Sample Papers

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ENGLISH (Course - A)


Time Allowed : 3 Hours

Maximum Marks : 100

This paper consistsof 4 sections

A. READING 30 Marks.
B. WRITING 30 Marks.
C. GRAMMAR 15 Marks.

SECTION : A (Reading)



The drink of Asia for hundreds of years, tea, is believed to have been brought to Europe by the Dutch. Today, from the remotest corner of Ladakh to Buckingham Palace, tea is synonymous with cheer.

It is rightly said that there will be no agreement on a perfect cup of tea. Though for tea drinkers the brew is addictive, the preferred method of preparation and taste differs from person to person and region to region.

Today many varities of tea and tea brands are available in the market. An innovation is the tea-bag that is easy, quick and less messy than traditional ways of brewing tea. Green tea is popular in China and the Far East. In Japan, the tea ceremony is a traditional way of greeting guests and is a social occasion. Unlike the tea we are familiar with, green tea is not drunk with sugar or milk. It is an olive-coloured liquid served in porcelain cups. In Morocco, green tea is infused with freshly plucked mint.

Some scientists believe tea prevents tooth decay because it is a rich source of fluoride. Tea is also a folk remedy for stomach upsets, flu and diarrhoea. Research suggests that drinking tea reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer and lowers cholesterol levels in the blood. A welcome thought for inveterate tea drinkers. ( 223 Words)

(Marks - 8)


Based on your reading of the passpage, fill in the gaps in the sentences given below.

  Tea was drunk in Asia (a) ___________________ it was

introduced into Europe. Though each person likes his or her (b) ________

of tea, all tea-drinkers are (c) ___________________

A new and convenient way of making tea is (d) _____________________

In China, (e) ___________________and

(f) _________________ people enjoy drinking green tea. (Marks 3)

Ans. (a) ........................ for 100 years before

(b) ........................ preparation of cup

(c) ........................ addictive

(d) ........................ tea bags

(e) ........................ green tea is popular

(f) ......................... in Morocco too.


Using the information given in the passage complete the notes given below. Do not add any new information.

(Marks 3)


Why Tea is Good for Health





  (a) ____________________ (d) _______________________

(b) _____________________ (e) _______________________

(c) ______________________(f) _______________________

Ans. (a) Heart -disease (d) Flu

(b) Cancer (e) Stomach upsets

(c) Tooth-decay (f) Diarrhoea

A1.3 (a) Find the word in line 1-12 that means farthest.

________________________(Marks 1)

(b) Find the word in lines 10-21 that means habitual

_______________________(Marks 1)

Ans. (a) farthest = remotest

(b) habitual = inveterate


Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :

Our opportunities are great but let me warn you that when power outstrips ability, we will fall on evil days. We should develop competence and ability which would help us utilise the opportunities which are now open to us. From tomorrow morning - from midnight today-we cannot throw the blame on the Britisher. We have to assume the responsibility ourselves for what we do. A free India will be judged by the way in which it will serve the interests of the common man in the matter of food, clothing, shelter and social activities. Unless we destroy corruption in high places and root out every trace of nepotism, love of power, profiteering and black marketing which have spoiled the good name of this country in recent times, we will not be able to raise the standards of efficiency in administration as well as in the production and distribution of the necessary goods of life. (153 words)

(Marks 8 marks)


Given below is a summary of the passage above. Based on your reading of the passage fill in the blanks appropriately, using only the information given.

Dr. Radhakrishanan said that that Independence would give (a) __________________

to make great progress. In order to (b) ______________ we must

develop our abilities and skills and assume responsibility (c) ____________________

We (d) ______________ corruption, nepotism

and black marketing. Only then (e) _____________ the

standard of life of our people. (f) _____________________

is greater than our ability to handle it we will face great trouble. The world

(g)______________________ free India

(h) ___________________ takes care of its common people.

Ans. (a) ................................... all of us opportunities.

(b) ................................... utilise the opportunities

(c) ................................... for the work to be done.

(d) ................................... must eradicate

(e) ................................... we'll be able to raise

(f) Unless the power to make the use of opportunities ...............

(g) .................................... will judge

(h) .................................... by the way in which it .....................


Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :

The eastern skies were turning slowly from black to pale green with the coming of dawn, and we still had not found our elusive amphibian. The hunters explained that it was useless continuing the search once it was light, for then the frog would not show itself.

This meant that we had some two hours left in which to track down the beast and capture it. At last, damp, cold and dispirited, we came to a broad flat valley filled with great boulders through which a stream picked its way like a snake.

We had moved about half-way up this valley when I decided to break off for a cigarette. I came to a small pool that lay like a black mirror ringed all around with all rocks. Choosing a smooth dry stone to sit on I switched off my torch and sat down to enjoy my smoke. When I finished my cigarette, I flipped the butt into the air so that it swooped like a glowing firefly and fell into the pool, where it extinguished itself with a hiss.

Almost immediately afterwards something jumped into the pool with a loud plop. I switched on my torch quickly and shone it on the surface of the water, but there was nothing to be seen.

Then I flashed the beam across on the mos-covered rocks which formed the lip of the pool. There, not a yard from wher eI was sitting, squatting on the extreme edge of a rock, sat a great, gleaming, chocolate - coloured frog. His fat thighs and the sides of his body were coveoored with a tangled pelt of something that looked like hair. I sat there hardly daring to breathe, for the frog was perched on the extreme edge of the rock, overhanging the pool;l he was alert and suspicious, his legs bunched ready to jump. If he was frightened, he would leap straight off the rock and into the dark waters. For perhaps five minutes I remained as immobile as the rocks around me, and gradually, as he got used to the light, the Hairy Frog relaxed.

As I sat there I was busy working out a plan. First, I had to switch the torch from my right hand to my left hand without disturbing him and then I had to lean forward until my hand was near enough to his fat body to risk grabbing at him.

Shifting the torch caused me acute anguish, for, he watched with an alert and suspicious eye. When I had achieved the change I sat quietly for a few mninutes to allow him to settle down again. Then, with great caution, I moved my cupped hand slowly towards him until my hand was hanging just above him. Then I took a deep breath and grabbed. As my hand swooped downwards, the frog jumped, but he was not quite quick enough and my grasping finger caught him by one slippery hind leg.

This frog was not going to give up his liberty without a fight. He uttered a loud screaming gurk, and kicked out frantically with his free hind leg, scraping his toes across the back of my hand and on the skin appeared several deep grooves which turned red with welling blood. I was so astonished by this unexpected attack, that I must have relaxed my hold slightly. The frog gave an extra hard kick and a wriggle, his moist leg slid through my fingers, there was a plop as he hit the water and the ripples danced. My Hairy Frog had escaped. (593 Words)

(14 Marks)

* The Sighting * Action * A Plan * Long Preparations
* Escape * The valley * Late Walk * Relaxation * Rocks
  Paragraph 1 The Valley
  (a) Paragraph 2 __________________

(b) Paragraph 3 __________________

(c) Paragraph 4 ___________________

(d) Paragraph 5 __________

(e) Paragraph 6 _______________

Ans. Paragraph 1 The Valley

Paragraph 2 Relaxation

Paragraph 3 The Sighting

Paragraph 4 A Plan

Paragraph 5 Action

Paragraph 6 Escape


Based on your reading of the passage, complete the sentences given below by filling in the blanks.

The passage is about (a) _______________

undertaken by (b) __________________

(c) ________________________.

However in the end (d) ________________

(Marks : 4)

Ans. (a) ................... catching a hairy frog.

(b) ................... the author / narrator.

(c) who tried to catch the frog.

(d) .................. it escaped.


Given below is a part of the passage with some words missing. Fill in the blanks with words not used in the passage but do not change the meaning of the sentence.

(3 marks)

There,not (a)________________________

from where I was sitting, squatting on the extreme (b) ___________________

of a (c) __________________ sat a great,

(d) _________________

(e) _____________ frog. His fat thighs and the

sides of his body were covered with (f) ____________ pelt

of something that looked like hair.

Ans. (a) ........................ at a distance.

(b) ......... verge

(c) ............. rock

(d) ........... brown coloured

(e) ....... fatty

(f) ......ntertwined


The it and its in lines 6 and 8 have been bold italicised. What do they each refer to ?

(a) it in line 6 refers to ____________________

(b) its in line 8 refers to ________________ (Marks : 2)

Ans. (a) frog

(b) stream


SECTION : B (Writing)


Prabha is a Reporter for a paper. She made these notes for a news item. Read them and complete the news item given below. (5 marks)


local train - travelling at full speed - Canning to Talki - Gauranga ---- 7 yr. old - tending cattle nearby - saw break in track -- took off and waved red shorts like a flag - driver noticed, braked, stopped - avoided accident.

  Seven Year Old Averts Train Accident

New Delhi, April 18

A local train was travelling at full speed from Canning to Talki in the Sealdah South section . Gauranga, (a) __________ near the railway line, saw that (b) ________ at one place. He immediately (c)

_________ and waved it (d) ___________________ rushing towards the train. The driver noticed the boy, (e) _______________ just before the point of danger. Gauranga's alertness saved hundreds of lives.

Ans. Seven Year Old Averts Train Accident

New Delhi, April 18

A local train was travelling at full speed from Canning to Talki in the Sealdah South section. Gauranga, a 7-year old boy tending cattle near the railway line, saw that there was a break in track at one place.

He immediately took off his red shorts and waved it like a flag rushing toward the train. The driver noticed the boy, braked and stopped the train just before the point of danger. Gauranga's alertness saved hundreds of lives.


Rahul of X-A is a theature enthusiast and is interested in entering an inter-school play competition being held to celebrate 50 years of Indian Independence. His teacher has told him the school could enter the competition if he finds enough volunteers before 10 September to take care of all the work - acting, directing, costumes, props, lights etc. HE decides to write a notice for the notice board asking for participants or volunteers. In the space below write out the notice is not more than 50 words. Give the notice an appealing heading. (Marks :5)




proposes to enter

Inter - School Competition to celebrate 50th year of Indian Independence.

The interested students may give their names to the undersigned by 10th Sept.

Volunteers should possess the quality of acting, costumes, props etc.





Maria of 7, Gandhi Road, Jaipur, is very interested in sports and concerned about the state of sports in the country. She decides to write a letter to the editor of The Herald, Jaipur, on Why can't we win an Olympic Gold? She made some notes for her letter. Using the notes and your own ideas, write out the letter in the space provided. ( 10 marks)

No sports 'culture' - not enough emphasis on sports in schools - facilities for training and coaches lacking - funds /sports scholarships very few talented do not get sponsors or jobs - public, selectors and trainers not interested enough - plenty of talent in the nation - only we are unable to spot and nurture it.

Ans. The Editor,

The Herald, Jaipur,

March 11, xxxx

Dear Six,

We must feel ourselves liliputian before the world on the deplorable performance of our athletes in national as well as international games. We 97 crore Indians played a blank while the tiniest countries fetched almost the gold in their pockets. Why can;t we win an olympic Gold ? Who is to blame?

A quick look over the subject matter unfolds the secret. In India the sports/games are considered time-wasting jobs or activities in school or college. The educational institutions aim only at the best scores in books. They don't appreciate the 'talent in games'. The fund is not a severe problem. The problem is how to manupulate it in order to sharpen the talent in the fields of sports. Politicians should not consider the sports person as their 'boys'. Selection should be made impartial. Only the genius should go forwaord without any difference in caste, creed or colour.

There is plenty of talent in the nation, the problem only is that we are unable to spot and murture it.


Yours ever,



Harish has to make a spech at the assembly on 'The Qualities Required for Success. He notices the chart given below in the paper and decides to use it as the basis for his speech. Using the chart and your own ideas from the unit on Education write out the speech in the space provided. ( Marks : 10)

Ans. Chart to be inserted.

Shakti wanted to speak at the school assembly on the problem of illiteracy in India after 50 years of Independence and what school students can do about it. He got the information given below from the library. Based on this and using your own ideas write out Shakti's speech in the space provided. ( Marks : 10)

Literate Population : ( figure in lakhs)
1971 1,613,78
1981 2,410,32
1991 3,592,84
Literacy Rate : (%)
1951 18.3
1961 23.3
1971 34.4
1981 43.7
1991 52.3
Ans. Dear friends,

I am here not to give you clues for getting sure success in your life. As I am also one of you, I know which path is to be followed by us to achieve our goal.

There is not a short cut to get splendid success in life. You must get on the steps one by one to reach the top. You need to have the skill/talent or knowledge to make your mark.

It is quite natural that everybody wants success in one's life. He or she wants to become a hero or heroine, a star performer. Let me tell you the most important aspects for getting splendid success in life. First knowledge is foremost. Hardwork, talent and intelligence play vital roles in attaining the success if supplemented with honest. As it is rightly said 'no pain-no-gains'. Be honest in your work and get the fruit - sweet fruit of your sincere labour.




The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one mistake in ach line. Underline each error and write your correction in the space provided. The first one has been done as an example.

  One day, the Nawab sent words word

to his minister that I wanted (a) ______________
a entire earth measured from (b) ______________

side to side and of end to end. (c)______________
He would also great appreciate (d)______________

it, if the minister count the (e)______________

stars an the sky as well. The (f)______________
minister say it was impossible. (g)______________

no one will do such a thing. (h)______________ (Marks : 4)

One day, the Nawab sent words word
to his minister that I wanted he
a entire earth measured from the
side to side and of end to end. from
He would also great appreciate greatly
it, if the minister count the counted
stars an the sky as well. The in
minister say it was impossible, said
no one will do such a thing. could

In the following paragraph, one word has been omitted from each line. Mark the place where you think a word has been ommitted with a '/'. Write the omitted word in the space provided. The first correction has been done as an example.

However, /Nawab said that he the
had do it. So the minister (a)_______________
became depressed wondered (b)_______________
how he fulfil the Nawab's (c)_______________
demands. Just Gopal Bhar (d)_______________
walked ans saw that the (e)_______________
minister in a state of despair (f)_______________ (Marks : 3)
However, / Nawab said that he the
had/do it. So the minister to
became depressed / wondered and
how he / fulfil the Nawab's might
demands. Just/ Gopal Bhar then
walked / ans saw that the in
minister / in a state of despair. was

Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences to complete the paragraph. Write each sentence in the space provided. One has been done as an example for you.

  Gopal Bhar/was/the matter / the minister /what asked.

(a) The minister told/the Nawab's /Gopal about / demand / impossible

(b) Then Gopal / asked the minister / to give him/his difficult task/and one year/ a million rupees/to finish/ to request the Nawab.

(c) Gopal promised /after one year/ to the Nawab / himself / to go/with the results

Example : Gopal Bhar asked the minister what the matter was. (Marks : 3)


Gopal Bhar asked the minister what the matter was.

(a) The minister told Gopal about the Nawab's impossible demands.

(b) Then Gopal asked the minister to request the Nawab to give him a million rupees and one year to finish this difficult task.

(c) Gopal promised to go himself to the Nawab with the results after one year.


Read the dialogue given below. Based on your reading, fill in the gaps with appropriate words or phrases. Do not add any new information. ( Marks : 5)

One year later court

Gopal : I am ready with my answers, Your Highness.
Nawab : Good ! Now give me the answers. The exact figures.
Gopal :

Figures ? Figures weren't part of the agreement. I have done exactly as you asked. The earth is as wide as the thread in the first seven carts here and as long as the thread in the next eight carts. There are just as many stars in the sky as there are hair on these five sheep that I have so carefully selected.

Nawab :

Impossible. I can't measure that thread or count the hair on those sheep. Still you have kept your part of the bargain, so here is your reward

Gopal said he was ready (a) ________________________________ . The Nawab (b) _____________ satisfaction and (c) _________ the exact fogures. At which Gopal expressed great surprise and asked which figures the Nawab was (d) _________________, for, as far as he was aware (e) _________________ no figures in the agreement. He (f) ________________ exactly as he had been told. He (g) _________________ the earth which was as wide as the thread in the first seven carts and as long as the thread in the next eight carts. He also (h) ______ that there were as many stars in the sky as (i) ___________________ hair on the five sheep he (j) _______. The Nawab had no choice but to reward Gopal as promised.

Goapl said he was with the answer. The Nawab showed satisfaction and asked for the exact figures. At which Gopal expressed great surprise and asked which figures the Nawab was asking, for, as far as he was aware there were no figures in the agreement. He had done exactly as he had been told. He had measured the earth which was as wide as the thread in the first seven carts and as long as the thread in the next eight carts. He also counted that there were as many stars in the sky as the hair on the five sheep he had so carefully selected.

The Nawab had no choice but to reward Gopal as promised.




Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow. ( Marks : 4)

Ans then at last he says That will be all; but it isn't because he then coats your mouth from cellar to roof.

With something that I suspect is generally used to put a shine on a horse's hoof.

(a) Though the dentist says that will be all why does the poet think that wasn't all ? ( Mark :1)

(b) How do we know that the peot finds what the dentist does here very unpleasant ? ( Marks : 2)

(c) What was the final blow that he had to face at the dentist ? ( Mark : 1)


(a) The poet does think that wasn't all because the dentist coats the poet's mouth with some white substance.

(b) The poet finds that the dentist had used some polish meant for the horses' hoofs.

(c) The poet had to face the visits to the clinic every three months for checkup.


Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. ( Marks : 4)

Day after day, day after day,

We stuck, nor breath nor motion;

As idle as a painted ship

Upon a painted ocean.

(a) Who was stuck and where ? ( Mark 1)

(b) What is effect of the repetition in the first line ? ( Marks 1)

(c) How does the poet communicate the idea of being becalmed ? ( Marks : 2)

Ans. (a) The ship was stuck in a calm ocean.

(b) The repetition provides the idea of time - length the sailors had to wait with eagerness.

(c) The poet communicates the idea of being becalmed by portraying the sight of the ship standing still in the water.


Read the extract from the play The Importance of Being Earnest given below and answer the questions that follow. (Marks : 5)

LADY BRACKNELL : ........ I think some preliminary inquiry on my part would be out of place. Mr. Worthing, is Miss Cardes at all connected with any of the larger railway stations in London ? I merely desire information. Until yesterday I had no idea that there were any families or persons whose origin was a Terminus.

(a) What has happened to make Lady Bracknell ask this question ? ( Marks : 2)

(b) Why does she feel the need to question Mr. Worothing in this way ? ( Mark : 1)

(c) What effect does Mr. Worthing's answers to her questions have on her ? ( Marks : 2)


This drama has been deleted from the revised Textbook meant for 1999 exams onwards.


Ravi, in Games at Twilight stayed in the shed till he was sure that he was the only one left to be found. What made his victory bitter ?


Ravi stayed in the shed till he was sure that he was the only one left to be found. HE hoped to be hailed as the hero. He dashed out of the shed, touched the veranda pillar and shouted at the top of his voice. Nobody gave him the honour of a winner. He felt insulted and downcast at the end. This made his 'victory' bitter.


In the story The Tribute Babuli writes a letter to his elder brother informing him of his arrival for the partition. In the letter he includes his feelings about the partition and guilt about the indifference and neglect he has displayed in the past. Write out Babuli's letter in the space provided. ( Marks : 8)

Ans. Respected Dada,

What a surprise ! A letter after a long time from you made me nervous. As I opened the letter, I was shaken to the ground. The younger brother quarrelled with you for the share in the property. What a shameful! As for my part, I can't think so in a dream as I'm greatly indebted to you for my studies and upbringing. I can't imagine of task taking 'part' of my share from the 'cut' on the household things.

I'm feeling extremely sorry for neglecting my duties towards you and the home. But now as per your orders I am reaching there not to take part in such butchery task but only to witness the drama. You'll find me on your side, I assure you.

Yours truly,


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