Sample Papers

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Time allowed : 3 Hours
Maximum Marks : 70

General Instructions :

(i) There are 19 general questions. Question No. 20 is for Blind Students Only.
(ii) All questions are compulsory.
(iii) Marks for each question are indicated against it.

(iv) Question numbers 1 to 8 are short - answer questions carrying 3 marks each. Answer of each of these questions should not exceed 80 words.

(v) Question numbers 11 to 15 are also short-answer questions of 4 marks each. Answer of each of these questions should not exceed 120 words.

(vi) Question numbers 16,17 and 18 are long-answer questions of 5 marks each. answer of each of these questions should not exceed 150 words.

(vii) Questions 9,10 and 19 contain test items of very short-answers i.e., answers varying from one word to a couple to sentences. Q. 9 and 10 are of 3 marks each and Q. 19 is of 5 marks.

(viii) Outline map of INDIA provided to you must be attached with your answer-book.

(ix) Use of templates of stencils for drawing outline maps is allowed.

(x) Question numbers 9,10 and 19 are not for BLIND STUDENTS, but in lieu of these question number 20 is provided for them.


Name the six major racial groups from which the population of the Indian subcontinent has been derived. (3)


Define 'settlement pattern'. Name the two components which basically define a settlement pattern. (3)


"The seas surrounding the shores of India have played a vital role in determining the nature of interaction of the Indian people with those of the surrounding regions." Explain the above statement by giving three supportive arguments. (3)


Where are the Moist Tropical Evergreen forests found in India ? Explain one way in which this vegetation is similar to the equatorial forests, and one way in which it is dissimilar to it. (3)


"The centripetal and centrifugal forces are responsible for producing a balance of Unity in diversity in the Indian Polity." Explain the above statement by giving three suitable examples.(3)


Why is greater attention being paid to the uplift of the Scheduled Caste population in India ?Discuss the distribution pattern of the Scheduled caste population with reference to two States having (a) high, (b) low concentration. (3)

Q.7. Study carefully the table given below and then answer the following questions :(3)


Why is the total number of workers more in the rural areas than in the urban areas ?


Why is the number of female workers less than that of the male workers ? Would it be right to say that the working population in India is male dominated ?


Who are 'marginal workers' ? Why is their number so small compared with the main workers ?


Why is the conservation of soils necessary ? Describe three methods of conserving this valuable resource. (3)


Write the names of the rivers indicated in the map by numbers 3,7,12,20,26 and 27. also write their numbers alongside. (3)


Draw a sketch map of India Gandhi Canal Command Area, and it mark and label : (3)

10.1 Areas irrigated 'under lift'.
10.2 The cities of Bikaner and Jaisalmer.

State two characteristic features each of the Kashmir Valley and the Eastern Himalayas. (4)


Why is conservation of minerals necessary ? Describe any three steps taken for conserving minerals. (4)


Discuss four important reforms introduced in Indian agriculture after independence. (4)

14.1 Define (i) planning region, (ii) economic region. (4)
14.2 Explain two differences between the two.

State two important features each of clustered and dispersed types of settlements. (4)


Describe the influence of five factors responsible for the concentration of Jute Textile Industry in the Hoogly Basin.(5)


What is the main resource base of the Damodar river basin ?

Describe four ways in which, coupled with the development of Damodar Valley Corporation (D.V.C.), it has helped in the integrated development of this region. (5)


Explain how the railways in India are contributing to the development national economy. Support your answer by giving examples of any five major major commodities transported by them. (5)


On the outline map of India provided to you, locate and label the following correctly : (5)


The parallel of latitude touching the southernmost point of the mainland of India :


A centre of heavy chemicals in West Bengal ;

A State in the north - east having the lowest percentage of Scheduled Caste population;

19.4 Gas pipeline linking Gujarat with U.P.;

The driest district of Rajasthan which receives the benefit of natural flow of water for irrigation from the Indira Gandhi Canal.

[ For Blind Students only (in lieu of Q. Nos. 9,10 and 19)]

Name six rivers of Peninsular India, two of which must be westflowing. (3)


Point out three changes which have been brought about by the Indira Gandhi Canal in western Rajasthan. (3)


Give the correct name of each item given in Q. 19 above. (5)

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