Sample Papers

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Time Allowed : 3 Hours

Maximum Marks : 70

General Instructions :

(i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii) Marks for each question are indicated against it.

(iii) Q. Nos. 1-11 are very short answer type carrying one mark each only.  answer them in one word one / one sentences.

(iv) Q. Nos. 12 - 23 are short answer questions carrying 2 marks each.  It is appropriate to answer them in about 30-50 words.

(v) Q. Nos. 24-28 are short answer questions carrying 3 marks each.. It is appropriate to answer them in about 30-50 words.

(vi) Q. Nos. 29-32 are long answer questions carrying 5 marks each.  It is appropriate to answer them in about 40-100 words.

(vii) Do not unnecessarily make the answers lengthier than desired.

Q.1. Write the functions of lenticles.
Q.2. Who proposed the theory of inheritance of acquired characters ?
Q.3. What is the full form of ACTH ?
Q.4. Write mendelian Dihybrid phenotypic ratio of F2 generation.

Give an evidence that suggest gymnosperms have descended from peridophytes.


What signal the closure of stomata in certain plants during severe drought ?

Q.7. Define photorespiration ?

Name the chemical released by WBC's which causes rise in temperature of human body when infected ?


What is synapse ? Name any two neuro transmitters involved at the synapse ?


Define vestigeal organ.  Give two examples of vestigeal organs in human body ?


Name any one human bacterial diseases.   give its biological name and one diagnotic features.


How does the term fruit differ to a botanist from that to a common man ? Give two example of (i) fruits in which seeds are edible (ii) false fruit.


Bile juice does not contain any enzyme yet it is essential for digestion.  Explain.


Why are male Drosophila regarded as pure for a gene which is located on X chromosome ?


Give two differences between B - cells and T - cells produced in human body.


Why annual rings are comparatively more marked in plants growing in hilly areas than those in coastal areas ?


A woman with normal vision marries a man with normal vision and they have a colour blind son.  Her husband dies and she marries a colour blind man.  Show the type of children that might be expected from this marriage and the portion of each ?


Life originated from the earth's inorganic atmosphere in the past but it no longer happens today.  Give reasons.


What is normal volume of blood in human adult ? State four functions of blood.


How is the function of lac-operon different from trytophan operon ?


Who put forward the theory of natural selection ? Give its four salient features.


What are casparian strips ? Where are they located ? What are their functions ?


Name the scientist who tested the Oparin   : Haldane theory on the origin of life.  How did he do it ?


Population growth is determined by interaction of biotic potential and environmental resistance. Comment on the statement.


When a person is not particularly thirsty and is made to drink lot of water his urine flow increases greatly and the urine is very dilute ? Explain.


Why are biofertilizers preferred to chemical fertilizers ? Give three reasons.

Q.27. Draw a neat and labelled diagram of human eye.

Draw a labelled sketch of LS of maize seed. Describe its structure.


Describe briefly the human male reproduction system. Where are the matured sperm stored ?


Describe the experiment performed by Hershey and Chase to prove that DNA is genetic material.

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