Sample Papers

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Time Allowed : 3 Hours

Maximum Marks : 70

General Instructions :

(i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii) Marks for each question are indicated against it.

(iii) Q. Nos. 1-11 are very short answer type carrying one mark each only.  answer them in one word one/ one sentences.

(iv) Q. Nos. 12 - 23 are short answer questions carrying 2 marks each.  It is appropriate to answer them in about 30-50 words.

(v) Q. Nos. 24-28 are short answer questions carrying 3 marks each.. It is appropriate to answer them in about 30-50 words.

(vi) Q. Nos. 29-32 are long answer questions carrying 5 marks each.  It is appropriate to answer them in about 40-100 words.

(vii) Do not unnecessarily make the answers lengthier than desired.


Name the cross in which the following phenotypic ratio in F2 generation is obtained ?

Q.2. Define green manure.
Q.3. How raw fruits are ripened artificially ?

Disassociation of oxyhaemoglobin is more in active tissue than in a less active one. Give one reason for this.


Examination of cells from foetal sources revealed the presence of three bar bodies.  Name the technique employed for this diagnosis ?


A healthy potted plant of Nepenthes when kept in a green house with favourable conditions of light, temperature, soil and water showed poor growth though there was no infection ? Give one reason for it.


Due to developed abnormality, the wall of left ventricle of an infant's hearts is as thin as that of right ventricle.  What would be its specific effect on circulation of blood ?


Due to mistake during transcription ATG from UAG in mRNA. What change would occur in polypeptide chain translated by this mRNA?


What will be the effect of following factors on the rate of photosynthesis ? Explain with reason .(i) increasing light intensity (ii) less water.


Name three categories of growth.  Name the hormone which is responsible between 10 to 13 yrs.

Q.11. What is corpus luteum ? Give it functions.
Q.12. Differentiate between tendon and ligament.

Why oxytocin injection is administered at the time of delivery in some case ?

Q.14. Distinguish between exons and introns.

Life can not originate now on the earth.   Give two reasons in support of your answer.


A potted plant initially weighed 200gm and after 25 yrs. eventually weighed 40 kg. Would you expect a proportionate loss in the weight of the soil ? If so justify your answer.


The approximate rate of Heat beat in an elephant is 25 per min.  and that of a mouse is several hundreds per minute.   give reason.


Why do men suffer from haemophilia ? Can women also suffer from this disorder ? Explain.


How do rise in temperature and wind velocity affect transpiration ? Write two adaptations which reduce transpiration ?


What is aneuploidy and polyploidy ? Give one example of each.

Q.21. What is cancer ? List its danger signals.

How is heart wood different from sap wood ? Which one is more durable and why ?


What chemical changes occur during contraction of a skeletal muscle ?


Explain S-shaped and J-shaped growth curves for human population.  Under what environmental condition can they be obtained ?


A man with blue eyes and black hairs marries a women with black eyes and blond hair.  black eyes (B) is dominant over blue eyes (b) and black hair (R) is dominant over blond hair (r).  work out the method of phenotype of children of this couple using punnet square.


A group of manufactures preparing pesticide were worried about their fate in trade where all mosquitoes got exterminated.  how can you explain that such an anxiety was based on ignorance ?


Draw a labelled diagram of T.S. of dicot stem before secondary growth.


Draw a labelled diagram of nephron.   State the functions of glomerulus, distal convoheted tubule and descending limb of Henle's loop.


What is transcription ? Name three types of RNA and their functions which help in protein synthesis ?


What is organic evolution ? Explain how homologous, analogous and vestigeal organs provide its evidence by giving one example of each ?

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