Sample Papers

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         Board Papers
         Sample Papers
   Sample Papers
 Board Papers
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  Areas of Interest





Time Allowed : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 100

General Instructions : All the questions are compulsory


Q.1. Define domestic factor income.

Name the two consuming sectors in the domestic economy.


A producer had a stock of only raw materials of Rs. 3,000 at the beginning of the year. At the end of the year, it had a stock of raw material and finished goods of Rs. 4,000 and Rs. 2,000 respectively. What is its change in stocks. [ Ans. Rs. 3000 ]


Give two examples of departmental enterprises in India.


Explain the problem of double counting in estimation of national income.


Are the following included in national income ? Give reasons :

(a) Dividend on shares
(b) Winning of a lottery prize

Describe the institutional categorisation of domestic producers of an economy.


What are capital transfers ? Give an example each of capital transfer within a country and capital transfer between countries.


What is included in final consumption expenditure of the government ?


Why is there a difference between the gross value of output of an enterprise and that of general government ?


Explain, with the help of an example, the concept of "mixed income of self-employed".


Distinguish between private income and personal disposable income.


Explain briefly the role of entrepreneur in the production process of a modern economy.


Calculate net domestic product at market price from the following figures :

( Rs. in crores )

(i) Gross capital formation 1,000
(ii) Net factor income from abroad (-) 200
(iii) Net exports (-) 100
(iv) Personal disposable income 3,000
(v) Personal savings 350
(vi) Net indirect taxes 200
(vii) Change in stocks 300
(viii) Consumption of fixed capital 250
(ix) Government final consumption expenditure 500

[ Ans. Rs. 4,100 crores ]


From the following data, about a firm, estimate the operating surplus :

(Rs. in lakhs)

(i) Value of gross output at market prices 700
(ii) Purchase of raw material 180
(iii) Expenditure on fuel 30
(iv) Wages and salaries 250
(v) Profits 20
(vi) Net indirect taxes 90

[ Ans. Rs. 150 lakhs ]


How is private final consumption expenditure measured ? Explain.


Write a brief note on the data compilation of the net factor income from abroad in India. How does this data help the Indian economy ?

Q.18. Calculate the national income by income and expenditure methods from the following data :

( Rs. in crores )

(i) Gross fixed capital formation 200
(ii) Private final consumption expenditure 700
(iii) Rent, interest and profits 450
(iv) Change in stocks 80
(v) Consumption of fixed capital 20
(vi) Net capital formation 260
(vii) Net factor income from abroad (-) 50
(viii) Exports 120
(ix) Net indirect taxes 100
(x) Imports 70
(xi) Government final consumption expenditure 90
(xii) Mixed income of self-employed 200
(xiii) Compensation of employees 350

[ Ans. Rs. 950 crores ]

Q.19. What are explicit costs ?
Q.20. Define monopolistic competition.


Why is the demand for a factor of production called "derived demand" ?

Q.22. Define nominal wages.

Explain the relationship between elasticity of supply of a factor of production and its transfer earnings.

Q.24. State the components of aggregate demand.

Would the elasticity of demand in the following cases be unity, less than unity or greater than unity.

(i) A rise in price of a commodity increases the total household expenditure on it.

(ii) A rise in price of a commodity reduces the total household expenditure on it.

(iii) A rise in prince of a commodity does not affect total household expenditure on it.

Q.26. Explain the law of supply.

How is equilibrium price of a commodity determined ? How will it be affected by a decrease in supply, demand being unchanged ?


Explain any one method of controlling excess demand in an economy.


What do you mean by Giffin's paradox ? Explain the concept with the help of an example.

Q.30. Why do wages differ between occupations ?
Q.31. Complete the following table :
Output (Units) Price (Rs.) TR (Rs.) AR (Rs.) MR (Rs.)
1 5 - - -
2 6 - - -
3 7 - - -
Q.32. Complete the following table :
Output (units) TFC (Rs.) AVC (Rs.) TC (Rs.) MC (Rs.)
0 - -
1 - 20
2 50 15

Distinguish between gross interest and net interest.


What are the central problems of an economy ? Why do they arise ?


State the essential conditions of a perfectly competitive market. What type of demand curve does a firm have under perfect condition.


Using suitable diagram explain the three stages of production with one variable factor input.

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