Sample Papers

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Time Allowed : 3 Hours

Maximum Marks : 100

General Instructions :

1. The question paper is divided into 4 sections namely :

Section A - History - 35 Marks

Section B - Geography - 35 Marks

Section C - Civics- 20 Marks

Section D - Economics- 10 Marks

2. All questions compulsory

3. All questions of each section must be attempted together of one place.

4.(i)Answer to questions of 1 mark should not exceed 20 words each.

(ii) Answer to questions of 2 marks should not exceed 30 words each.

(iii) Answer to questions of 3 marks should not exceed 60 words each.

(iv) Answer to questions of 4 marks should not exceed 80 words each.

(v) Answer to questions of 5/6 marks should not exceed 100/120 words each.

6. Stencils or templates for drawing outline maps may be used wherever necessary.

7. Attach the maps provided within the answer book.


What is referred to as 'paper partition' in the colonisation of Africa ?


Though the partition of Africa was nearly completed by the end of 19th century, but it was only paper partiton. The actual partition took place much later, and was achieved by the use of superior military might of the European powers to suppress the resistance by the Africans.


Name the political parties of Russia that represented the industrial workers. How did they differ in their policies ?


The Mensheviks and the Bolsheviks were the two political parties which represented the Russian industrial workers. They differed in their policies. The Mensheviks favoured open party-system while the Bolsheviks advocated the underground secretive party for bringing about changes in Russia.


What were the countries that signed the Anti - Comintern Pact ? Why was this Pact signed ?


Germany, Japan and Italy signed the Anti-Comintern Pact 1937. The Pact was signed to fight communism and launch an attack on the communist Russia.

Q.4. Mention any two aims of the Wood's Dispatch.

1. The British Government agreed to propagate education in the country.

2. It also decided that local languages will be encouraged along with the English lanaugage.


Describe how the Moroccan crisis led to the First World War ?


Morocco is situated on the north coast of Africa. It is important to the western entrance in the Mediterranean. Obviously both France and Italy laid laim on its territory. In 1904, France was able to occupy Morocco while England had occupied Egypt. Thus started the French plans to conquer. Morocco. Germany opposed the French move in Morocco. There arose rivalries between the European countries for capturing the area, especially between France, Germany and Spain. In 1912, France established her protectorate in Morocco and this made the Moroccam crisis as one factor responsible for the First World War.


Why was the Spanish Civil War fought ? Why did it assume international significance ?


The Spanish Civil War ( 1936) was more than a civil war. It was a war which had global effects. In this war, numerous opposing countries supported one side or the other fighting in Spain. While Germany, Italy, and Japan supported General Franco, Britain, France and the USSR supported the socialist-democratic forces of Spain. The world seemed divided between two groups and these two groups fought against each other during the Second World War.


Explain the ills of the Indian society of the eighteenth century.


The Indian society suffered the following ills in the 18th century :

1. The Indian soceity was economically most backward.

2. Socially, the Indian society was most traditonal.

3. There had prevailed social ills like infanticide, dowry ills, purdah system in India in the 18th century.

4. Education was a neglected field, especially the female education. Women were treated second rate citizens.


Trace the main changes that have taken place in Germany after the Second World War.


After the Second World War, numerous developments led to the division of Germany. These included the capture of Germany from four sides by countries like the USA, Great Britain, France, and the USSR. The three zones ( American, British and French) came together and formed what was known as West Germany. The Soviet zone of Germany came to be known as East Germany. Ever the capital Berlin was divided and a wall was created.

Since 1990, the who parts of Germany came into a union and there is now a single country, Germany.


Evaluate the influence of the socialistic ideas on the Indian National Movement.


It is true that the ideas of Socialism influenced the course of development of the Indian National Movement in more than one way. This is obvious from the following arguments :

(i) The October Russian Revolution (1917) made a great impact on the Indians. Leaders like Jawahar Lal Nehru were allured by the Socialist ideas as emerged from the revolution. These leaders persuaded the Congress to follow the Socialist policies.

(ii) With the passage of time, working class people, in India, came to join themselves in a union. The formation of Trade Union Congress in 1920 was an example of the emergence of social ideas in India.

(iii) As Gandhiji came to lead the Indian National Congress after the World War I, he made efforts to bring the peasants in the National struggle.

(iv) The Indian National Congress which led the Indian National Movement adopted radical programmes of social and economic reforms in its numerous annual sessions.

Q.10. On the given outline map of India, mark the following :

(i) The place where the Prarthana Samaj was founded.

(ii) The headquarters of the Theosophical Society.

(iii) The place where the Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental college was established.

Ans. Consult your History Text Book.



Give two examples of minorities mention why minorities should be proteocted in a democracy.

Ans. (i) Khalsa educational institutions in Delhi.

(ii) Christian educational institutions in Delhi.

The minorities should be protected in a democracy because they have a separate cultural existence of their own.

Q.12. Mention any two features of a nation.

(1) We need national integration so to preserve the unity of the country.

(2) We need it so to accelerate our economic development.


Describe in brief the problems faced by the Indian villagers.


The Indian villagers face numerous problems. Some of them are :

1. They lack modern tools and implements for cultivating their lands.

2. They also do not have adequate irrigational facilities.

3. They are shortage of finances as well.


How is democracy based on majority rule and minority rights ?


Democracy is a government of all, by all and for all. It, during elections, comes to be divided into majority and minority. The usual principle acceptable in democracy is that the majority rules while the minority has the right to seek its protection, the protection of their rights. The majority rule principle is to be a basic necessity while the safeguards of the minority rights is a corollary of the majoritarian principles.

Q.15. Analyse India'a relations with the USA.

(1) The USA is helping Pakistan militarily. The Pakistani militarism is always directed against India.

(2) The American support to Pakistan on Kashmir is another irritant causing tension between India and the USA.

(3) The USA is attempting to build its naval base in the Indian ocean making the region a zone of tension and conflict.


Explain a Money Bill. How is it passed in the Indian Parliament ?


A money bill is a bill which is related to matters concerning the expenditure and income of the government. It is a bill that states where the money has to be spent and from where the money comes. It is, thus, the balance sheet of the government's financial activities.

The money bill is introduced in the form of budget or supplementary budget by the Finance Minister in the Lok Sabha with the prior permission of the President. After the budget is introduced, there is the general discussion on the budget after a couple of days. Thereafter, the demands of the numerous ministries are taken into account. The appropriation bill ( relating to expenditure) and the financial bill relating to the income are passed one after the other. Once the bills are passed in the Lok Sabha, the Rajya Sabha takes 14 days for discussion, the Rajya Sabha.



In the given outline map of India, locate the following carefully with appropriate symbols and write the name of each item near its location.

17.1 Sutpura Range
17.2 Malabar Coast
17.3 One main jute producing area
17.4 National Capital of India with its name.
17.5 One area under canal irrigation in Delta regions.
Ans. Consult your Geography Text Book.

Give a geological account of the formation of the Indian sub-continent.


The geological account of the India sub-continent can be given as under :

1. The Himalayas and the northern plains were once a part of the sea - called the 'Tethys'.

2. The sea was elongated and shallow, sandwitched between two giant land masses - the Angaraland, and the Gondwana land.

3. Denudation of these land masses resulted in deposition of silt into the Tethys.

4. In course of time, sea not only shrunk further, but also buckled up forming a chain of islands to begin with and after millions of years, into mighty folded maintains such as the Himalayas of to-day.


Explain any three features of hot weather reason in India.


1. The period of hot weather reason is between March and May.

2. During this period, the belt of great heat shifts from South to North. It is the period of rising temperature.

3. It is a period of falling air pressure.


Name major vegetation regions to which Ebony and Sundari trees belong. Name two states where elephants are found ? Give two characteristics of old alluvium ( hanger).


Ebony trees belong to Tropical Rain Forest, while Sundari trees belong to Tidal Forest.

Uttar Pradesh, Kerala.

The old alluvium contains Kankar nodules and also calcium carbonates in sub-soil.


Write briefly two merits of 'water as a source of water power'. Name two main factors which affect the distribution of population.


(a) i. Water helps in irrigation, (ii) it helps in generating electricity.

(b) The type of soil and the fertility of land are the two main factors which affect the distribution of population.


Explain three measures to increase marine fish catch in India.


1. Big mechanised fishing craft and vessels are needed.

2. Landing and berthing facilities in fishing harbours need to be added.

3. Processing facilities of marine products need to be provided.


Name any two major phsiographic divisions of India. Write me feature each of all the three Himalayan ranges.


The Great Mountain Wall of the North and the Northern Plains one the two major physiographic divisions of India.

The three Himalayan Ranges are : The Great Himalaya, the Middle Himalaya and the Outer Himalayas.

The Great Himalaya is the loftiest of all the Himalayan ranges.

The Middle Himalaya has the important hill stations : Dalhousie, Dharamshala, Shimla etc.

The Outer Himalaya is made of unconsolidated river deposits and prone to earthquakes and land-slides.


Explain the role of handloom, powerloom, composite textile mills and spinning mills in Indian Cotton Textile Industry. Write one point each of the above.


The handlooms help produce year; the powerloom sector is a decentralised one, composite textile mills take care both of spinning and weaving of yarns whereas the spinning mills take care only of spinning.


Describe in detail 'coal' under following heads :

(a) Distribution of coal ( excluding lignite) in India.

(b) Demerits of Indian coal ( any two)

(c) Need of conservation of coal ( two points).


(a) The coal deposits in India are mostly located in the Damodar River Valley. The places associated with coal deposits are Raniganj, Jharia, Giridih, Bokaro and Karanpura. The coal fields of Singreni in Andhra Pradesh, Talcher in Orissa and Chanda in Maharasthra are also very large.

(b) The quality of coal is poor; its heating capacity is not well upto the mark.

(c) There is, yet, greater need to need to conserve coal.

(i) Its poor quality can be converted into electricity and gas, (ii) its conversion into oil is also not ruled out.



The problem of fragmentation of holdings remains serious in India's rural economy. Briefly write two disadvantages of it and one measure to solve this problem.


Disadvantage (two ) of the problem of fragmentation of holdings :

1. Fragmented holdings do not become agriculturally viable.

2. Low productivity is another problem : smaller the holdings, lower is the productivity.

Measure to solve such a problem : Cooperative farming makes the fragmental holdings agriculturally viable.


Explain how important are non-factory manufacturing units 'FERA Companies', 'MRTP Companies' and 'Private Enterprises' in India's present industrial structure. Give four points.


The four categories in which private companies are divided are :

(1) Non-factory manufacturing units : There include cottage industries :

(2) FERA Companies : There include industries which are subject to Foreign Exchange Regulations Act.

(3) MRTP Companies : There include industries which are under the control of the Monopolies and Restricted Trade Practices Act.

(4) Other private enterprises.

Non-factory manufacturing units contribute the most to the national income.


Scarcity of essential goods, so far as market supply is concerned, arises from three sources of our economy. Write about these three sources briefly.


1. Production of essential goods is inadequate;

2. Inadequate facilities of storage and marketing; and

3. Hoaording for speculative and black market gains.

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