Sample Papers

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         Board Papers
         Sample Papers
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 Board Papers
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Time allowed : 3 hours
Maximum marks : 100

General Instructions :

(i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii) Marks for each question are indicated against it.

(iii) Question numbers 1 to 10 are of two marks each. The answer to these questions should not exceed 50 words each.

(iv)Question numbers 11 to 20 are of four marks each. The answer to these questions should not exceed 100 words each.

(v) Question numbers 21 to 25 are of eight marks each. The answer to these questions should not exceed 200 words each.

Q.1. Explain religion and legislation as sources of law.
Q.2. Mention and explain any two kinds of equality.
Q.3. What is the Individualists' view of state activity.
Q.4. What is a welfare state ?
Q.5. Distinguish between moral and legal rights.
Q.6. What is the relationship between rights and duties ?
Q.7. What is meant by classless and stateless society ?
Q.8. Mention any two principles of Liberalism.
Q.9. What are two main functions of opposition in a democracy ?

When is a party recognized as an All -India Party ? Name one All-India Party?

Q.11. Mention two important interest groups in India.
Q.12. Describe two major functions of the Planning Commission.

Explain non-alignment as a basic principle of India's foreign policy.

Q.14. Describe India's role in the SAARC.

What is the meaning of liberty ? Explain the negative concept of liberty.

Q.16. Explain the concept of justice.

What is functional representation ? Is it practicable ?


What do you understand by direct democratic devices ? Mention one device of direct democracy .


Mention two qualifications of voters in India.   Describe one disqualification also.


Describe the method of appointment, tenure and procedure of removal of the Chief Election Commissioner of India.

Q.21. Describe three functions of political parties.

What is a dominant-party-system ? Give an example of such a system.

Q.23. What do you understand by communalism in India ?

Give three arguments in support of linguistic reorganisation of India.

Q.25. Mention three main functions of the Planning Commission of India.

Give three arguments in favour of the extension of the policy of 'reservation' for the socially and educationally backward classes of India.


Define law and distinguish between its Liberal and Marxian views.

Q.28. Write an easy on political liberalism.

Mention citizens 'Fundamental Rights to Freedom as contained under Articles 19(I) of the Constitution of India.


Why should State never be vested with absolute power ? Give three arguments in support of your view.


Write an essay on the legacy and vision of the Indian National Congress.

Q.32. Explain six basic determinants of India's Foreign Policy.
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