Sample Papers

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         Sample Papers
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 Board Papers
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Time:3 hrs.
[ M.M.-70 ]

General Instructions :

(i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii) Marks for each question are indicated against it.

(iii) Question numbers 1 to 8 are very short-answer questions, carrying 1 mark each. There are to be answered in one or two sentences.

(iv) Question numbers 9 to 18 are short - answer questions, each carrying 2 marks. Answer to these questions should be around 30 words each.

(v) Question numbers 19 to 27 are also short-answer questions, each carrying 3 marks. Answer to these questions should be around 50 words each.

(vi) Question numbers 28 to 30 are long-answer questions, each carrying 5 marks. answer to these should be around 150 words.

(vii) Use log tables, if necessary.

Q.1. A solid conducting sphere of radius 1 m has , in steady state a charge of +10m C. What would the electric potential at 0.5m from the centre be ? (1)

Q.2. Give the expression for the energy of an electric dipole in its stable equilibrium in a region of uniform electric field , E.

Q.3. When electric current is passed through the Junctions of two dissimilar metals , heat is evolvedat one of the junctions. On reversing the direction of current , cooling takes place at the samejunction. Name the effect? (1)

Q.4. State two factors on which the current sensitivity of a moving coil galvanometer depends. (1)

Q.5. Why is the core of a transformer laminated? (1)

Q.6. Why are microwaves used in Radar? (1)

Q.7. Give the relation between current-gain and voltage-gain of a transistor.(1)

Q.8. The image of an object formed by a lens on the screen is not sharply focussed. Suggest a method to get clear focussing of the image on the screen without disturbing the position of the object,lens or the screen.(1)

Q.9. Two large square metal plates of area 10 sq. mts. each are kept 3 mm apart in vaccum. One plate is connected to the +ve terminal and the other, to the -ve terminal of a 2 V battery. Calculate how much electric charge can be stored on this set up? (2)

Q.10. Calculate the electric current drawn from the cell in the circuit :

E = 1.5 V R = 1.1W

Q.11. In an alternating current circuit, the voltage and current are represented as :

V=100 sin(314 t) Volt

I =100 cos(314 t - p /3) Ampere

(a) Calculate the power dissipated in the circuit.

(b) Is the reactance of the circuit, capacitative or inductive?(2)

Q.12. Find the thickness of a plate which will produce a charge in optical path equal to half the wavelength of light passing through it normally. Refractive index of the plate is.(2)l

Q.13. The distance between a thin convex lens and a convex mirror is 10 cm. A student is able to remove parallax of a pin with its image formed by this combination, by placing the pin 12 cm from the convex lens. If the focal length of the lens is 10 cm , calculate the radius of curvature of the spherical mirror.(2)

Q.14. An alpha particle of energy 2 MeV moves along a circular path in a region of uniform magnetic field.Calculate the energy of a proton if it also describes a circular path of same radius for the same field. (2)

Q.15. Four p-n junctions are connected as shown and a resistance RL is given.Complete the circuit so that an alternating current can be rectified into a unidirectional current. (2)

Q.16. Write in brief the method to determine the distance of an inferior planet from the sun. (2)

Q.17. Two insulating small spheres are rubbed against each other and then placed at a distance of 3 m apart.If they attract each other with a force of 25.6 N, calculate the number of electrons transferred from one sphere to the other during rubbing.(3)

Q.18. Explain by drawing the circuit diagram, how a post-office-box is used in the laboratory to determine the resistance of a coil of wire accurately (to two places of decimal).Also mention the principle on which it is based. (3)

Q.19. A current is flowing through a straight , thin metallic wire of infinite length . Obtain an expression for the magnetic field at a distance from it and give its direction.(3)

Q.20. A bar magnet held horizontally is set into angular oscillations in Earth's magnetic field. It has time periods T1 and T2 at two places,where the angles of dip are 2 respectively. Deduce an expression for the d1 and dratio of resulting magnetic fields at the two locations.(3)

Q.21. Two sources of monochromatic, coherent light individually produce , on a distant screen , intensities I1

and I2 respectively. Obtain an expression for the ratio : Imax / Imin when the two beams are allowed to fall on the screen. What would be observed on the screen if two sodium lamps are used as sources.(3)

Q.22. Light of wavelength 5000 A falls on a metal surface of work function 1.9eV. Find :

(a) the energy of a photon in eV.

(b) the maximum KE of photo electrons, and

(c) the stopping potential.(3)

Q.23. (a) Sketch input and output characteristic of a transistor in CE configuration.

(b) Draw a ckt-diagram, showing how a p-n-p transistor is used as an amplifier.(3)

Q.24.(a) Write the truth table and give the symbol of a NAND gate.

(b) Give a ckt-diagram to show how OR gate is realised in practice.(3)

Q.25. Using Kirchboff's laws in the given network . Calculate the values of I1 , I2 and I3. (3)

Q.26. Explain with the help of a labelled diagram for the principle, construction and working of an ac generator. (5)


Figure shows a series LCR circuit connected to a variable frequency 220 V source :

L=4.0 H C=100µF and R=40W

(a) Calculate the resonant frequency of the circuit.

(b) Obtain the impedance of the circuit and the current-amplitude at resonance.

(c) Determine the r.m.s. potential drop across L. (1, 2, 2)

Q.27. You are given two convex lenses of focal 80 mm and 800 mm:(1, 2, 2)

(a) Which one will you use as an eye piece and which one as objective for constructing an astronomical telescope ?

(b) Trace the course of rays through the two lenses to show the formation of final image of a distant object.

(c) Derive an expression for the magnifying power of the telescope for normal setting.

Q.28. (a) State Bohr's postulate for the H-atom.

(b) A slow neutron strikes a nucleus of 92U235 , splitting it into lighter nuclei of barium and krypton and releasing three neutrons. Write the corresponding nuclear reaction.Also calculate the energy released in this reaction. Given :

m (92U235) = 235.043933 amu

m (0n1) = 1.008665 amu

m (56Ba141) = 140.91770 amu

m (36K92) = 91.89540 amu


1/4pe0=9 x 109 Nm2C-2

C=3 x 108 ms-1

h=6.6 x 10-34 Js

e=1.6 x 10-19 C

me=9.1 x 10-31 kg

g=9.8 ms-2

1 amu=931 MeV

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