Sample Papers

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Marks : 100

    (A) HISTORY - The Contemporary World

    1. Imperialism
    2. The First World War
    3. The Russian Revolution
    4. The World from 1919 to Second World War
    5. The World after the Second World War
    6. Indian Awakening
    7. India's Struggle for Freedom
    8. Map Work


    1. India's Physical Features,Climate, natural vegetation and wild life
    2. Natural Resources
    3. Developing our Resources
    4. Map work Relating to units 1,2 and 3


    1. Government at the State and Central Levels
    2. Indian as a Nation
    3. Indian Democracy at work
    4. Challenges Facing our Country today
    5. India and World Peace


    1. Towards Economic Development
    2. State as an agency for Economic Development















(A) HISTORY - The Contemporary World


  1. Factors in the rise of imperialism - Search for markets and sources of raw materials - Export of capital - Ideas of national and 'racial' superiority.
  2. Forms and methods of imperialism,
  3. Imperialist conquest of Asia.
  4. Imperialist conquest of Africa.
  5. Imperialist conquest of Africa.

- Loss of independence
- Economic exploitation
- Denial of basic rights
- Racism
- Backwardness
- International conflicts and wars
- Effects on imperialist countries.

2.The First World War

- Antagonistic groupings of imperialist powers
- Struggle for colonies
- Local conflicts and wars
- The First World
- End of the War-Peace Treaties
- Consequences
- Emergence of new nations in the world
- revision of the world
- Economic and social consequences
- League of Nations.

3.The Russian Revolution

- Social, economic and political conditions in Russia
- Struggle against autocracy
- Oppressed nationalities
- Intellectual ferment
- Growth of the revolutionary movement
- Bolshevik party and Lenin
- 1905 Revolution-Russia and the First World War
- February Revolution
- October Revolution
- Impact on Russia and the world.

4. The World from 1919 to Second World War

  1. (a) Europe between the two world wars
    - Rise of fascist movements
    - Economic crisis and the crash of 1929
    - Fascism in Italy and Germany
    - Militarism in Japan
    - USA and USSR after the First World War
    - Failure of the League of Nations
    - Wars of aggression Spanish Civil War
    - Efforts for peace
    - Popular Fronts and popular resistance movements.

  2. National movements in Asia and Africa.
  3. The Second World War
    - Course of the war
    - Defeat of fascist forces
    - Destruction caused by the War.
  4. Political and economic consequence and problems of reconstruction - The United Nations.

5. The World after the Second World War

  1. Immediate consequences of the Second World War
  2. - Setting up of the United Nations - Major developments in Europe after the Second World War - The cold War - Military Blocs.
  3. National liberation movements in Asia and Africa
    - emergence of Asian and African countries as independent nations - Revolution in China - The Korean War - The Struggle in Vietnam - Developments in West Asia and North Africa - End of apartheid in South Africa - Developments in South America - role of Independent nations of Asia and Africa in world affairs - The Non - Aligned Movement.
  4. Recent Developments
    - End of the Cold War
    - Break - up of the Soviet Union.

    6.Indian Awakening

    - Process of the British conquest of India and resistance to British rule
    - Impact of British rule on Indian economy and society
    - Rise of new commercial centres and new social classes
    - Revolt of 1857. Movements of social and religious reform
    - Cultural movements
    - Impact on the growth of national consciousness.

    7.India's Struggle for Freedom

    - Rise of nationalism
    - Early political associations
    - Formation of the Indian National Congress and its early phase
    - Rise of Extremism
    - Swadeshi and Boycott movement
    - Revolutionary movement during the First World War
    - Emergence of Gandhiji
    - Khilafat and Non
    - Cooperation Movement
    - Role of peasants, workers, women and students. The Swarajists
    - Constructive programme
    - Role of the press
    - Role of literature
    - Beginning of peasants' and workers organisations and socialist movement
    - social and economic content of the nationalist movement
    - Movements of depressed classes
    - Communal organizations and their role
    - Demand for Purna Swaraj and Civil disobedience movement
    - Movement in princely States
    - Indian nationalist movement and the world
    - Constitutional changes and provincial ministries
    - Attitude towards the Second World War
    - Quit India movement
    - Azad Hind Fauj
    - Communal politics and the Second world War
    - Post war upsurge
    - Negotiations
    - Partition and Independence
    - Integration of Princely States
    - Liberation of French and Portuguese colonial possessions in India.
    (The teaching of the freedom movement at this stage may focus on main trends, features and aspects of the movement during its different phases. The treatment may be more analytical stressing factors and forces rather than detailed description of events, developments and contributions of specific individual leaders. )

    8. Map Work (Marks : 3)


    1.India's physical features, climate, natural vegetation and wild life (Marks : 10)

    (a) India and the Indian sub-continent -Location, size, shape, relief, major physiographic divisions of India, their complementary nature to one another.
    (b) Climate, natural vegetation, wild life and its conservation.

    2.Natural Resources (Marks : 08)

    1. Land resources - Land use, Soil types
    2. Water Resources - uneven and undependable nature of rainfall, the twin problems of floods and famine, flood control, water budget, irrigation, major river valley and multipurpose projects, namely Damodar Valley project, Bhakra Nangal project, Hira Kud Dam, Nagarjuna Sagar project, Tungbhadra project and Indira Gandhi Canal projects.
    3. Mineral resources - metallic and non-metallic-minerals; distribution of iron ore, manganese, bauxite, Copper, gold and mica; Conservation of mineral resources.
    4. (d) Power resources - Distribution of coal, petroleum, natural gas, nuclear minerals and non - conventional sources of energy; Conservation of power resources.

    3.Developing our Resources (Marks : 12)

    1. Agriculture - distribution of food, fibre, and cash crops, cattle wealth, fisheries, forestry.
    2. Manufacturing Industries - Location and distribution of (I) Cotton textiles (ii) Jute textiles (b) Manufacturing Industries - Location and distribution of (I) Cotton textiles (ii) Jute textiles (iii) Sugar (iv) Paper (v) Transport (vii) Petrochemicals (viii) Cement.
    3. Transport and communications Network -road, railways, waterways, and airways; majorports; development of communication.
    4. Distribution of population in India and factors affecting distribution of population.

    4.Map Work (Marks : 05)

    Identification of locations, filling and labelling of features on the outline map of India based on units 1,2 & 3.

    (a) Identification of locations : (Marks : 2)
    (b) Map filling and labelling : (Marks : 3)

    Chapter 1. Physical Features

    1. Location : 1. Latitude, 2. Longitude, 3. Tropic of Cancer; 4. Standard Meridian, 5. Neighboring countries, 6. States and Union Territories and their capitals.
    2. Mountains : 1. Himadri, 2. Himachal, 3. Karakoram, 4. Shiwalik, 5. Naga Hills, 6. Mizo Hills, 7. Patki Bum, 8. Aravalli, 9. Vindhya Range, 10. Satpura, 11. Western Ghat, 12. Eastern Ghat, 13. Nilgiri.
    3. Mountain Peaks : 1. EK2, 2. Nanda Devi, 3, Anai Mudi, 4. Kanchanjunga.
    4. Mountain Passes : 1. Karakoram Pass, 2. Shipkila, 3. Nathula 4. Bomdila, 5. Palghat
    5. Plateau : 1. Malwa, 2. Chotanagpur, 3. Deccan.
    6. Coastal Plains : 1. Konkan Coast, 2. Malabar Cost, 3. Coromandal coast.

    7. Rivers : 1. Indus, 2. Satluj, 3. Ganga and its tributaries - Yamuna, 4. Brahmapputra, 5. Krishna, 6. Godavari, 7. Kaveri, 8. Mahanadi, 9. Narmada, 10. Tapi.

    8. Lakes : 1. Chilka, 2. Sambhar
    9. Straits, Bay & Gulfs : 1. Palk, 2. Gulf of Khambhat, 3. Gulf of Kachch, 4. Gulf of Mannar

      Chapter 2. Climate :

      1. Place with lowest temperature,
      2. Place with highest temperature,
      3. Place with highest rainfall,
      4. Place with lowest rainfall.

      Chapter 3. The Flora, Fauna and the Soils

      (1) (I) All types of Vegetation Regions, 2. All types of Soil Regions - For identification only.
      (2) Wild life Reserves : 1. Gir, 2. Bharatpur, 3. Kaziranga, 4. Kanha, 5. Corbett, 6. Periyar, 7. Ranganathitto 8. Dachigam.
      Chapter 4. Land use and Water Resources

      Hydel Power Projects :

      1. Bhakra Nangal,
      2. Hirakud Dam,
      3. Nagarjunasagar Dam,
      4. Tungabhadra Dam,
      5. Indoor Gandhi Canal,
      6. Damodar Valley.

      Chapter 5. Mineral and Power Resources

      For Identification only :
      1. Coal - Bokaro, singareni, Talcher, Godavari, Chanda - Wardha,
      2. Petroleum : Vadodara, Ankaleshwar, Digboi,
      3. Nuclear : Tarapore, Narora, Kalpakkam, Rawat Bhata (Kota),
      4. Iron - ore : singhbhum, Bailadils, Kudremukh,
      5. Bauxite : Ratnagiri, Kolhapur, Kachch,
      6. Copper : Khetri, Hassan,
      7. Gold : Kolar, Hutti,
      8. Mica : Gaya, Nellore, Kodarma

      Chapter 6. Agriculture

      For Identification only :

      1. Rice growing area,
      2. Wheat growing area,
      3. Tea and Coffee area,
      4. Cotton area,
      5. Jute growing area,
      6. Rubber growing area and,
      7. Sugarcane growing area.

      Chapter 7. Industries

      1. Cotton Textile : Mumbai, Ahemdabad, Nagpur, Calcutta, Coimbatore, Kanpur, Indore.
      2. Paper : Nepanagar,
      3. Iron and Steel : Bhilai, Durgapur, Salem, Rourkela, Jamshedpur, Bokaro,
      4. Transport Equipment : Chittaranjan, Perambur, Varanasi, Kapurthla,
      5. Shipyard : Vishakhapatnam, Cochin,
      6. Aeroplane : Bangalore, Hyderabad, Nasik Koraput, Lucknow,
      7. Petrochemicals : Sindri, Vadodara.

      Chapter 8. Trade, Transport & Communication

      For identification only :

      Manali - Lal Road,
      Guwahati - Theruvananthpuram Railway Line,
      For location and labelling .
      Ports - Kandla, Mumbai, Chennai, Haldia,
      Airports - Delhi, Calcutta, Mumbai, Chennai.

      Chapter 9. Human Resource.

      Population Density : For identification of only, Million plus cities for location and labelling of all the cities according to census of 1991.
      (C) CIVICS

      1. Government at the State and Central Levels (Marks : 06)

      (a) Citizen and State Government.
      (i) The State Government - Legislature, Executive and Judiciary including Lok Adalats.Administrative of Union Territories.
      (ii) The role of the State Government in the citizen's social and economic life such as maintenance of law and order, supply of essential commodities, education and agriculture. (This should be studied with reference to the students' State Government or Union Territory)

      (b) Citizen and the Central Government :
      (i) Parliament - Law making process; the President, Prime Minister and Council of Minister, its formation and functions.
      (ii) Supreme Court - Composition and functions.

      (C) (I) Study of the Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Duties given in the Constitution.
      (iii) Directive Principles of State Policy.

      2.Government at the State and Central Levels (Marks : 02)

      (a) What India stands for , Democracy, Secularism, Socialism and National Integration.
      (b) India - a land of diverse and composite cultures, languages, literature, festivals, customs and traditions, food and dress, art and architecture, music and dance. Difference regions, various religions and communities as part of Indian Society and their contribution towards enrichment of national life.
      (c) National Integration, the need for it, factors promoting it. (Suggested Activity : Study of the lives of great men belonging to different regions and communities and their contribution to cultural unit and national integration).

      3.India Democracy at Work (Marks : 03)

      (a) Meaning of Democracy, Requisites of democracy : body of well informed and socially responsive citizens, formation and expression of public opinion, tolerance and wise leadership, disciplined citizenry, consciousness of the importance of dissent in democracy.
      (b) Universal Adult Franchise, General elections and election process, study of election procedure from nomination to declaration of results.
      (c) Major political parties of India and their programmes, Role of the Opposition.

      4.Challenges Facing our Country today (Marks : 05)

      (i) Political implications of the Socio economic problems, such as population, unemployment and illiteracy.
      (ii) Regionalism and regional asirations.
      (iii) (a) Communalism (b) Problems of minorities and minority safeguards.
      (iv) (a) Casteism (b) Problems of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and backward classes, exploitative conditions in which they live, measures for their improvement.
      (v) Status of women. (vi) Law and Social change : Need for legal literacy, rights of citizens, social legislation with regard to women, children, labourers and deprived sections of the society.
      (vii) Anti - social practices :
      Smuggling, bribery, harding and drug abuse.
      (Suggested Activity : A socio - economic study of a village in the neighborhood with a view to understand the above mentioned challenges).
      5.India and World Peace (Marks : 04)
      (i) India, Russia and U.S.A.
      (ii) India's relations with neighbouring countries i.e. Bangladesh, China, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
      (iii) India and United Nations.
      (iv) Human Rights, and their implication for India.


      1.Towards Economic Development (Marks : 07)

      (i) Agriculture
      - Inputs in Agriculture - elementary treatment
      - Green Revolution and the new technology
      - Contribution of agriculture to :
      (a) National income
      (b) Employment
      (c) Food requirements
      - Problems of Indian Agriculture.

      (ii) Industry

      - Need for rapid industrialisation
      - Present industrial structure ( a brief outlook)
      (a) Cottage and small scale industries - their importance.
      (b) Large scale industries - Important steps taken by the Government to promote them.
      (c) Complementary of Agriculture and Industry

      (iii) Foreign Trade

      (a) Importance of foreign trade in India's economy
      (b) Volume and direction of foreign trade
      (c) Main items of exports and imports

      2.State as an Agency for Economic Development (Marks : 03)

      (i) State's role in promoting economic development with social justice.
      (ii) Economic planning - needs, objectives.
      (iii) Economic liberalization and reforms.
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