Sample Papers

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         Board Papers
         Sample Papers
   Sample Papers
 Board Papers
  Sample Papers
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Time Allowed : 3 Hours

Maximum Marks : 70

General Instructions :

(i) All question are compulsory.

(ii) Marks for each question are indicated against each.

(iii) Question No. 1 to 10 are very short answer questions each of 1 mark.  answer them in one word, phrase or one sentence each.

(iv) Questions 11 to 26 are short answer questions of 2 marks each.  Answer them in about 30 words each.

(v) Questions 27 to 32 are short answer questions of 3 marks each.

(vi) Question 33 and 34 are long answer questions of 5 marks each. Answer them in 70 words each.

(vii) USe log tables if necessary.

Q.1. What are the molecular shapes of

(a) [Ni(CN)4]2-  (b) PCl 5


Ag I crystallises in cubic closed packed structure like Zns what fraction of tetrahedral holes (sites) are occupied by Ag+ ions.


Name the products obtained when simple lipids are hydrolysed.


What causes the conduction of electricity by semi-conductors ?

Q.5. Write the formula of tetrachloro cuperate (II) ion.

Draw the shape of the structure obtained when two Sio4 tetrahedra share a corner between themselves.


At what temperature is the entropy of a perfectly crystalline substance taken as zero.

Q.8. Why does vanadium pentaoxide act as a catalyst ?

The sucrose that we eat in daily life is converted into glucose and fructose.  Name the enzyme which facilitates this chemical reaction.

Q.10. What happens when a protein is denatured ?

How does lipid metabolism take place in our body ? Write the various steps involved in this process.


How are azodyes prepared ? Why is the colour imparted by azodyes to fabrics not very fast ?


Enthalpy change  D H for the transition of ice to liquic water at 00C is 6.0 Kj mol-1.  find the entropy change for the process.


Conductivity of an aqueous solution of sodium chloride in a cell is 92 ohm-1 cm-1 and the resistance offered is 247.8 ohm.  Calculate the cell constant for this cell.


What is the effect of change in (a) concentration (b) temperature on the electrode potential of a given half cell ?


(a) In a particular reduction process the concentration of a solution is reduced from 0.24 to 0.12 M is 10 hours and to 0.06 M in 20 hours.  What is the rate constant of this reaction ?

(b) For the reaction A--B the value of rate constant was 1.0 x 10-2 mol-1 LS-1.  What is the order of this reaction ? How does the catalyst affect the value of rate constant.


(a) Distinguish between order and molecularity of a reaction.

(b) State an example of reaction in which order and molecularity are equal.


(i) Identify x in the following

cl2 + 2x --2Cl + x2

(ii) M-F, M-Cl, M-Br, M-I arrange in the increasing order of their lonic nuture . 'M' is a metal atom.

(iii) Which of the following is more convalent sbCl5   or Sbcl3 ?


(a) Illustrate the geometrical isomers of [Pt (NH3)4]2+ ion.

(b) Write the name of an organomettallic compund which is used as a homogeneous catalyst.


(a) An endothermic reaction A -- B proceeds to completion. Predict the sign of D S.

(b) What will be sign of DS for the reaction N2(g) + O2 (g) --2NO(g). Give reason in support of your answer.


A sweet smelling organic compund A is slowly oxidised by air in the preseence of light to a highly poisonous gas.  On warming with silver powder it forms a gaseous substance B, which is also produced by the action of Calcium Carbide on water.  Identify A and B and write the chemical equations of reactions involved.


(a) How will you obtain an aldehyde by using the following processes (i) Dehydrogenation (ii) Catalytic hydrogenation.

Write the chemical equations of the reactions involved.

(b) (i) Why do aldehydes behave as polar compounds.

(ii) Why do aldehyeles have lower boiling points than the corresponding alcohols ?


Write the names of the monomers of backelite.   State whether backelite is a thermosetting plastic or a thermoplastic. Give reason for your answer.


Why is A.T.P. an energy rich molecule ? How do cells derive all their need of A.T.P. ?


Give one example for each of the following.

(i) Thermoplalstic (ii) Natural polymer (iii) condensation polymer (iv) Chain growth polymer.


Draw a diagram of the dimeric structure of AlCl3.  State one important use of anhydrous aluminium  (III) Chloride.


State de broglie equation showing the relation between wave-length of a parpticle and its momentum.

The kinetic energy of a moving electron is 4.55 x 10-25 joule.   Calculate the wavelength of the electron. (mass of electron = 9.1 x 10-31 kg and (b) Plank's constant = 6.6 x 10-34 kg m2S-1.

Q.28. How can the following be obtained (write chemical equation)

(i) Phenol from benzene diazonium chloride

(ii) Glycerol from triglyceride.

(iii) 2.4.6 tribromophenol from phenol.

Q.29. Explain the following (with chemical equations)

(i) To what oxidation state does ethanol reduce cu (II) in Fehling reaction.

(ii) Synthesis of tertiary butylethyl ether from an alkyl halide and sodium alkoxide.

(iii) Carboxylic acids contain > C = 0 group but do not give addition reaction of carbonyl compounds.

Q.30. (a) What is the IUPAC name of C6H5 (-CH2)2 - NH2

(b) What happens when aniline is reacted with NaNO2 and HCL at 273 K (give chemical equation)

(c) How can ethanamine he prepared from propanamide ?


(a) An element belongs to 5th period and group 18. It emits a b-particle. What will be the position of daughter element in the periodic table ?

(c) A wooden specimen from an archaeological find shows. C-14 activity of 3.8 counts per minute per gram of carbon. Calculate the age of the specimen. Given t1/2 of C-14 is 5770 yrs. The fresh specimen of wood (living plant) gives 15.3 counts per minute per gram of carbon.


(a) How will you differentiate between a colloidal solution from a true solution of the same colour.

(b) Give methods to prepare the following sols :

(i) Sulphur (ii) Ferric hydroxide

(c) Explain why deltas are formed where river water meets the sea water.


(a) When dried fruit and vegetables are placed in water for sometime, they slowly swell. Why ? Would a temperature increase accelerate the process.

(b) The osmotic pressure of 100m3 of a solution containing 3.00g of an unidentified solute is 2.55 atmosphere at 298 K.  What is the molecular mass of the solute ? ( R = 0.0821 L atm K-1 mol-1)


(a) Describe the preparation of potassium dichromate from chromite (FeCr2O4) Ore.  write chemical equations for reactions involved.

(b) Give equations for the reaction of K2 Cr2 O7 with (i) KI Sol.

(ii) FeSO4 solution.

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