Sample Papers

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Time allowed : 3 hours
Maximum marks : 70

General Instructions :

(1) All questions are compulsory.

(2) Question number I to 10 are short answer questions carrying 3 marks each. Answer of each of these questions should not ex- ceed 80 words.

(3) Question number II to 15 are also short answer questions of 4 marks each. Answer of each of these questions should not exceed 120 words.

(4) Question 16, 17, 18, are long answer ques- tions of 5 marks each. Answer of each of these questions should not exceed 150 words.

(5) Question number 19 is map work, outline map of India provided to you must be attached with your answer-sheet. Map work is of 5 marks.

Q.1 Name the six racial groups which form the present day population of India.

Q.2 Which arc the thre'e types of rural settle- tt)ents found in India ? Describe one impor- tant characteristic of each type.

Q.3 How is the peninsular slope of India helpful to us "? Explain with three examples.

Q.4 Distinguish between the Black soil and Alluvial soils of India with reference to :— (a) Area of concentration (b) Texture (c) Chemical composition.

Q.5 "Unity in diversity is the most important characteristic feature of India." Explain it by giving three examples from the majot relief features of India.

Q.6 It is generally observed that the areas o\ concentration of scheduled tribe population have very little scheduled caste population Give three reasons to explain this state- ment.

Q.7. Study the table given below showing 23 metropolitan cities of India (1991 Census~ and answer the following :- (a) Name any two States each of which has three metronolitan cities.

(b) Name any two metropolitao cities with largest population.

(c) Point out two implications of their large population on living conditions of the peop'e in these cities.

Name Population
(in alphabetical order) (in lakhs)
1. Ahmedabad 32.79
2. Bangalore 41.08
3.Baroda(Vadodara) 11.15
4. Bhopal 10.63
5 Bombay 125.69
6. Calcutta 108.60
7. Cochin (Kochi) 11.34
8. Coimbatore 11.35
9. Delhi 83.75
10. Hyderabad 42.73
11. Indore 11.04
12. Jaipur 15.14
13. Kanpur 21.03
14. Lucknow 16.69
15. Ludhiana 10.12
16. Madras 53.61
17. Madurai 10.93
18. Nagpur 16.52
19. Patna 10.98
20. Poona 24.44
21. Surat 15.17
22. Varanasi 10.18
23. Vishakhapatnam 10.49

Q.8 Study the table given below and answer the following :—

(a) How many times has the production of maize increased during the period 1950-51 to 1990-91.

(b) Which items is mainly responsible for increasing this production ?

(c) State two ways by which this item has helped in increasing the production of maize.

Area, Production and .Yield of Maize

Item 1950-51 1990-91

1. Area (in lakh hectares) 31.59 59.04

2. Production (in lakh tonnes) 17.29 89.62.

3. Yield (in kg/hectare) 547 1518

4.Areaunderhigh 2.1 26.00

yielding variety

(in lakh hectares) (1966-67)

Q.9 Name the six land and water features marked in the given outline map of India by number 1-6 :

Q.10. Draw a Sketch map of Bastar district in your answer-book and show therein the allowing using appropriate symbols.

Q.11.Name four first order regions of India. State two bases for dividing them into second order regions. Illlustrate your answer with two examples of Eastern Himalayas.

Q.12. Describe four methods of conserving the forest resources of India.

Q.13 Distinguish between the traditional and modern agriculture as practised in India. Explain with reference to the size of agricul- tural holding and inputs given. Give two points of difference of each to illustrate your answer.

Q.14 Study the temperature and rainfall data of Shillong and Trivandrum given ahead and answer the following questions :—

(a) Calculate the annual range of tempera- ture for both the station.

(b) Why is the annual range of temperature of Trivandrum less than that of the Shillong. Give two reasons.

(c) Give two reasons to explain why each of the two stations receives heavy annual rainthn 11

Q.15.Explain four reasons for the development of apple orchards in Himachal Pradesh.

Q.16.Which is the main Industrial region of Bihar ? Explain the influence of three factors responsible for the Industrial development of this region. Naire the two major India's- tries which have developed in this region.

Q.17 Define five major achievements of Damodar Valley Corporation in the Industrial development of the region.

Q.18 Transport plays an iroportao : role in streng- thening the Social, political and economic unity of India. Explain the Statement by giving five examples.

Q.19 On the outline map of India, locate and label the following with symbols :—

(a) The highest mountain peak of the India.

(b) A river on which Hirakud Dam is located.

(c) A steel plant set up in collaboration with U. K.

{d) A place where three seas meet in India.

(e) A State with biebest sex ratio in India.

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