Sample Papers

         Class - X
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         Class - XII
         Board Papers
         Sample Papers
   Sample Papers
 Board Papers
  Sample Papers
  Areas of Interest





Time allowed : 3 Hours

M.M. : 100

General Instructions :

(i) The Paper is divided into two sections : A and B, both the sections are compulsory.

(ii) Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary. Read these instructions very carefully.

(iii) Do not exceed the prescribed limit while answering the questions. Marks will be deducted if this limit is crossed.



Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :


It was on the teacher's table, and we waited for him to open it and admire our kill. The teacher pretended to be indifferent and set us some problems to work on. with studied matter-of-factness, he fetched his forceps and a jar with a banded krait lying curled in muddy methylated spirit. He began to hum and united the cord around the box.

(i) What does 'it' refer to ? (1)

(ii) What happened when the teacher untied the cord around the box ? (2)

(iii) Explain 'admire our kill'. (2)

(iv) How did it look ? Give the description as stated by the author.

(v) Give the meaning of 'indifferent' and use it in a sentence of your own. (2)

Q.2. Answer the following in 30 to 40 words each :

Why did Charlie go to Cape Verde ? Did he succeed ? (2)


At Madder Inn Captain Patch acted his part without a mistake. what was that part and how well did he act it? (2)


What was Miss Stubbs' worry ? Who consoled her and how ?(2)


How was Miss Stubbs' worry ? Who consoled her and how ?(2)


Describe the brief meeting between Najab and Keley Shah.(2)


What was Project Light Brigade ? Did it succeed in its mission?(2)


'Blacks were whiter than the whites'. Prove this with reference to 'Olympic Gold.'(2)

(h) How would you justify the 'Judgement of Paris'? (2)

Gafur wakes up Amina in the dead of night and sets out to work at the Jute Mill in Fulbere. He writes to a friend of his in U.A.E., explaining the circumstances that led him to go to the place which he never liked. Write this letter. It should not exceed 150 words.


Miss Mebbin after getting the cottage at Dorking writes to her sister how she managed to get the cottage, bringing out the vanity of women. Draft a letter not exceeding 150 words.


'When sorrows come, they come not singly, they come in battalions'. Bring out the truth of this statement with reference to the lesson - 'Maternity' (in 150 words).(10)


'Even desperate swimmers paused at the awesome spectacle, so frightening, so fascinating, so noble, so bitter'. - In the light of the statement describe the last few minutes of the sinking 'Titanic' ( in 150 words). (10)


Section 'B'


Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :


Lead- Free Petrol Plant Faces Hurdles

The ambitious plan of the Petroleum Ministry to introduce lealdfree petrol is unlikely to take-off. The use of old model vehicles by a large section of the people and the high cost involved in making the necessary changes in the engine for switching over to use of lead-free petrol are the major hurdles in the smooth take - off of the plan.

Faced with rising levels of pollution, particularly in the metropolitan cities, the Ministry of Petroleum had issued instructions as early as in 1986. to bring down the maximum allowable lead-content in petrol from 0.56 grams per litre to 0.65 gram per litre by September 1992. these instructions were repeated on October 26, 1992 and the revised target dates were divided into two parts. Delhi, Bombay being supplied with petrol not exceeding 0.15 gram per litre by the same period.

Sources in the Petroleum Ministry indicated that the introduction of lead-free petrol requires heavy investment. while ideally a vehicle should be run on lead-less petrol, the automobiles industry in the country is not fully equipped to manufacture such automobiles which can run on lead o free petrol.

sources pointed out that lead - less petrol can only be used on a catalatic convertor made of platinum. the convertor is currently being imported. The design in the existing motor vehicles needs to be changed so that at the time of the manufacturing itself such convertors can be fitted.

Significant, the cost of imported catalatic convertors is in the range of Rs. 15,000 to Rs. 30,000. Moreover, the use of lead-free petrol in a vehicle would warrant is continuous use and if petrol with low -lead content is used even once, the engine is likely to be damaged.

Sources said that even if the automobile industry was to switch over to the new technology of catalatic convertors, there would still be a problem because vehicle owners would be loathe to discard their old vehicles. Petrol with lead content would still have to be made available to this section of car - owners.

Faced with this dilemma, the Petroleum Ministry may revise its schedule by introducing a scheme - mix lead - less petrol, as and when the automobile industry is prepared for the switch over, and petrol with very low content of lead for old vehicles without the necessary catalatic convertors.

sources stated that 0.15 grams of lead per litre of petrol is regarded to be a safe level and the target may be achieved in the country by 1996. Many developed and developing countries are understood to be supplying car owners with lead - free petrol as well as that with low lead - content.

Moreover, if lead - free petrol is made available in the four metros by this year, the vehicles may not be able to ply outside the city-limits because of non-availability of lead-free petrol other towns.

Incidentally, The Ministry of environment is reported to have suggested that immediate measures be taken to arrest the expense of lead - related fumes in the capital, given its dubious distinction of being among the most polluted metros of the world.

Since the number of two-wheelers is the maximum, the Environment Ministry has suggested that production of four - stroke two wheelers be encouraged as against two stroke two-wheelers as they emit less poisonous unburnt hydro-carbons into the atmosphere.

The Ministry has also suggested that use of asbestos as the base of brake - lining and clutch - plates be discontinued since the use of brakes and change of gears pushes asbestos fumes into the atmosphere which are a potent cause of cancer.

Referring to the use of single cylinder diesel vehicles, the Ministry has suggested that use of such vehicles be discourages and replacement made with multi - cylinder diesel vehicles.

The Ministry has suggested that sale of sub-standard fuel and lubricants be checked and also prevent adulteration of fuel. The Ministry has also suggested that use of tongas and cycle rickshaws on certain busy roads be discontinued for smooth flow of the traffic because frequent use to brakes adds to the emission of polluting substance.


On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following questions :


What are the hurdles in the way of executing the plan of using lead - free petrol?(2)

(ii) What is the use of lead - free petrol ?(1)

What is the danger of an engine which is accustomed to use lead - free petrol?(2)


Mention the dilemma of the Ministry of Petroleum. (2)

(v) What are the suggestions of the Environment Ministry ? (2)

Find the words from the above passage which are the antonyms of the following :

(i) high
(ii) rising ( levels of pollution )
(iii) long - term
(iv) maximum (2)
(c) Give the opposites of the following :
(i) adulterated
(ii) continue. (1)

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :


The other day we heard someone smilingly refer to poets as dreamers. Now it is accurate to refer to poets as dreamers but it is not discerning to infer as this person did, that the dreams of poets are just as practical as people who build bridges or look into microscopes are just as close to reality and truth. where they differ from the logician and the scientist is in the temporal sense alone; they are ahead of their time, whereas logicians and scientists are abreast of their time. We must not be superficial that we fail to discern the practicableness of dreams. Dreams are the sunrise streamers heralding a new day of scientific progress another forward surge. Every forward step man takes in any field of life is first taken along the dreamy paths of imagination. Robert foulton did not discover his steamboat with full steam up, straining at a hawser at some Hudson River dock; first he dreamed the steamboat and then scientific wisdom converted a picture in the mind into a reality of steel and wood.

The automobile was not dug out of the ground like a nugget of gold; first men dreamed the automobile and afterwards, the practical minded engineers caught up with what had been created by winging fantasy. He who looks deeply and with a seeing eye into the poetry of yesterday finds there all and cold scientific magic of today and much we shall not enjoy until some tomorrow. If the poet does not dream and the practical conversions immediately effected, he must not for that reason be smiled upon as merely the mental host for a sort of harmless madness. For the poet, like the engineer, is a specialist. His being turned to the life of tomorrow, cannot be turned simultaneously to the life of today. To the scientist, he says, "Here, I give you a flash of the future." The wise scientist thanks him and takes that flash of the future and makes it over into a fibre to today.


On the basis of your reading of the passage make notes on it, using recognizable abbreviations wherever necessary. Use a format you consider suitable. Supply a suitable title. (5)


You are the pupil leader of your school. Draft a notice for the notice board about an excursion that your school is organizing, giving all the necessary information in not more than 50 words, asking those desirous to join the excursion to give their names. (5)


Design a poster for your School Fete. You may use slogans. Do not exceed 50 words. (5)


Your younger brother has joined a Boarding School. He wants to open a Savings Bank Account. Write how to open a S.B. Account not more than 100 words. (5)


Yor are Rammohan a Staff Reporter of The Times of India. You have witnessed a road accident involving a lorry and a Maruti Car. Write a report including details of number of people injured and the extent of damage caused to the colliding vehicles in not more than 100 words.


A new advertising firm needs an office in the central market. Write a letter offering part of your office on rent. You are the Office Manager, Planwell Company, Tarapore Towers, M.G. Road, Bangalore. (10)


Rohit is interested in doing a short term course in computer programming. He decides to write a letter inquiring about the the duration of the course, fees and other details. Draft a letters to VNL Computers, Adayar, Chennai - 20.


Write an article on the evils of dowry system for Indian Express, Delhi. your article should not exceed 200 words. (10)


Write an article to be published in your school bulletin on how the cable T.V. is both a boon and a bane. Your article should not exceed 200 words.

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