Sample Papers

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         Board Papers
         Sample Papers
   Sample Papers
 Board Papers
  Sample Papers
  Areas of Interest




Marks : 100


  1. Energy
  2. Food and Health
  3. Environment and Living Resources
  4. Natural Resources
  5. Universe

Break - up of the marks for each exercise

  1. Setting / handling of the apparatus
  2. Observations / identification
  3. Calculation / result
  4. Interpretation(Marks :4)

Viva - Voce

  1. Principle, basic concept, formulae etc.
  2. Procedure of experiment
  3. Application of the acquired knowledge of some what similar situation
  4. Precautions
Practical Record

  1. Indexing
  2. Recording of experiments in proper way
  3. Regularity in submitting record work
  4. General neatness











1.Energy (Marks : 24)

Sun as a source of energy - Absorption of solar energy by the earth, photosynthesis, solar heaters, solar cells; wind energy - wind mills; electricity from sea waves. Sun as a source of energy - Absorption of solar energy by the earth, photosynthesis, solar heaters, solar cells; wind energy - wind mills; electricity from sea waves. Sun as a source of energy - Absorption of solar energy by the earth, photosynthesis, solar heaters, solar cells; wind energy - wind mills; electricity from sea waves.

Fuels - Bio mass as a fuel - biogas, fossil fuels - coal, types of coal; petroleum, fractional distillation of petroleum, L.P.G., natural gas, classification of fuels - solid, liquid and gaseous fuels; characteristics of fuel calorfic value of fuels and its determination, ignition temperature, combustion of fuels, combustion of food in living organisms; characteristics of an ideal fuel.

Heat engines - Idea of conversion of heat into work and vice - versa, meaning of mechanical equivalent of heat - its determination by Joule's experiment (simple numerical based on work and energy conversion). External combustion engine (basic idea), working of internal combustion engines.

Nuclear energy - Sources of the Sun's energy, composition of sunlight; basic idea of atomic nucleus, nuclear fusion, nuclear fission, chain reaction, energy released during fission, examples of uncontrolled fission and fusion, simple idea of nuclear reactor and atomic power plant. Radiation hazards. Energy crisis - causes and possible solution for overcoming it.

2.Food and Health (Marks : 14)

Necessity of balanced diet - Diet and nature of work, need and functions of nutrients, vitamins, minerals. Sources of dietary proteins, carbohydrates and fats, vitamins, minerals. Deficiency diseases and their symptoms. Protein energy malnutrition, mineral malnutrition. Symptoms of diseases, effects of insufficiency, control. Harmful effects of over intake, obesity, and other complications, cardiovascular disorder, mottling of teeth and flourish, hypervitaminosis.

Wasteful Food Practices - Types of wastage, defective practices - post harvesting, mode of storage and distribution, traditional systems, faulty methods of preservation. Cooking, premarketing.

Food yield - different practices - use of fertilizers and manures, proper irrigation, nitrogen fixation, crop rotation, mixed cropping, use of good hybrids, protection of plants against diseases. Animal husbandry, artificial insemination, care and management.

Food spoilage - (a) Internal and external factors, (b) Factors affecting the human health; Factors - use of spoiled food, organic failure, metabolic malfunctions, genetically transmitted diseases, malignancies of different organs. Environmental pollutants, contaminated water, causes and transmission by physical contact or vectors. Disorder caused by addiction to alcohol, smoking and drugs.

Essentials for good health - Hygienic habits and control of environmental pollution.

3.Environment and Living Resources(Marks : 10)

Biosphere - Sources of energy, food chain, food web, flow of energy.

Cycles of materials - Carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, nitrogen fixation, oxygen cycle, oxidation processes, water cycle, mineral cycles (Na, K. Mg. Fe), role of energy change in different cycles.

Ecological balance - Man's role in disturbing the balance, environment - physical, biotic and socio-culture, efforts for maintenance of ecological balance, recycling of waste materials for ecological balance.

Living resources - Renewable and non-renewable resources, exploitation of resources, ecological crisis due to deforestation, need for proper replenishment and management of living resources, means of replenishment through silviculture, conservation and monitoring of wild life parks and sanctuaries, wild life conservation, legislative measures for protection of living resources.

4.Natural Resources(Marks : 17)

Water - Water as a natural resource, origin of life in water, water as medium for the activity of the living, water as a solvent, saturated and unsaturated solution, sea water as habitat of organism, salts from oceans, ocean current, use of water. Dependence of man on natural resources - minerals from earth metals and non-metals, use of non-metals.

Carbon and its compounds - Introduction, allotropes of carbon and their occurrence, structure, related properly and uses, Hydrocarbons and their elementary structure, related property and uses, Isomerism (elementary idea), preparation of methane and ethane, simple compounds of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen and their uses, petroleum products, introductory account of synthetic fibers, plastics, rubber, soaps and detergents.

Extraction of metals - Metals and non - metals : occurrence, general metallurgical operations for extraction of pure metal (extraction of copper, iron and aluminum), properties of metals and some alloys, uses of metals and non - metals, their compounds and some alloys at home and in industry, (refer : non-metals silicon, sulphur and phosphorous).

5.Universe (Marks : 10)

Space exploration - history of space exploration, applications of space science - satellite communication, weather monitoring, collection of information about other planets and outer space.

Solar system - constituent of the solar system, planets and satellites, age of planets of the sun.

Universe - solar system and Milky way galaxy, stars and constellations, life cycle of stars (brief account), universe comprising galaxies, expanding universe, origin of universe - big Bang theory. Universe - solar system and Milky way galaxy, stars and constellations, life cycle of stars (brief account), universe comprising galaxies, expanding universe, origin of universe - big Bang theory.

Formation of earth - organisation of earth system, lithosphere, earth as a special place.

Air - Role of atmosphere in protection from radiation, composition of atmosphere, water and particulate matter in atmosphere, carbondioxide and its adverse effect on living organisms, role of trees, release of carbondioxide from fossil fuels and automobiles, corrosion of metals, damage of historical monuments from acidic gases, toxic effect of metallic particles, asbestos, etc. on living organisms, carbon monoxide and its ill effects, smog, air pollution, noise pollution and its effects on human beings.

(B)PRACTICAL(Marks : 25)

1. Energy

(1) To show (prove experimentally) that during the day there is a difference of temperature in the shade and the sun.
(2) To measure and record (tabulation) temperature of different metals placed in the sun and interpret the experimental data.
(3) Construct a model of a solar cooker using aluminum foil as a concave reflector (or any other suitable reflection surface) and demonstrate its use.
(4) Construct a model of a windmill and show its usage of develop a working model using unconventional sources of energy and show its usage in day - to - day life.

(5) Develop energy from waste material and show how it can be used to do useful work. Identify and state the underlying scientific principle.

2. Food and Health

1. To test common food stuff for sugar, starch, protein and fat.
2. Study of culture of bakers yeast and moulds occurring on different food items.
3. Study of micro-organisms in pond/sewer water under the microscope.
4. Study of bacteria from curd under the microscope.
5. To identify various deficiency diseases of human beings using charts, models, figures and to comment upon them.
6. To identify and comment on various types of pests of stored foodgrains - insect parasites in rice, wheat and pulses.
7. To identify some common vectors (at least two) and comment on their role in transmission of human disease.

3. Environment

1. To reconstruct food chains from given specimens / pictures of organisms.
2. To provide missing links in given food chains.
3. To provide missing link in various mineral cycles.
4. Experiment to show that green plants synthesise carbohydrates.

4. Natural Resources

1. To determine percentage of water in the given plant material.
2. To prepare saturated solutions of common salt and sugar.
3. To prepare solutions of various substances and identify them as true solutions and suspensions.
4. To distil salt solution for preparing pure water (salt free)
5. To collect different samples of water from different sources and to test with soap solution for identifying them as hard and soft water.
6. To remove temporary hardness of water by boiling.
7. To show the presence of (I) water vapours (ii) dust particles (iii) carbon dioxide in atmosphere.
8. To identify the products of combustion of different kinds fuels.
9. To show rusting of iron in presence of air and water and identify the conditions for rusting of iron.
10. To investigate the factors responsible for pollution of air.
11. To observe changes when sulphur is heated till it boils.
12. To prepare compost from waste.

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