Sample Papers

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ENGLISH (Course - A)


Time Allowed : 3Hours

Max. Marks : 100

This paper consistsof 4 sections

A. READING 30 Marks.
B. WRITING 30 Marks.
C. GRAMMAR 15 Marks.

SECTION : A (Reading)


Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow : ( Marks : 8)


I was overwhelmed with gratuitous advice. Well-meaning yet ignorant friends thrust their opinions into unwilling ears. The majority of them said I could not do without meal in the cold climate. I would catch consumption. Mr. Z went to England and caught it on account of his foolhardiness. Others said I might do without flesh but without wine I could not move. I would be numbed with cold. One went so far as to advise me to take eight botles of whisky, for I should want them after leaving Aden. Another wanted me to smoke, for his friend was obliged to smoke in England. Even medical men, those who had been to England told the same tale. But as I wanted to come at any price, I replied that I would try my best to avoid all these things, but if they were found to be absolutely necessary I did not know what should do. I may here mention that my aversion to meat was not so strong then as it is now. I was even betrayed into taking meat about six or seven times at the period when I allowed my friends to think for me. But in the steamer my ideas began to change. I thought I should not take meat on any account. My mother before consenting to my departure exacted a promise from me not to take meat. So I was bound not to take it, if only for the sake of the promise. The fellow-passengers in the steamer began to advise us ( the friend who was with me and myself ) to try it.


Fill in the blanks appropriately using only the information given in the passage : ( Marks : 8)


I was very (a) ____________ to hear the advice from the friends who were (b) I was not (c) ______________ to hearing it. They told me to eat (d) __________ (e) and drink. They also advised me to (f) _____________ but I (g) __________ because I always remembered my (h) __________ which I had given to my (i) __________________________________________


I was very overwhelmed to hear the advice from the friends who were ignorant. I was not willing to hearing it. They told me to eat meat and drink. They also advised me to smoke but ! refused because I always remembered my promise I had given to my mother.


Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow : ( Marks : 8)

Even to try to tell you the story of my difficulties would fill up the whole of your valuable paper. It is a tale of misery and woe. The difficulties may well be likened to the heads of Ravana - the giant of the second great Hindu epic Ramayana, whom Rama, the Hero, fought, and ultimately defeated - which were many, and which were no sooner chopped off than replaced. They may be divided chiefly under four heads. viz. money, consent of my elders, separation from relations and caste restrictions.

First, then, as to money. Though my father was the prime minister of more than one native State, he never hoarded money. He spent all that he earned in charity and the education and marriages of his children, so we were practically left without much cash. He left some property, and that was all. When asked why he did not collect money and set it aside for his children, he used to say that his children represented his wealth, and if he hoarded much money he would spoil them. So, then, money was no small difficulty in my way. I tried for some State scholarship but failed. At one place, I was asked to prove my worth by graduating and then expect it. Expperience teaches me that the gentleman who said so was right. Nothing daunted, I requested my eldest brother to devote all the money that was left to my education in England.


Based on your reading of the above passage fill in the gaps in the sentences given below :

(Marks :3)

The story will require (a) ____________ space to write because it is full of (b) _______. The difficulties are (c) ________ heads of Ravana. The chopped off heads were (d) _______ replaced. The father spent all his money in (e) ______________ and the (f) ___________


The story will require a lot of space to write because it is full of miseries. The difficulties are like heads of Revana. The chopped off heads were soon replased. The father spent all his money in charity and on the education and marriages of the children.


The writer faced some difficulties. List them by completing the sentences below. ( 3 marks)

He had no (a) ________________________ to go to England.

He had to get consent of (b) ____________________________

He had to (c) __________________ from relations.

He (d) ________________________ to get

some scholarship but failed. He had to ask his (e) ___________________ to help him. because his father (f) _______________________.


He had no money to go to England. He had to get consent of his elders. He had to get sepapration from relations. He tried to get some scholarship but failed. He had to ask his elder brother to help him because his father had died.


Pick up words from the passage which convey the following meanings : ( Marks : 2)

(a) grief

(b) at last

Ans. (a) grief = misery

(b) at last = practically


Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :


Vegetarianism promotes a natural way of life. But despite its implicit message of universal love and non-violence it has not spread, as it should have. This may be because it usually is an inward - looking habit and is best cultivated in the mind.


Leading a vegetarian way of life helps the animal kingdom to coexist with man. The animals supply milk, manure and energy. This has been central to the Indian culture for thousands of years. A vegetarian lifestyle is natural, multifaceted and helps self-preservation in a healthy way. Food and health are closely related.


In India a vegetarian is usually a lacto-vegetarian. In the Western world vegetarians are sub-divided as "vegans" ( pure vegetarians who do not take any food coming from animal kingdom), lacto-vegetarians, who use dairy products of the vegetable kingdom and lacto-ova-vegetarians. The last category includes eggs, in addition to dairy products.


The Western science of food considers food as something to sustain only the human body, whereas the Indian science considers food as something which sustains not only the body, but also maintains the purity of heart, mind and the soul. Thus an item of food which is injurious to the mind is not considered to be fit for consumption, even if it is otherwise beneficial to the body or satisfied the taste. Indian food science does not give so much importance to protein or even to the balanced diet but it gives importance to food that increases the strength of the body and its virility.


Vegetarian foods provide an infinite variety of flavours whereas non - vegetarian foods have hardly any taste of theirown. In fact, non-vegetarian foods have to be seasoned with ingredients from the vegetable kingdom to make them palatable.


In most sports disciplines, vegetarians lead in endurance tests. "You are what you eat" is an old saying and it is a fact that it is the food that makes the man. The food we eat, its quality, quantity, its timing and combination is of utmost importance to healthy life.


It is significant to note that in USA nearly 30 to 40 million people have adopted vegetarianism in the last decade. More and more intellectuals in UK. Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Israel, Mexico, Russia and its former allies are gradually turning to vegetarian diet not only on ethical and humanitarian grounds but also for health and ecological reasons.


In UK; surveys have shown that the medical bills of vegetarians are considerably lower than the non-vegetarians. Further, the premium rates of insurance in some categories are also lower than those of vegetarians.


Extensive studies by a group of Bombay doctors have confirmed that vegetarianism offers protection from coronary diseases. It prevents and helps management of most of the gastro-intestinal diseases and is suitable for all non-insulin dependent and insulin - dependent diabetics. Nephrologists use the diet as a major part of their therapeutics. A vegetarian diet is more useful in the treatment of liver disorders including the last stage of liver failure, when the dietary intake of fat is to be reduced. Vegetarians tend to have lower blood pressure. Lacto-vegetarian diets with their high fibre content, low acid and high vitamin and minerals prevent and to a certain extent relieve the pain felt with the progression of arthritis.


There are some sub-titles given in the box. Select five suitable ones for paragraph number 2 to 6 and write them in the spaces given. First one is done for you as an example.

Food habits Vegetarianism, Importance of food,
Pure vegetarians, Different foods Food and health,
Food habits  
  Paragraph 1

(a) Paragraph 2 ___________
(b) Paragraph 3 ____________
(c) Paragraph 4 ______________
(d) Paragraph 5 ____________
(e) Paragraph 6 ____________
(a) Food and Health (b) Food Habits (c) Pure Vegetarians
(d) Different foods (c) Importance of food  
A3.2 On the basis of your reading of the above passage, complete the sentences given below :

The passage is about (a) _______________ . The message of vegetarianism is (b) _____ Indians think that the food and not only (c) __________ body but also (d) ______ the purity of heart and mind.


The passage is about vegetarianism. The massage of vegetarianism is universal love and non-violence, Indians think that the food not only sustains body but also maintains the purity of heart and mind.

A3.3 Give below is an extract from the passage (paragraphs) with some words missing. You have to substitute these words with your own without changing the meaning. ( Marks : 3)

"Vegetarian food (a) _____________ an infinite (b) _________ of flavours whereas non-vegetarian foods have (c) ___________________________ any taste of their own. In fact non-vegetarian

foods have to be (d) _______________________ with (e) _____________ from the vegetable kingdom to make them (f) _______________


Vegetarian food given an infinite number of flavours whereas non-vegetarian foods have rarely any taste of their own. In fact non-vegetarian foods have to be complemented with constituents from the vegetable kingdom to make them eatable.

A3.4 Who are ? ( Marks : 2)
(a) Pure vegetarians

(b) Lacto-vegetarians

Ans. (a) Pure Vegetarians : The persons who don't take any food derived from animal kingdom.

(b) Lacto-Vegetarins : The persons those use dairy products of the animal kingdom.




An article appeared on natural resources, in a newspaper. Our natural resources are sun, air, water and minerals. Using these resources scientifically we can make our life happy. You are required to complete the sentences which carry the above mentioned message in the following paragraph :

(Marks : 5)

We not only (a) _____________our food but also (b) _____________ ears by using (c) ___________ energy. We are producing (d) _____________________ by building dams and running wind mills. By digging (e) _________________________ we get coal for our thermal power projects.


We not only make our food that also drive ears by using solar energy. We are producing electricity by building dams and running wind mills. By digging mines we get coal from our thermal power projects.


Now we send messages through S.T.D. and rarely use telegrams. Money paid in S.T.D. call is not on number of words but the minutes and seconds you spend on the telephone.

Prepare a message of not more than fifty words to say that you need a house on rent in Bombay. Message will contain the details of the house, locality and maximum rent to be paid.


Message Thro' STD

Hello ! Sharma Properties. I'm Nikita from Delhi, want a house on rent in Andheri (East) preferably three rooms attached bath against Rs. 4000 per month as rent max. The neighbourhood should be educated -ones. Ring back 3284478 (011)


You are reqired to speak on 'Pollution' in the school morning assembly. Prepare your speech taking help help from the following points. You may use ideas contained in the unit 'Environment'.


Environment - air- water -noise

Sources of pollution - traffic - garbage

Ecological balance - falling of trees - building of dams - congested localities.

Suggestions - Plantation - pooling - shifting of factories and mills.


It is alarming that we are heading towards 21st century which would be a polluted century. The position on earth is worsening day by day. The air, the water, the earth, the seas - pollution is widespread everywhere. Most of the sources of pollution are traffic and garbage. Falling of trees, building of dams and congestion in localities unbalancing the ecology. The noise level in the city has on increase to an extent that we'd be unable to hear each other's talk. The urban centers are badly polluted by the smoke emitted out from the vehicles.

Only remedy to this dangerous position is to plant more and more trees. The Govt. should shift the factories miles away from the urban centers. It should check population boom and restrict tree -felling. Plantation programme is to be encouraged in those empty plots in order to purify the environment around.



David of class IX a is not coming to school because he is suffering from fever. He wants you to write an application to the Principal to excuse his absence from school for a week. Write this letter on his behalf taking help from the following notes : (Marks : 10)

Suffering - uable to even write - taking medicine / will take about a week - grant leave - will make up - friends' help - home work - class work - thanks.

Ans. The Principal,

H.R.D. Memorial School,

K.K. Nagar.


Most respectfully I beg to state that David has been suffering from fever for the last seven days. Being weak he could not write before. The doctor advised him to have complete rest with regular doses of medicines. It will take about a week to refresh him for going the school hours. He will make up his loss taking help from the friends.

Kindly grant me leave for a weak so as to keep him fit.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours obediently,




7th Aug, ......



The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one mistake in each line. Underline each error and write your correction in the space provided. The first one has been done as an example :

Mahatma Gandhi did not set out as evolve a to
philosophy of life or formulate a system (a) _____________
of beliefs or ideals. He had either the (b) ___________
inclination nor the time for do so. (c) _________
He had however, firm faith about truth (d) ________
and ahinsa and its practical application (e)_________
to life. They are said to be the (f) __________
constitute of his (g) _____________
teachings and philosophies. (h)___________
Mahatma Gandhi did not set out as evolve a to
philosophy of life or formulate a system in
of beliefs or ideals. He had either the neither
inclination nor the time for do so.
He had however, firm faith about truth in
and ahinsa and its practical application their
to life. They are said to be the in
constitute of his constituents
teachings and philosophies. philosophy

In the following paragraph one word has been omitted from each line. Mark (/) where the word has been omitted and write this word in the space provided. The first correction has been done as an example : (Marks : 4)

There was hardly / political, social any
religious, agrarian, labour any other, (a)
problem which come under (b)

his purview and he did not

deal on his own within the frame work of the


principles which he held he basic and (e)
fundamental. There hardly any aspect of life (f)
in India which he influence and fashion (g)
according his own pattern. (h)
There was hardly / political , social any
religious, agrarian, labour any other, or
problem which come under didn't
his purview and he did not own
deal on his own within the frame work of the it

principles which he held he basic and

fundamental. There hardly any aspect of life was
in India which he/influence and fashion did
according/his own pattern. to

Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meangingful sentences. First one has been done as an example.

Two hours / and the tiger / kept away from / had been successfully / passed / coming to finish his meal.

Example : Two hours passed and the tiger had been successfully kept away

from coming to finish his meal.

(a) I/ reasonably / at peace / began / to feel

(b) That / then suddenly / I was/ it stuck me / not out of danger.


Two hours passped and the tiger had been successfully kept away from coming to finish his meal.

(a) I reasonably began to feel at peace.

(b) Then suddenly it stuck me that I was not out of danger.

C. 4.

Read the dialogue given below. Based on your reading complete these sentences without adding any new information. (Marks : 5)

Wife - Our servant has run away.
Husband - Is anything missing ?
Wife - Yes, may gold watch
Husband - Where did you keep it ?
Wife - On the dressing table, as usual.
Husband I am going to the police to report.
Wife told her husband that (a)_____________

Husband asked the wife (b)___________

The wife told him that (c)_____________

The husband then asked her where (d)_____________

and told her that he (e)___________


Wife told her husband that their servant had run away. Husband asked the wife if anything was missing. The wife told him that her gold watch ( was missing). The husband then asked her where she kept it. Wife told him that she had kept it in the dressing table as usual. Husband told her he was going to the police to report.



Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow :

Because some tortures are physical and some are mental,(Marks : 4)

But the one that is both is dental.

It's hard to be self possessed.

With your jaw digging into your chest.

(a) How is the torture mental ? (Mark : 1)

(b) How does the jaw dig into the chest ? (Mark :1)

(c) How is the torture hard and how can it be born ?( Marks :2)


(a) The torture is mental because the poet fears that the dentist would pull out a healthy tooth.

(b) The dentist is using all sorts of instruments in his mouth. It is a sort of physical torture. He feels that the jaw is digging into the chest.

(c) Torture is hard as all his nerves are being troubled and he, on the other hand, is unaware of dentist's work. However, it can be born in order to save the teeth from decay.


It cannot die of chill in the stomach. Either the doorway has been cleared, or clouds have been parted for an instant by the sun. ( Marks : 4)

(a) Who is it ? (Marks :1)

(b) Where did the chill come from ? ( Mark : 1)

(c) What has the sun done ? (Mark : 1)

(d) Who is the poet ? ( MArks : 1)

Ans. (a) 'It' is the new born lamb.

(b) The chill came from the sleet and cold waves which had been coming for the last few days.

(c) The sun has come out of the clouds and glorified the world with its rays. The room has been lit.

(d) The poet is Keki N. Daruwala.


Read the extract and answer the questions that follow : (Marks : 5)


Merry Christmas, indeed ! What right have you to marry ? You are poor enough.

Fred :

What right have you to be dismal ? You are rich enough.

(a) Who was Fred and why did he visit Scooge? (Marks : 2)

(b) Does Fred reach to Scooge's criticism? How does he react ? ( Marks : 2)

(c) Explain the word 'dismal'.


(a) Fred was the nephew of Scooge. He visited Scooge to invite him to a dinner with him and his wife Peg.

(b) Of course, Fred reacts to Scooge's criticism. He interrogated Scooge by saying that why he was sad despite being so rich.

(c) The word 'dismal' means cheerless, serious and sad.


"The young maiden who was as semibarbaric as her father". Who is the young maiden and how she proved to be semibarbaric ? ( Marks : 4)


The Princess was almost as semi-barbaric in nature as her father. She was reckless, and self-centred. She committed the folly of loving a commoner. When she knew that it would not be accepted by her father. She turned up to witness the trial of her lover who could become food for the tiger. Though she knew the secret, she directed her lover to the door on the right. She was dominering and vain like her half-civilized father.


Raghu in the story 'Games at Twilight' reacts to Ravi's behaviour when he returns and writes his diary. Write his diary in the space given below expressing his reactions about that day's events.(Marks :8)

Ans. Tueday,

7th Sept.,..........

How amazing 'Ravi behaved in such a mad manner, I could not believe even now. We're playing hide and seek. Every one had been trapped and we had changed our play. Just then Ravi emerged from somewhere and shouted 'winner! winner!" I feel that he was right. We all had forgot him. It hurt his feelings. Mother too scolded him for no reason. But I doubt, his sentiments had been hurt. How can I excuse him ? Should I go to ask him for sorry ? Of course, it'll heal up and strengthen the tie of friendship.

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