Sample Papers

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Time Allowed : 3 Hours

Maximum Marks : 70

General Instructions :

(i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii) Marks for each question are indicated against it.

(iii) Q. Nos. 1-11 are very short answer type carrying one mark each only.  answer them in one word one / one sentences.

(iv) Q. Nos. 12 - 23 are short answer questions carrying 2 marks each. It is appropriate to answer them in about 30-50 words.

(v) Q. Nos. 24-28 are short answer questions carrying 3 marks each.. It is appropriate to answer them in about 30-50 words.

(vi) Q. Nos. 29-32 are long answer questions carrying 5 marks each. It is appropriate to answer them in about 40-100 words.

(vii) Do not unnecessarily make the answers lengthier than desired.

Q.1. Define urecotelism ?

Name the enzyme which can break and reseal the strand of DNA ?


Differentiate between the molecular structure of chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b.


Name the term for the phenomena by which isolated DNA from one type can induce some properties of the donor to the recipient.

Q.5. What is cytoplasmic inheritance ?
Q.6. Give the significance of Miller and Urey's experiment.

If you get 4cm piece of woody flowering plant how will you decide anatomically whether it is a root or stem ? Give two reasons.

Q.8. Why dogs are used in crime detection ?
Q.9. What is hypanthodium ? Give one example.

What is a fossil give one example of a fossil which is a connecting link between reptiles and birds.

Q.11. How does skin acts as first line of defence ?

Give four difference between compound leaf and young branch bearing simple leaves ?


What are the four conditions necessary for efficient gaseous exchange between organism and environment ?

Q.14. Differentiate between introns and exons.
Q.15. What coacervates ? How do they grow in size ?
Q.16. How does mycorrhizae help in increasing the crop yield.

A diploid cell having 46 chromosomes produces two types of gametes one having 22 chromosomes and other having 24 chromosomes.  What phenomenon might have taken place ? How does it happen ?

Q.18. Classify the following into analogous and homologus.

(a) Trunk of an elephant and hand of chimpanzee

(b) Wing of a bat and wing of an insect.

(c) Tendril of pea and spines of cactus.

(d) Nails of human being and claw in animals.

Q.19. Give three important functions of lymph.
Q.20. What is test cross ? What is its significance ?
Q.21. Explain Lamarck's theory of evolution ?

Describe the role of potassium ions K+ in the opening and closing to stomata.


Explain three scientific methods of birth control.


Why are plants that consume more than usual 18 ATP to produce one molecule of glucose favoured in tropical regions ?


In what form and why are many proteases released in inaactive form ? Name the three intestinal enzyme involved in protein digestion ?


Why do men suffer from haemophilia and colour blindness ? Under what condition women suffer from these disorders ?


Draw a labelled diagram of a compound stomach of a ruminant showing the path of food through it ?


Draw a longitudinal section of a pistil showing pollen germination.  Explain the events in the embryo sac during the process of fertilization.


Describe various phases of menstrural cycle emphasing the role of harmones.  What is the period when there is maximum chances of conception ?


How will you prove with the help of an experiment that DNA replication is semi conservative ?

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