Sample Papers

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Time 3 Hrs.
[M.M. 70]

General Instructions :

(i) All question are compulsory.

(ii) Marks for each question are indicated against each.

(iii) Question No. 1 to 10 are very short answer questions each of 1 mark. answer them in one word, phrase or one sentence each.

(iv) Questions 11 to 26 are short answer questions of 2 marks each. Answer them in about 30 words each.

(v) Questions 27 to 32 are short answer questions of 3 marks each.

(vi) Question 33 and 34 are long answer questions of 5 marks each. Answer them in 70 words each.

(vii) Use log tables if necessary.

Q.1. Enthalpy for the reaction :-

C(s) +02(g) —> CO2(g), is

(a) Positive (b) Negative (c) Zero (d) no change.

Give reason. (1)

Q.2. On electrolysing a solution of dil H2S04between Platinum electrodes , the gas evolved at the anode is :- (1)

(a) SO2 (b) 02 (c) H2

Q.3. What will be the shape of the curve, if the concentration of the reactant is plotted against time for a zero order reaction ? (1)

Q.4. Write the IUPAC name of [CO(NH3)4 Cl2]+

What type of isomerism is shown by this ion?(1)

Q.5. What type of bonding occurs in a - helix configuration ? (1)

Q.6. What is shape selective catalysis? (1)

Q.7. Write the IUPAC name of the following :-

[CO(en)2Cl(ONO)]+ (1)

Q.8. How many a and b particles are emitted when 90Th232 changes into 82Pb208? (1)

Q.9. Draw the structure of permanganateion. (1)

Q.10. What are boranes? Give chemical equations for the preparation of diborane. (1)

Q.11. (a) What is the geometry of SF6 molecule? (1)

(b)Arrange the molecules H2 , 02 , F2 and N2 in order of increasing bond length. (1)

Q.12. (a) What are Mordant dyes? How are they applied on fibres? (1)

(b) Define and give one example of an analgesics. (1)

Q.13. Why are vitamins essential to us ? Describe the role of vitamin C and E. (2)

Q.14. What are enzymes? Give two characteristic features and two industrial applications of enzymes. (2)

Q.15.(a) What is observed when NaCl is added to a colloidal solution of Fe(OH)3 sol.?

(b) What is demulsification? Name one demulsifier. (2)

Q.16. How is terylene synthesized ? What type of polymer is it? (2)

Q.17. Calculate the energy (in MeV) releases in the nuclear fusion reaction :-

1H2 + 1H3 -> 2He4 + 0n1

atomic masses are; 1H2=2.014 ; lH3=3.0l6 ; 2He4=4.003 and on1=1.009 amu . (2)

Q.18. (a) NH4+ ion does not form complexes. Explain why?

(b) Write all the isomers of :-

[ Co ( NH3 )6 [ Cr (C204)3] (2)

Q.19. Give for iron a=288pm, density =7.86g /cc . Find the type of cubic lattice to which the crystal belongs. ( Fe= 55.85 amu )(2)

Q.20. Calculate the uncertainty in position of an electron if uncertainty in velocity is 5.7 x l05m /s. ( h = 6.6 x l0-34 kg m2 sec-1 mass of e- = 9 x l0-31 kg ) (2)

Q.21. (a) Why is freezing point of H20lowered on adding NaCl(s)?

(b) Define Normality of solution. (2)

Q.22. Indicate whether the antropy increases or decreases in the following changes :-

(a) CaCO3(s) -> CaO(s) + CO2­

(b) Zn(s)+H2S04(aq.) -> ZnSO4(aq.)+ H2(g)

(c) H3(g)at 2atm , 40°C -> H2(g) , at 1atm , 40°C.

(d) Normal egg ->boiled egg. (2)

Q.23. Calculate equivalent conductivity at infinite dilution for NH4OH.The equivalent conductivity at

infinite dilution for Ba (OH)2 , BaCl2 and NH4Cl are 457.6 , 240.6 and 129.8 ohm-1 cm2 eq-l

respectively. (2)

Q.24. The heat of combustion of ethylene at 18°C and at constant volume is -335 8 K Cal , when water is

obtained in liquid state. Calculate the heat of combustion at constant pressure at 18° C.

(R=2 x 10-3 k Cal) (2)

Q.25. The half life of a reaction at a particular concentration is 50 minutes. When the concentration is doubled, the half life becomes 100 minutes. Find the order of the reaction. (2)

Q.26.(a) Explain the process of photo sensitisation. (1)

(b) What are the uses of electro chemical series? (1)

Q.27. 2 g of benzoic acid dissolved in 25 g of benzene shows a depression in freezing point equal to 1.62 K . Molal depression constant (Kf) of benzene is 4.9 K kg mol-1. What is the percentassociation of the acid ? (3)

Q.28.(a) What is diagonal relationship? Give one example. (1)

(b) What are silicones? How are they prepared ? Give two important applications(2)

Q.29. Explain the following :-

(a) CIF3 exists whereas FCI3 does not .

(b) Halides of beryllium fumes in moist air but other alkaline earth metals halides do not.

(c) Trimethyl-amine is Pyramidal , while analogous silicon compound is planar. (3)

30. (a) What is lanthanide contraction?

(b) What are interstitial compounds?

(c) Zn , Cd and Hg are not considered as transition elements. Why? (3)

(1) Majority of the transition metal compounds are coloured.

(2) Transition metals are para magnetic.

(b) Complete the following equation :- (3)

Q.32. (a) Write the chemical equations for the following name reactions :-

(1) Wurtz-Fittig Reaction.

(2) Gabriel Phthalimide reaction. (2)

(b) Arrange the following in increasing order of acid strength :- (1)

33. (a) Write two impotrant use of glyceral. (1)

(b) How will you distinguish between:- (Give suitable chemical test and chemical equation)

(1) Dimethyl ether arid diethyl ether.

(2) Ethyl nitrite and Nitro ethane. (2)

(c) How will you convert the following :-

(1) Ethyl alcohal to acetone.

(2) Bromo benzene to m-nitro benzoic acid. (2)

34. (a) Give reasons for the following :-

(1) Phenol is acid but does not react with NaHCO3 solution.

(2) Oxidation of toluene with Chromium trioxide to benzaldehyde is carried out in presence of acetic anhydride,

(3) Cyclo-hexyl amine is a stronger base than aniline. (3)

(b) An organic compound 'A' on treatment with acetic acid in the presence of sulphuric acid produces an ester 'B'. When mild oxidation product of (A) is treated with 15% KOH solution followed by acidification with HCl generates (A) and (C) , (C) with PCl5 followed by reaction with ammonia gives (D) , 'D' on dehydration produces HCN. Identify the compounds A, B, C and D. (2)

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