Sample Papers

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         Sample Papers
   Sample Papers
 Board Papers
  Sample Papers
  Areas of Interest





Time Allowed : 3 Hours

Maximum MArks : 100

General Instructions :

(i) This paper is divided into two parts A and B.

(ii) Each part carries 50 marks.

(iii) Each question carries marks indicated against it.


Define Partnership and state the main provisions of the Partnership Act relating to Partnership Accounts in the absence of Partnership Deed. (4)


A and B are partners sharing profits in the ratio of 4:3.  C is admitted as a partner.  The new profit sharing ratio is 3:2:1. Find out the sacrificing ratio. (2)


Mention the items that may appear on the debit side of the capital account of a partner when the capitals are fluctuating. (2)


A and B are partners sharing profits in the ratio 3:@ with capitals of Rs. 50,000 and Rs. 30,000 respectively.   Interest on capital is agreed @  6% p.a. B is to be allowed an annual salary of Rs. 2,500.  During 1995, the profits of the year prior to calculation of interest on capital but after charging B's salary amounted to Rs. 12,500.  a provision of 5 % of the profits is to be made in respect of manager's commission.

Prepare an account showing the allocation of profits and partners; capital accounts.  (5)


A,B,and C are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3:2:1.  On 31st MArch 1998, their Balance Sheet was as follows : (14)

  Liabilities Amount (Rs.) Assets Amount (Rs.)
  Creditors 40,200 Cash at Bank 12,500
  Bills Payable 16,800 Stock 57,400
  A's Loan 57,000 Debtors            57,000  
  Capital   Less :Provision   3,000 54,000
               A       80,000   Plant and Machinary 1,31,000
               B       12,000      
               C       40,000   1,32,000    
  General Reserve 9,000    
    2,55,000   2,55,000
  The firm was disssolved on 1st April'1998.

1. There was a Joint Life Policy of Rs. 60,000 . The policy was surrendered for Rs. 15,000.

2. The assets were realised as under : Stock Rs. 47,000; goodwill Rs. 12,000; Debtors 60 % of the book value; Machinery Rs. 90,000.

3. Liabilities were paid in full.

4. The expenses on realisation amounted to Rs. 400.

You  are required to prepare the Realisation A/c, Partners' Capital Accounts, and Bank A/c.


Name the major heading under which the liabilities and assets side of a company's Balance Sheet is organised and presented. (5)


Explain the meaning of "Debentures issued as collateral security" by a company.  show its treatment in Balance - Sheet. (3)


'N' Ltd. issues 10,000 debentures of Rs. 100 each at a discount of 10 % with the condition that they will be redeemed at a premium of 5 % after the expirey of three years.  Pass the necessary journal entries for the issue and redemption of these debentures after the expirey of three years. (10)


A limited Company invites applications for 50,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each payable as follows :

  On application Rs. 3 per share
  On allotment Rs. 4 per share
  On final call Rs. 2 per share

Application were received for 55,000 shares.  Allotments were made on the following basis :

(i) To applicants for 35,000 shares - in full.

(ii) To applicants for 20,000 shares - 15,000 shares.

Excess  money paid on application was utilised towards allotment money.

A shareholder who was allotted 1,500 shares out of the group applying for 20,000 shares failed to pay allotment money and money due on calls. These shares were forfeited. 1,000 forfeited shares were re-issued as fully paid on receipt of Rs. 8 per share.

show the journal entries in the books of company.   (12)


Part - 'B'

(Analysis of Financial Statements)


What is meant by "Analysis of Financial Statements"? Give its advantages.  (6)


State the significance and method of calculation of any two of the following : 

(i) Current Ratio

(ii) Operating Ratio

(iii) Return on Investment  (6)


From the following information, calculate Debtors Turnover Ratio and Average Collection Period. (3)

  Opening Debtors 37,000
  Closing Debtors 43,000
  Sales 6,00,000
  Cash Sales 80,000

Calculate Cash from operations from the following information :    (5)

  Particulars 1997(Rs.) 1998(Rs.)
  Stock 60,000 50,000
  Debtors 25,000 23,000
  Creditors 32,000 28,000
  Expenses Outstanding 3,500 4,500
  Bills Payable 35,000 22,000
  Accrued Income 8,000 9,000
  Profit and Loss Account 80,000 90,000
Q.14. What is Cash Budget ? Give its advantages. (6)

From the following information prepare a Comparative Income Statement (5)

  Particulars 1997 (Rs.) 1998 (Rs.)
  Sales 4,00,000 5,00,000
  Cost of Goods Sold 2,00,000 3,00,000
  Administrative, Selling and Distribution Expenses 40,000 1,00,000
  Other Incomes 20,000 30,000
  Income Tax 60,000 70,000
Q.16. On the basis of following information, calculate  (6)

(i) Gross Profit Ratio

(ii) Working Capital Turnover Ratio

(iii) Debt Equity Ratio

  Net Sales 30,00,000
  Cost of Goods sold 20,00,000
  Curent Assets 6,00,000
  Current Liabilities 2,00,000
  Paid-up Share Capital 5,00,000
  Debentures 2,50,000
  Loan 1,25,000

From the following Balance Sheet of Avinash Ltd., you are required to prepare (i) A statement of changes in working capital and (ii) Funds Flow Statement


Balance - Sheet

  Assets 31.3.97(Rs.) 31.3.98 (Rs.)
  Fixed Assets 4,00,000 5,50,000
  Less : Accumulated Depression 80,000 1,35,000
    3,20,000 4,15,000
  Investiments 80,000 1,10,000
  Stock 2,00,000 2,25,000
  Debtors 2,10,000 1,80,000
  Cash 30,000 10,000
    8,40,000 9,40,000
  Liabilities 31.3.97 (Rs.) 31.3.98 (Rs.)
  Equity share Capital 3,00,000 4,00,000
  General Reserve 85,000 1,10,000
  Bank Loan 1,00,000 75,000
  Creditors 3,10,000 2,90,000
  Bank Overdraft - 5,000
  Proposed Dividend 45,000 60,000
    8,40,000 9,40,000
  Additional Informations :

A piece of machinery costing Rs. 50,000 was sold for Rs. 30,000, accumulated depreciation there on being Rs. 10,000.

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