Sample Papers

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General Instructions : All the questions are compulsory


Q.1. Give two examples of government departmental commercial enterprises in India.

Q.2. Give two examples of intermediate consumption in the agricultural sector.

Q.3. Define Flow.

Q.4. Give two examples of 'collective consumption' expenditure.

Q.5. What do you understand by final consumption.

Q.6. How does the sale and purchase of secondhand physical assets to and from the rest of the world affect domestic capital formation? Explain with an example.

Q.7. Distinguish between Gross National Product at market price & Net Domestic of factor cost.

Q.8. Which of the following is factor income from abroad for Indian residents and why? 3

Profits of a foreign bank with a branch at Bombay.

Rent received by State Bank of India on buildings rented to a foreign embassy in New Delhi.

Salary received by an Indian employee working in a foreign embassy in

Q.9.How is Net Value Added estimated for the General Government Sector?

Q.10.Distinguish Between Factor Payments and Transfer Payments

Q.11. What is double-counting? How can it be avoided?

Q.12. Distinguish between ‘Net factor income form abroad’ and ‘Net exports’

Q.13. Calculate Operating Surplus from the following data : 3

  1. Compensation of employees 100
  2. Indirect taxes 40
  3. Gross Value added at market price 330
  4. Consumption of fixed capital 30
  5. Mixed Income of self employed 40
  6. Subsidies 10
  7. Interest 30
  8. Intermediate Consumption 120

Q.14. Distinguish between Product based and Process based Division of labour with the help of suitable example's. 3

Q.15 What precautions are necessary while estimating Gross Domestic Product through Income Method? 3

Q.16 From the following data estimate: 5

Personal Income

Private Income

Personal Disposable Income

a) National Income 2500

b) Corporate Profit Tax 25

c) National debt interest 30

d) Direct Personal taxes 75

e) Savings of Private Corporate Sector 50

Income from property and enterpreneurship

Accruing to government administrative departments 75

Current Transfer from Government administrative

Departments 70

h) Savings of non-departmental public enterprises 10

i) Current transfer from Rest of the world 30

j) Depreciation 20

l) Net factor income from abroad -5

Q.17. Calculate GNP at market price by:

    1. Expenditure Method
    2. Income Method

From the following data: 2+3

Rs. Cr.

  1. Private Final Consumption Expenditure 200
  2. Government Final Consumption Expenditure 20
  3. Gross domestic capital formation 40
  4. Net exports -5
  5. Wages ans Salaries 165
  6. Employer’s contribution to Social Security Schemes 10
  7. Profits 15
  8. Interest 20
  9. Indirect Taxes 30
  10. Subsidies 5
  11. Rent 15
  12. Net factor income from abroad 5
  13. Consumption of fixed capital 5

Q.18. Mention the sub-sectors in which Income Method is used in measuring their contribution to N.I. explain the methodology of estimating National Income in Registered Manufacturing Sector in India. 2+3

Q.19. If the demand for good Y increases as the price of another good X rises, how are the two goods related? 1

Q.20. As the variable input, labour is increases by one unit total output falls. What would you say about Marginal Productivity of Labour? 1

Q.21. Why does Marginal Revenue Product decline even when the price of the product remains constant? 1

Q.22. What happens to the level of income in an economy when there is deficient demand? 2

Q.23. Why does demand curve for a commodity slope downwards from left to right? 2

Q.24. Briefly explain the central problems of an economy? 2

Q.25. Give meaning of inductive and deductive methods of constructing economic theory. 3

Q.26. Briefly explain the nature of relationship between the demand for a good by household and price of other commodities 3

Q.27. A consumer purchased 20 units of a commodity when its price was Rs. 4 per unit.He purchased 25 units of the commodity when its price fell to Rs. 3 per unit. What is the price elasticity of demand for the commodity at that price. 3

Q.28. Explain briefly the 3 sources of Supply of Loanable Funds. 3

Q.29. What are abnormal profits? Why do they arise? 3

Q.30. Difference between scarcity rent and differential rent? 3

Q.31. Define Consumption Function with the help of a Consumption Schedule or curve bring out the meaning of Break-even point. 3

Q.32. Differentiate between Inflationary and Deflationary gap. 3

Q.33. What is excess demand? Would you advocate expansion or contraction of credit supply in a situation of excess demand?

Q.34. Explain the law of Variable Proportions with the help of a suitable diagram. 5

Q.35. How is a seller under Perfect Competition a price takes? What is relevance of the characterstics that " there are large numbers of sellers" and "Uniform Price" in this context. 5

Q.36. Explain the relationship between Average Total Cost, Average Variable Cost and Marginal Cost Curve. 5

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