Sample Papers

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         Board Papers
         Sample Papers
   Sample Papers
 Board Papers
  Sample Papers
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Marks : 100


1. Multicellularity : Structure and (Marks : 15)

function - Plant Life

2. Multicellularity : Structure and (Marks : 20)

Function - Animal Life

3. Continuity of Life (Marks : 15)

4. Origin and Evolution of Life ( Marks 10)

5. Applications of Biology (Marks : 10)


(i) Core Experiments (Marks : 20)

(ii) Record of one Investigatory (Marks : 03)

Project and Viva based on the Project (Marks : 02)

(iii) Class Record & Viva based on (Marks : 05)


Topic - Wise Details

Unit 1 : Multicellularity : Structure and Function - Plant Life
(Marks : 15)

Form and Function : Morphology and functions of root, stem, leaf and their modifications. Tissue system in flowering plants : meristematic and permanent; Water relations - water relation of plant cells, water potential, absorption and transport of water in plants, root pressure, ascent of sap, transpiration and stomatal mechanism. Plant nutrition (I) Mineral nutrition : role and deficiency of nitrogen, Phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and Potassium. Passive active uptake of minerals, (ii) Photosynthesis : Photochemical and biosynthetic phases, diversity in photosynthetic pathways, photosynthetic election transport and photophosphorylation. Photorespiration (iii) Special modes of nutrition in plants. Reproduction and development in angiosperms : asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction. Structure and function of flower, inflorescence; development of male and female gametophytes, pollination, fertilization, development of endosperm, embryo, seed and fruit. Seed dispersal. Plant growth : Hormones and growth regulation, role of plant hormones in relation to seed dormancy, germination, apical dominance, sensescence and abscission. Agricultural uses of synthetic growth regulators. Brief account of phytochrome as photomorphogenetic pigment. Plant movements : outline classification and brief account.

Unit 2 : Multicellularity : Structure and Function - Animal Life (Marks : 20)

Animal tissues : epithelial, connective, muscular, nervous. Animal nutrition : digestive system and digestive processes in human, absorption of products and egestion in humans. Gas exchange and transport : pulmonary gas exchange in humans and organs involved, transport of gases in blood. Circulation : closed and open vascular systems, structure and pumping action of heart, pulmonary and systemic circulation, heart rate and pulse, blood pressure, authoritythmicity of heart beat, lymph. Wzxewrion NS oAMOEWFULrion : MMONORWLIAM, Ueworwliam. Uricotelism. Excretory organs in humans, composition and formation of urine. Role of kidney in osmoregulation, brief account of counter current system Locomotion : Basic plan of human skelton, joints, red and white muscles in movement, mechanism of muscle contraction. Nervous coordination and Receptors : components of human nervous system - central nervous system, peripheral nervous system. Structure and function of brain and spinal cord. Transmission of nerve impulse, reflex action. Basic physiology (structure and function ) of sense organs. Hormonal coordination : Endocrine organs in humans, hormones and their functions, diseases caused by hormonal imbalance, role of hormones as messengers and regulators - hypothalamic - hypophysial axis, feedback control. Animal reproduction and development : Asexual and sexual, reproductive organs of human male and female, gametogenesis and differentiation of gametes, reproductive cycle in the human female, chemical and physical features of fertilization. Development of Zygote upto three germinal layers, fate of germ layers. Growth, repair and ageing : Growth : cell growth, growth rates and hormonal control of growth in humans. Repairs and regeneration : principal types of regeneration and mechanism of regeneration : Ageing : morphological, physiological, Cellular and extracellular changes, theories of ageing, biological meaning of death.

Unit 3 : Continuity of Life (Marks : 15)

Heredity and variation : Introduction (I) Mendel's experiments and idea of factors, Mendel's law of inheritance, Chromosomal basis of inheritance (in brief), some basic terms used in inheritance studies, other patterns of inheritance - incomplete dominance, multiple alelles, linkage and crossing over, sex-linked inheritance. Variation : recombination. Mutation, phenotypic expression in haploid organisms. DNA as genetic material : evidence from bacterial transformation and viral infection. Structure and replication of DNA. Protein synthesis : genetic code, transcription, translocation. Effect of mutations on protein synthesis. Gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Genetic engineering (Elementary ideas).
Unit 4 : Origin and Evolution of Life (Marks : 10)

Origin of Life : Oparin Haldane's theory, Miller - Urey experiments. Organic evolution : Interrelationships among living organisms, evidences for evolution - fossil evidence and geological time scale; morphological evidence - homologous, analogous and vestigeal organs, embryological evidence - similarities among embryos of different vertebrate classes; evidence from biogeography. Darwin's major contributions - (a) Common ancestry, (b) natural selection as mechanism of evolution . Elementary forces of evolution. Variation & Natural selection, variation, mutation and recombination as source of variability, role of selection, genetic basis of adaptation, Lederbergs replica plating experiments. Specication and Isolation : geographical and reproductive.

Unit 5 : Application of Biology (Marks : 10)

Biofertilisers - green manure, nitrogen fixation - symbiotic and nonsymbiotic. Communicable diseases including STD and diseases spread through blood transfusion such as AIDS and heptitis. Immune response - Vaccines and antisera, allergies and inflammations. Inherited diseases and sex - linked diseases, genetic incompatibility and genetic counselling. Cancer : major types, causes, diagnosis and treatment, tissues and organ transplantation. Human population growth - problems and control, inequality of sexes, test tube babies, amniocentesis.


List of Core Experiments ( Marks : 20)

  1. Observation and making labelled diagrams of the microscopic structures of the following mammalian tissues, cartilage, bone, muscles (cardiac, striated, non -striated), epithelial.
  2. Preparation of temporary stained (Methylene / toludine blue) slides of (a) muscle fibres of thigh / pectoral muscles of frog / cockroach : (b) nerve cells from spinal cord of frog / goat.
  3. Study of human and frog blood from prepared slides.
  4. Dissection of rate and study of (a) the general viscera and digestive system. (b) male and female reproduction system; (c) arterial and venous system (one side only, left / right or anterior / posterior).


  1. Study of abnormal constituents of urine; albumin glucose, acetone (abnormal constituents may be added in normal sample for practical exercise).
  2. Dissection of a flower to separate out and display its various parts (sepals, petals, stamens and carpels) Flower suggested : Petunia, Hibisus, Hollyhock, Pisum or any other large sized bisexual flower.
  3. Making a temporary mount of transverse / vertical section of a ovary of a flower to show placementation. (Same flowers as listed in item No. 2)
  4. Dissection of water soaked ungerminated seed to show different parts.

    Seed suggested - Gram, Pea, Bean, Castor or any other large - sized dicot seed.

  5. Preparation of stained human blood film and identification of blood cells.

    (Precaution : The instructors to ensure that only disposable needles / ordinary needles heated over a flame are used.)

  6. Study of haemolysis, and crenation of RBC's from human blood).

    (Precaution : The instructors to ensure that only disposable needles / or ordinary needles heated over a flame are used).

  7. Study of external morphology of adult cockroach : Body regions, identification of sex giving reasons.
  1. Study of the action of salivary amylase on starch with special reference to denaturing agents ( heat, pH and alcohol).
  2. Preparation of acetocarmine stained smear of onion / garlic / legume root tip and anthers (Tradescantia or Rhoeo) for the study of mitosis and meiosis respectively.
  3. Cytological preparation of testis of grasshopper / rat to study meiosis).
  4. Study of nitrogen fixation in blue-green algae by protein test. Study of root nodules in a leguminous plant.
  5. Study of two plant diseases of the area, identification of causal organism and alternate hosts nad carriers.
  6. Yeast fermentation and production of alcohol.
  7. Testing urine for urea, sugar, albumin and bile salts.
  8. Making transverse sections of monocot and dicot stem and root and study of different tissues under microscope.
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