meaning and importance
  2. Bases of Classification of papers for filing,
  3. Methods of filing : horizontal and vertical.


  1. Meaning and Importance.
  2. Basis of Indexing.
  3. Types of Indexing.

Note : Those students who wish to join B.Com for higher studies after passing +2 examination are advised to offer Mathematics as one of the electives to meet the requirement of some universities.

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