Sample Papers

         Class - X
         Class - XI
         Class - XII
         Board Papers
         Sample Papers
   Sample Papers
 Board Papers
  Sample Papers
  Areas of Interest





Time Allowed : 3 Hours

Maximum Marks : 70

General Instructions :

(i) All question are compulsory.

(ii) Marks for each question are indicated against each.

(iii) Question No. 1 to 10 are very short answer questions each of 1 mark. answer them in one word, phrase or one sentence each.

(iv) Questions 11 to 26 are short answer questions of 2 marks each.  Answer them in about 30 words each.

(v) Questions 27 to 32 are short answer questions of 3 marks each.

(vi) Question 33 and 34 are long answer questions of 5 marks each. Answer them in 70 words each.

(vii) USe log tables if necessary.


What are the possible values of quantum numbers (n) and (I) for the unpaired electron in the atom of an element with atomic number = 9.


An element occurs in the bcc structure. How many atoms of the element are present in the unit cell?


Consider the following reaction 2NO(g) + 2H2(g) --N2 (g) + 2H2 O (g) This reaction is of first order with respect to H2 and of second order with respect to NO. Write the rate law for this reaction.


Lithium shows similarities to Magnesium in chemical behaviour. What is the cause of this similarity ?

Q.5. What happens when Xe F6 is hydrolysed ?

Complete blank ....... The complexes with co-ordination number 6 having three ....... ligands are optically active.


The size of trivalent ions in the lanthanide series decreases steadily with increase in atomic number. what is this known as ?


How do (i) atomic number (i) mass number of a radiosiosotope change when it loses a b - particle.


What do (x) and (m) signify in the following expression x/m = KP 1/n

Q.10. How do amino acids form protein ?

Edge length of unit-cell NaCl is 564 pm. Calculate the density of NaCl (NA = 6.02 x 1023, Na = 23 and Cl = 35.5 )


(a) Draw a labelled diagram to show the change is vapour pressure of solvent when a non-volatile solute is added to it.

(b) Show the change of boiling point of the solvent in this diagram.


(a) What is the relationship between enthalpy change DH and the internal energy change (DE) for a process occuring at constant pressure and constant temperature.

(b) What is the value of Dn for the following reaction.


Iron does not rust even if the Zinc coating is broken on a galvanised iron pipe but rusting takes place much faster if tin coating over iron is broken. Explain.


The reaction CH3 COOH (I) + C2H5 OH (I) --CH3 COO C2H5 (I) + H2 O (I) was carried out at 270C by taking 1 mole of each reactant. At equilibrium 2/3 of the reactants got consumed. Calculate the free energy change for the reaction (R = 8.314 J-1 mol-1)


How will you distinguish between the following pairs of compounds :