Sample Papers

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  Areas of Interest





General Instructions :

(1) All questions are compulsory.

(2) This question paper consists of 30 questions divided into three sections - Section A (Q. 1-15). Section B(Q. 16 to 25) and Section C (Q. 26 to 30).

(3) Question numbers 1 to 15 carry 2 marks each, ques. numbers 16 to 25 carry 4 marks each, ques. number 26 to 30 carry 6 marks each.

(4) Write down the serial number of the question before attempting it.

(5) Use of logarithmic and Trigonometric tables is permitted. However, use of calculator is not permitted.

(6) In Ques. 24 the drawing should be neat and accurate as per measurement given.

Q.1. Solve the following system of equations using cross multiplication method :

2x + 5Y = 1 and 2x + 3y = 3

Q.2. Reduce the rational expression to its lowest terns.

36x5 - 36x / (4x2 + 4) (3x-3)

Q.3. The g.c.d. of two polynomials is (x-1) and their l.c.m. is x6-1. If one of the polynomials is x3 - 1, find the other.
Q.4. Form a quadratic equation, of which one root is 2 -Ö5 and the sum of the roots is 4.
Q.5. A Page from the saving bank pass book is given below.
Date Particular Amount withdrawn Rs. P. Amount deposited Rs. P. Balance Rs. P.
April 11 By cash ( new a/c) -- 2,000 2,000
April 28 By cash -- 5,000 7,000
April 30 To cheque 1,500 -- 5,500
May 9 To cheque 500 -- 5,000
May 10 By cash -- 800 5,800
May 12 To cheque 1,200 -- 4,600
July 10 By Cash -- 400 5,000
July 12 To self 1,000 -- 4,000
July 30 To cheque 500 -- 3,500
Determine the amount, which will earn interest for month of April, 99 and June,99.

John purchased a packet of biscuits with list price Rs. 55 on which the rate of sales tax is 8%. He also purchased a tube of shaving cream with list price Rs. 36 on which the rate of sales tax is 10 %. Calculate the total amount he paid for the purchase of a packet of biscuits and a shaving cream.

Q.7. A sphere of radius r is divided into four identical parts. Find the total surface area of one part.
Q.8. If Ö 3 tanq = 1, find the value of sin2q - cos2q given 00 £q £ 900.
Q.9. Prove : Ö1 + sinq/Ö1-sin q = sec q + tan q, (q ¹ 900)
Q.10. In the adjoining figure, DPQR ~ DPRS If PR = 8 cm and PS = 4cm. Calculate the length of PQ.

The sides of a triangle are 7 m, 24cm and 26 cm long. Determine whether the triangle is a right triangle.

Q.12. In the adjoining figure, AB is parallel to Cd. Prove that BD @ CA.

For the data 1,5,7,x + 1,9, x -2, 3 if the mean is 4, find the value of x. Using this value of x, also find the mode of the data.

Q.14. Define the terms (i) Crude death rate (ii) Infant mortality rate.

Three cubes of metal whose edges are 3 cm, 4 cm and 5 cm are melted and formed into a single cube. Find its edge.


Q.16. Draw the graphs of the following equations on same graph paper.

3x - 2y =6 and 3x + y = 15

Find the coordinates of the vertices of the triangle formed by these two straight lines and the x - axis.


170 copies of Mathematics book and 40 copies of English book cost Rs. 2220. Also, 40 copies of Mathematics book and 50 copies of English books cost Rs. 1900. Find the cost of one mathematics and one English book separately.

Q.18. If x/b+c-a = y/c+a-b = z/a+b-c then prove that (b-c) x+(c-a) y+(a-b) z = 0
Q.19. If a and b are the roots of the equation x2-3x+2 = 0 then show that a3 + b3 = 9.

A room is 8m long, 4.5m wide and 2.8m high. It has one door 1.4m wide and 2 m high with a semicircular ventilator as shown in the diagram and two rectangular windows 2m by 1.5m each. Find the cost of white washing of the inner four walls of the room @ of Rs. 10 per sq. m. (Table p= 22/7).


A hollow cylindrical pipe is made of copper. If the volume of the metal used in the pipe is 748 cu. cm., its external radius is 9 cm and length is 14 cm; find the thickness of the pipe.

Q.22 If cosq + sin q =Ö2 cosq, then prove that cosq - sin q =Ösinq
Q.23. In the given figure ABCD is a trapezium in which AB || DC. If AC trisects BD, then prove that CD = AB/2.

Draw a circle of radius 5cm. Take a point P on it. Construct a tangent at the point P without using the centre of the circle. Also write the steps of construction.

Q.25. Calculate cost of living Index Number for the year 1998, taking 1996 as the base year for the following data :
Item Quantity Price Per kg. 1996 (in Rs.) Price per kg 1998 (in Rs.)
A 40 3.00 2.00
B 20 10.00 15.00
C 20 8.00 16.00
D 30 5.00 8.00
E 10 20.00 25.00


Q.26. Reduce the following equation to a quadratic equation and then solve for x :

x(x-1)(x+2) (x+3) = 24


From the window, 1.2m above the ground of a house on one side of a street, the angle of elevation and the angle of depression of the top and bottom of a pole on the opposite side of the street are 230 and 370. Find the height of the pole, nearest to two place of decimal.


(i) If PAB is a secant to a circle intersecting the circle at A and B and PT is the tangent at T, then Prove that PA. PB = PT2.

(ii) Using the above theorem, prove that the following. In the given figure, two circles intersect each other at P and Q. If AB and AC are tangents to the two circles from a point A on the line joining P and Q, then show that AB = AC.


Sharda's monthly salary is Rs. 22,000 (H.R.A. not included). Her monthly contribution to G.P.F. is Rs. 4000. She pays Rs. 12000 annually as L.I.C. premium and invests Rs. 2000 in N.S.C. She donates Rs. 10,000 towards Prime Minister Relief Fund ( 100 % tax exemption) and Rs. 8000 to a Charitable Trust (50 % exemption), Rs. 2600 are deducted each month from his salary as income tax for 11months. Calculate the income tax payable including surcharge by her in the last month of the year. The rates of income tax are as follows : -

(a) Standard Deduction 1/3 of the annual income subject to a maximum of Rs. 20,000.
(b) Slab Rate of Income Tax
(i) Upto Rs. 50,000 Nil
(ii) From Rs. 50,001 to Rs. 60,000 10 % of the amount exceeding Rs. 50,000.
(iii) From Rs. 60,001 to Rs. 1,50,000 Rs. 1,000 + 20% of exceeding Rs. 60,000.
(iv) From Rs. 1,50,001 onwards Rs. 19,000 + 30 % of the amount exceeding Rs. 1,50,000.
(c) Rebate in Tax 20 % of the total annual savings subject to a maximum of Rs. 12,000.
(d) Surcharge 10 % of the net tax payable.
Q.30. In the given figure, x/3 = y/4 = z/5, then calculate the value of x,y and z.
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