Sample Papers

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         Board Papers
         Sample Papers
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 Board Papers
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Time Allowed : 3 Hrs.
Maximum Marks : 100

General Instructions:-

All questions all compulsury.

Marks are indicated against each question.

Answer should be brief and to the point.


(Principles and Functions of Management)

Q.1. Define control. 2

Q.2. What do you understand by "span of control" 2

Q.3. Why did fayol find it necessary to introduce the concept of 'gang plank' in relation to the principle of scalar chain. Give justification. 3

Q.4. Explain briefly with the help of an example, how planing provides the basis for control?3

Q.5.Explain the term "primary of planning" and why are plans considered to be probabilistic in nature. 3

"Q.6.An ideal control system is one that checks on every stage in the process of production" Comment.3

a)What is the basis difference between unity of command and Functional foremanship.

b) Explain with suitable example the technique of differencial piece wage system. 4

Q.7. "Direction is the heart of the management process". Elucidate. 5

Q.8. Under what circumstances will you, as a manager of an organisation prefer written communication over oral communication. 5

Q.9. Explain the benefits of training as an effective tool in increasing the efficiency of an organisation. 5

Q.10. "For managing an enterprise effectively both the knowledge of principles of management as well as their systematic application is required? 7


Define management and explain the features of management in the light of the following statement. "Management is an activity concerned with guiding human and physical resources in such a manner that organisational goals are achieved effectively."

Q.11.What is meant by line and staff organisation? Briefly explain its features and also differentiate between "line and staff" and functional organisation on the basis of -Simplicity, Work load of managers, Unity of command


a." Authority can be delegated but not responsibility." Explain the statement with the help of an example.

b. Explain the importance of informal organisation in the formal structure of the organisation.8

Part -II

Functional Management

Q.1. Define Manpower planning. 2

Q.2. What is meant by capital budgeting? 2

Q.3. How is job evaluation different from performance appraisal? 3

Q.4. "Capital structure and capitalisation may consist of the same component and yet they are different." Explain briefly. 3

Q.5. "Marketing and selling are basically synonymous terms." Do you agree? Give reasons. 3

Q.6. "Marketing process involves marketing research and product planning development." Explain. 3

Q.7. Briefly explain various methods of "off the job training" 4

Q.8. Explain the various steps involved in the selection process. 5

Q.9. Suppose you are the marketing manager of an organisation selling spare parts to truck, which media would you choose for advertising the product and why? What other promotional methods would you recommend? 5

Q.10. a) One of the effects of under capitalization is that market value of shares go up. But still under capitalization is not considered good for society and Co. Explain.

b) State whether the working capital requirement of a business for producing the following items are big or small. Justify your statement.

    i)Ice cream

    ii)Packed fast food


    iv)Ship building Co. 3+2

Q.11.Explain the various sources of raising long term finance. 8


What do you understand by financial management? Describe the various functions of a financial manager.

Q.12.What is marketing mix. Briefly explain its various components? 7


Explain in brief the process of filling a complaint by consumer to the competent authority under Consumer Protection Act 1986.

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