Sample Papers

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ENGLISH (Course - A)

Time Allowed : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 100

This paper consists of 4 sections
A. READING 30 Marks.
B. WRITING 30 Marks.
C. GRAMMAR 15 Marks.
SECTION : A (Reading)
A1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : (Marks : 14)

  1. I guess you can say I fled. Once, I desperately needed a break. So, I applied for leave and in no time was on my way to my brother's home, 360 kilometres away.

  2. I have had rheumatoid arthritis since the age of 12. I can only sit on flat surfaces. My bed, my portable commode and my wheelchair, all have to be specially made. Each time I go on a long trip, I have to take the whole entourage along. Since the stairs in my brother's house were too steep for the wheelchair, my sis-in-law took me to look at two other places where I could stay : a student's dormitory and a place at the back of my brother's house, next to an apple orchard.

  3. From a distance, the trees began to tease me with glistening spots of tempting red. As I wheeled closer, I realised that they were laden with fruit. Each cluster had 20 to 30 big apples. Yet the railings, fencing the orchard, were rusty. Except for the apples, the whole place looked quite dead.

  4. My brother had three children : two boys, ten year old Hakon and seven year old Thomas, and a three year old daughter whom we affectionately called Mei-ya, meaning little girl. As soon as the boys came back from school, I'd put my books and manuscripts away in the drawer. Hakon would get my wheelchair ready and push me out on an exploration. Four kids from the nieghbourhood would tag along uninvited. The contingent of seven three to eleven year olds, hung round the all day/

  5. "There are plenty of apples in the orchard. It's such a pity nobody is picking them", I told the children.

  6. Every child is at once an angel and a devil. The youngsters immediately understood me. They yelled, "Let's check it out". We were off.

  7. The orchard stood quietly in the sunligh, The apples were red and enticing. Our gaze was fixed on them. Without losing a moment, the small thieves rushed at the fruits, but the bigger and riper ones were higher up and out of reach. I promptly told the children to fetch a broken table and a piece of wire from the rubbish dump. Then, I showed them how to fashion the wire into a hook. Two of the taller kids stood on the table, one pulling and the second picking the fruits. The others passed them down busily enjoying themselves.

  8. The small thieves admired my ingenuity. 'Auntie, you are really great'. They ran around everywhere in excitement. They screamed and yelleld. In the midst of the commotion, the children's father suddenly appeared out of nowhere and caught us unawares. The small thieves fled, leaving me, the gang chief neatly cornered.

  9. So, you have turned into a pretty thief', my brother joked, "What if you are arrested?"

  10. "Arrested ? Me? Do I took like a thief to you?" I sat up in my wheelchair and, feigning innocence, said, "Am I capable of such an act, considering my physical condition?"

  11. Laughing, my brother pushed me home. I was not really after the apples. What I was trying to stel was that quality called childhood.

A1.1 Fill in the summary given below, using one word only. (Marks : 5)

The author was physically disabled and so was (a) ______ on her wheelchair to move around. She was fascinated so see the (b) _______________ big, red apples in the orchard. The railings were not a (c) ______________ to her desire of getting those apples. She was (d) _________ in instigating her brother's children to pluck them. She even (e) ___________ them how to get the apples which were out of their reach.

The author was physically disabled and so was dependent on her wheelchair to move around. She was fascinated to see the attractive big, red apples in the orchard. The railing were 'not a guard' to her desire of getting those apples. She was successful in instigating her brother's children to pluck them. She even instructed / ordered them to get the apples which were out of their reach.

A1.2 Answer the following : ( Marks : 5)

(a) 'Let's check it out' in the passage means (1)

(b) Give two reasons for the narrator's choosing a place near the orchard for her stay : (1+1)

(i) _______________________________

(ii) ______________________________

(c) Pick out a phrase from the above passage that indicates that the narrator is 'young at heart ' and write it in the space provided. (Mark :1)

(d) Why did the children say 'Auntie, you are really great'?(Mark :1)


(a) .. The children made a decision to go forward and pluck the apples at once.

(b) (i) The orchard was full of fruit ( big red apples).

(ii) The stairs in her brother's house were too steep for her wheel-chair.

(c) 'It's such a pity nobody is picking them' indicates that the narrator is young at heat'.

(d) The bigger apples were higher up. She told them the way to reach upto them by fashioning the wire into a hook. The children were highly impressed.


Pick out one word each from the passage which means the following : ( Marks : 4)

(a) Original handwritten document Para 4
(b) Attracting Para 3
(c) Clever at making anything happen Para 8
(d) Noisy disturbance Para 8
(a) manuscript (b) tempting
(c) Ingenuity (d) commotion
A2. Read the passage and answer the questions. (Marks : 8)

1. There are several reasons for a headache. Physical, emotional and mental factors, anxiety and tension are a few. Sometimes, headache can be a signal of an underlying disease. More than medicines, yoga therapy eminently suits any nmeed. Yoga is a comprehensive mode of culturing the body and the mind. Using an 'Integrated Approach of Yoga', the Yoga Research Centres have been able to cure some tough headaches. The integrated approach included breathing, asanas, pranayama, meditation and devotional sessions.

2. Yoga asanas, especially the ones imitating the natural postures of animals, have a tremendous tranquilising effect, without having to depend on common drugs. Pranayama inhibits random agitations in Pranic (energy) flows in Pranamayakosa, stabilising the autonomic nervous system. Dhyana and Samadhi culture the mind to relax it. This approach alters the reaction of an individual to headache. By interrupting the vicious cycle of pain-agony-pain, it prevents headache by becoming a crippling problem.

3. Through asanas that calm you, the pranayama exercises that inibit random energy flows and the meditation that cultivates and relaxes your mind, yoga offers a holistic - form of pain relief. It stops you from becoming locked in the vicious circle on pain - anxiety -pain.

4. Chronic pain : Chronic pain essentially is imbalance in prana ( energy). This imbalance initially manifests only as functional abnormality like Insomnia, lack of enthusiasm, fatigue, increased irritability and lack of concentration. Over the years, the imbalance settles in an organ. Chronic pain may sometimes be just a long standing muscle spasm, which later on may give rise to organise changes in the form of chronic inflammation.


Give one word each from the paragraph mentioned which mean the opposite of : ( Marks : 2)

(a) distraction ------ Para 4

(b) excluded ------Para 1

Ans. (a) concentration (b) included

Complete the following sentences, based on your understanding of the passage. ( Marks : 7)

(a) The programme, "Integrated Approach of Yoga" is called so because (1)

(b) The disturbance in the energy level may lead to(1+1)



(c) The Yoga Asans are considered superior to common drugs because (1)

(d) A holistic form of pain relief comes through





(a) ..... it includes breathing, asans, pranayama, meditation and devotional sessions.

(b) (i).... lack of enthusiasm

(ii).. increased irritability

(c) interrupting vicious circle of pain-agony-pain. The prevent headache from becoming a crippiling problem.

(d) (i) Asanas that calm us.

(ii) The pranayamas' exercises that inhibit random energy flows and the meditation that cultivates and relaxes your mind.

A3. Read the passage and answer the questions. (Marks : 8)

1. During the Gulf War a few years back tens of thousands of sea birds were killed due to oil spills. Do you know what makes crude oil on ocean water so deadly ?

2. Crude oil is not used in the same state it is produced at the offshore wells. It is converted in refineries into a wide range of products such as gasoline, kerosene, diesel, fuel oils, and petrochemical feedstocks. Before it is refined the oil contains potentially fatal components.

3. Crude oil is made up of compounds of carbon and hydrogen called hydrocarbons. These hydrocarbons may be paraffin, the oil which is used as a fuel in heaters and lamps or cycloparaffins ( napthenes) or aromatic compounds in varying proportions. While crudes found in the U.S. are mostly paraffinic, those found along the Gulf Coast are naphthenic which contain sulphur compounds in varying amounts, a small amount of nitrogen and very little oxygen. All crudes will have nickel and vanadium in high concentration. Iron may be found in inorganic form due to corrosion of pipes.

4. Paraffins like methane and ethane are asphyxiants which will cause suffocation. The effects of cycloparaffins are more or less similar to those of the paraffin but the unsaturated. paraffins are more noxious than the saturated ones. The sulphur compounds present in crude oil can be toxic. The mechanism of toxic action seems to involve its breakdown to hydrogen sulphide. They will act principally on the nervous system with death resulting mainly from respiratory paralysis. Sulphur in the form of aromatic thiophenes, benzoethophenes can damage the livers and kidneys of sea animals. Sulphur compounds like mercaptes can be very dangerous.

A3.1 Complete the sentences given below : ( Marks : 5)

(a) The death of sea birds was caused by .....

(b) Potentially fatal compounds are found in the oil before

(c) The crudes found in U.S. are ___________ whereas those found in the Gulf are ___________

(d) The presence of Iron in crude oil is _____________________________

(e) Two useful products we get from crude oil are ________and

Ans. (a)......... spilling of oil.

(b) ......... the crude oil is refined.

(c) The crudes found in U.S. are paraffinic whereas those found in the Gulf are naphthenic.

(d) .......... due to corrosion of pipes.

(e) Two useful products we get from crude oil are gasoline and diesel.

A3.2 Complete the table given below :
Name of the compound The health hazard it leads to
Methane (a)
(b) Respiratory paralysis
Benzoethophenes (c)
Name of the compound The health hazard it leads to
Methane (a)
(b) Respiratory paralysis
Benzoethophenes (c)



Aparna, a nurtition expert has been asked to write an article for a magazine. The following are the notes in her note-book. Use the information in the notes to complete the article. Do not add any new information.

( Marks : 5)

Biochemical link between food and emotions not a new concept, different moods : morning - active, noon-rest : a cup of coffee - works wonders fatty mean-soporific ( causing sleep)

Can certain foods really make you feel better ? Well, the nutrition experts say, 'yes' as they discover more about
(a) ________ The latest research answers important questions. We often notice that (b) ______ during the day. (c) ____________ the mood may be upbeat and (d) _______________ a siesta or rest may not be a bad idea. A cup of coffee can put you back to work, while (e) ________________ irrespective of its calorie content, renders you sleepy.

Ans. (a) the biochemical link between food and emotions.

(b) .... our mood changes quite often ........

(c) ...... in the noon .....

(e) ....... a fatty meal.


You are the student editor of Gandhi Memorial School, Delhi. Write out a notice in not more than 50 words inviting names of those who would like to give articles, stories, cartoons, etc., for the school magazine.

( Marks : 5)

In the space below write out the notice in not more than 50 words excluding the heading.





'CHAKOR' (school magazine) is going to be published very soon. The student writers are advised to submit their own literary works - articles, stories, cartoons poems etc. - to the undersigned on or before 15th April, 2000 or contact Principal.



Student Editor



Gauri saw the following information about an exciting discovery. She is thrilled to read about it and decides to write a letter to her friend in the countryside, on the advancement in Science and Technology. Write a letter using the information from the newspaper article. You may make use of the ideas from the unit on 'Science' alongwith your own ideas. (Marks : 10)


A radio transmitter, as small as a cigarette package that could be used to replace gigantic mobile telephone masts that are thought by some to spoil, the countryside, has been developed by Michael Roberts, an electronics experts at Leeds University, England.

Ans. 17-26, A Shanti Niketan Upper Hill Road,

Sun city,


Dear Proothi,

I hope you're best in your spirits these days. How are you spending your leisure now-a-days ? I am a constant reader of newspaper and come to know that an exciting news about downsizing transmitters is the talk of the town.

Science is really extending its pace at a tremendous rate. It is crossing limits day by day. Till yesterday we're fascinated by telephones operating in our countryside. Now a radio transmitter as small as a cigarette package has been invented. This is a downsized modification of the mobile phones which could be used to replace gigantic mobile telephone masts that are thought by some to spoil the countrysid. It has been developed by Michael Robert, an electronics expoerts at Leeds University, England.

It being small in size it can be carried very easily to any where. There are no chances of its getting defected as its transmission is operated through Satellite. The common man can also have one as it is not expensive. I really enthusiastic about this device and will be hoping that you'll also follow me.

Pay my regards to uncle-aunt. Love to small Anchal.

Yours affectionately,



You are Anand / Anandi. Write a speech to be delivered at the morning assembly in your school about the increase in violence and social unrest in your area, interpreting that data given below. Also give suggestions to curb them.

Graph to be Inserted.

You are Varun / Aruna. Write a speech to be delivered at the morning assembly of your school about the increase in road accidents in your city, using the following data. Also give suggestions to curb them.

Year No. of road accidents
1995 50
1996 110
1997 130
1998 160
1999 205


Good morning everyone,

Today I am here before you to provide my views on increasing violence and social unrest in our area. In past few years, we have been viewing a constant increase in violence in our area resulting social unrest among people. In 1992, 10 cases of violence were reported whereas in 1998 it grows to 40. This tremendous rise in so less a time clearly signifies the unrest in the society. Riots, quarrels, fights in the neighbourhood are reported every here and there. The people fight on even small matters and on trivial issues. It seems that the quality of people and society is deterioting day by day.

To neutralize the effect of this unrest, love and harmony are to be maintained by planning get together in different parts of the neighbourhood. Religious leaders should also be encouraged for the upliftment of the area-people's minds. Strict actions side by side should be taken against those who are found responsible for breaking the peace of neighbourhood with the dint of religious feelings. Each and every matter should be discussed with the police officials twice a week. Open courts should be maintained to provide quick judgement to the victims. I would hope that all of us will be extending our 'help' to the combined efforts to reduce violence. Only Goct. officials can;t do the work of pacifying the people. Come forwoard and make a queue.



There is one mistake in each line in the following paragraph. Underline each error and write your correction in the space provided. The first one has been done for you as an example. (Marks : 4)

All life on earth can ultimately be
traced back on the sea. Creatures (a)
with limbs or fingers rather than (b)
Fins has evolved from fishes (c)
about 335 million years before, (d)

which remain a mystery. The new

fossil find in a rock formation near Scotland (f) 
provides one of the few clue to what has been (g)
happening on these 30 million years.  (h)
All life on earth can ultimately be
traced back on the sea. Creatures from
with limbs or fingers rather than and
Fins has evolved from fishes had
about 335 million years before, ago
which remain a mystery. The new remains
fossil find in a rock formation near Scotland   found
provides one of the few clue to what has been clues
happening on these 30 million years. in

Rearrange the words and phrases given below to form meaningful sentences and write them in the space provided.

(Marks : 3)

(a) tongue, lips and vocal cords / people affected / can communicate / either with limbs / with a paralytic stroke.

(b) to answer /some can / their eyes / even blink.

(c) nervous system / to the voluntary / due to extensive damage/ is impossible / but in a few / even a small gesture.


(a) People affected with a paralytic stroke can communicate either with limbs, tongue, lips and vocal cords.

(b) Some can even blink their eyes to answer.

(c) But in a few even a small gesture is impossible due to extensive damage to the voluntary nervous system.

Ray : I have invited four of my friends for dinner today.
Renu : Then I'll invite my friends also.
Ray : That will be a good idea.
Renu : So, what should we have for dinner ?
Ray : Let us decide the menu now.
Ray told Renu that (a) ________________________________

Then, Renu said (b) ______________________

which Ray thought (c) ____________________________

When Renu asked (d) _____________________

Ray replied (e) ______________________


Ray told Renu that he had invited four of his friends for dinner that day. Then, Renu said that she would invite her friends too, which Ray thought it would be a good idea. When Renu asked about what they would have for dinner, Ray suggested that they should decide the menu then.


Fill in the blanks below using a suitable word each : ( Marks : 3)

(a) ___________________ interviewing first standard students (b) ______________ were candidates for a special programme for gifted children, (c) _________________ of the questions asked was what life would be (d) ___________ 100 years hence. Ravi, one of the candidates answered, "one thing is for sure, February (e) __________ be the longest month of the year at it should be near to 50 or 60 days a month as they add a day to it (f) ________ four years."


While interviewing first standard students who were candidates for a special programme for gifted children, one of the questions asked was what life would be like 100 years hence. Ravi, one of the candidates answered. "One thing is for sure, February would be the longest month of the year as it should be near to 50 or 60 days a month as they add a day to it every four years.




Read the following extracts and answer the questions below them :

"I see him there,

Bringing a stone grasped firmly by the top.

In each hand, like an old savage armed."

(a) Identify 'him' in the above line. ( Mark : 1)

(b) What is 'he' compared to ? Is the comparison apt? (Marks : 2)

(c) What is 'he' compared to ? Is the comparison apt? (Marks : 2)

(d) How does the narrator differ from 'him'? ( Mark)

Ans. (a) 'Him' refers to the poet's neighbour.

(b) He carried the stone to mend the broken wall.

(c) 'He' is compared to the old Stone - Age man who used stones for his security. The comparison is absolutely suitable as the neighbour was adamant on fencing between the neighbours.

(d) Being broadminded the neighbour knew that there was no need of a wall between the neighbours who were on good terms.


"Oh, some people are unfortunate enough to be strung by thunmbs

Ans others have things done to their gums,

Ans your teeth are supposed to be being polished.

But you have reason to believe that they are being demolished". ( Mark : 8)

(a) Name the poet ( Mark :1)

(b) What does 'string by thumbs' mean ? Why has the poet used the phrase in the above context ?

Ans. (a) The name of the poet is Ogden Nash.

(b) In ancient Rome, the people were tied to ropes with their thumbs and were pulled upto then the nails would come out. The poet used the phrase in order to express the pain and agony which is still fresh in his mind.

D 3.

'Another idol has displaced me, a golden one. You hold money more important than me or anything else for that matter, and I'm going to grant your wish : free you from marrying me'.

(a) Who is the 'me' referred to in the passage ? (Mark : 1)

(b) What light does the passage throw on Scrooge ?

(c) Cite two examples from the play 'The Christmas Carol' to show that Scrooge underwent total transformation at the end.


(a) The pronoun 'me' refers to the girl whom Scrooge loved and wanted to marry.

(b) Scrooge was a miserly person to whom money was more important than emotions. To him, money meant only for happiness.

(c) Scrooge spent his Christmas night with his nephew and his wife. He, moreover took gifts for them. He also sent a turkey as a Christmas gift for Bob ( his clerk) and his family. That shows how Scrooge underwent total transformation at the end.


'Ravi shook, then shivered with delight, with self-congratulation. Also with fear'. (Marks : 2)

(a) Why did Ravi congratulate himself ?

(b) What changed Ravi's delight to fear ?


(a) Ravi congratulated himself as he had been able to defeat Raghu. He declared himself the winner.

(b) Ravi's delight vanished soon when he felt that he had been late. It was probable that rest of the boys had forgotten him and continued to play games that changed his delight to fear.


'The Lady of 'The tiger' ends with the dramatic events in the arena. One of the spectators writes a letter to a friend describing what had happend. Write a letter in the space provided. Use your own ideas to create a suitable ending for the story. (Marks : 8)

Ans. Semibarbaria,

1st March, 2000,

Dear friend,

I am describing you what had happened in the arena today. The trial was held. The arena was packed to its capacity. The King and the Princess appeared on the scene when the accused was moved to the arena. He was a smart and stout gentleman. He did not even bow before the King but had a glance towards the Princess. It seemed that he had to decide which door to be chosen to open.

All of a sudden he turned and moved wildly towards the door on the right. He opened it and instantly stepped back. The savage tiger came out. He started fighting with tiger in the midst of loud shoutings from the audience. He kept fight for a long time. At last the man took a knife lying in the arena and thrust with full power into the tiger. There was great surprise. It happened for the first time. The Kind was forced to announce his daughter's marriage with the most courageous man.

Everyone in the arena was overjoyed. There was a great feast for everyone.

Regards to everyone. Love to youngers.

Yours affectionately,


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