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Pre-Board Examination

Science (Theory) PB-10-2000


Time: 3 hrs.

M. Marks : 75

General Instructions:

(a) All questions are compulsory.

(b) Marks for each question are indicated against it.

(c) Question number I to 10 are very short answer type questions carrying I mark each to be answered is one word or maximum in one sentence.

(d) Question number II to 20 are short answer type questions, each of 2 marks. Answer may not normally exceed 40 words each.

(e) Question number 21 to 30 are short answer type questions of 3 marks each. Answer may not normally exceed 60 words each.

(f) Question numbers 31 to 33 are long answer type questions carrying 5 marks each, which should be answered is not more than 100 words each.


Q.1. How much power is supplied by an engine which supplies 12 KJ of energy per minute? (1)

Q.2. Name the technique of collecting information through a satellite about an object from a distance. (1)

Q.3. Write one major difference between a star and a shooting star. (1)

Q.4. A lighter and strong alloy is required for maiding the bodies of aircrafts. What should be its constituents? (1)

Q.5. Which one of the following will have the highest calorific

       CnH2n+2,CnH2n+1COOH,CnH2n, CH2n-2 (1)

Q.6. A utensil made of brass lost its lustre after few days due to greenish layer on it. What could be the cause for this. (1)

Q.7. Give the technical term for the structural and functional unit comprising living and nonliving components. (1)

Q.8. What are ecological pyramids? (1)

Q.9 Namethevitaminwhichissynthesisedintheskinbysunlight (1)

Q.10. A patient was advised to take more of butter, yellow vegetables and fruits in his diet. Which vitamin deficiency has he been suffering from? (1)

Q.11. What are nuclear wastes? What are the hazards of nuclear wastes to living organisms? (2)

Q.12. The plane of the orbit of a satellite A is vertical to 0° latitude while that of another satellite B isvertical to 0° longitude. Which one of these satellite could be used for television transmission? What should be the approximate distance of these satellite from Earth's ourface? Mention the specific name given to such type of orbits. (2)

Q.13. Explain how ozone present in atmosphere is important for sustaining life on earth. (2)

Q.14. Describe the sequence of events occuring in the final stages of a stars life, when the initial mass of the star is much more than that of the sun. (2)

Q.15. Heat produced on complete combustion of 0.3 gm ofLPG raises 8°C. Specific heat of water is 4.2 J/g°C. Calculate the calorific value ofLPG. (2)

Q.16. In what respect does a true solution differ from a colloidal solution? How will you test whether a given solution is a colloidal solution? (2)

Q.17. A testtube contains a blown coloured liquid whose colourremains unchanged when ethane is passed through it but disappear with ethene. Name the brown liquid and give a chemical equation for its reaction with ethene. (2)

Q.18. Give one test each to determine the adulteration of (2) (a) Aigenaone oil in edible oil (b) Vanaspati is butter

Q.19. What is nitrification and denitrification. Give an example of organisms involved in each of these. (2)

Q.20. Consider the following food chains: (2)

(a) Plant—>mice—> snake—>hawk (b) Plant —> mice —> hawk

If energy available at producer level is 200j in which case will hawks get more energy and by how much. Give justification in support of your answer. (2)

Q.21. Why is the expansion stroke of an engine also called as power stroke? Explain the working of an expansion stroke of petrol engine with a labelled diagram. (3)

Q.22. What is Red Shift? Explain doppler effect? What conclusion is obtained when doppler effect is applied to the light coming from galaxies. (3)

Q.23. If 768 KJ of energy is produced per hour in the nuclear fission reactor, find out the number of fissions

that would be taking place in it in 10 min. (Energy released perfissionis3.2 x10 -11J)              (3)

Q.24. An ore gave sulphur dioxide on treatment with dilute acid. Identify the ore and name the process used to concentrate the ore. Outline the steps that should be taken to convert such a concentrated ore into free metal. (3)

Q.25. How is Rayon prepared? Why is it called a regenerated fibre? Give two uses of Rayon. (3)

Q.26. Explain the principle of processing of Petroleum. Name the product used as furnace fuel in metallurgical operations and state the temperature at which this product is obtained. (3)

Q.27. What happens when ethene reacts with water in the presence of phosphoric acid? Give appropriate chemical equation and name the compound So obtained. De- scribe the process of obtaining this compound from sugar. . (3)

Q.28. How do HYV's and traditional varieties differ in respect of input and output. (3)

Q.29. Explain the ill effects of man's activities on (a) Environmental air and water (b) Ozone layer (c) Unplanned technological growth.                                                          (3)

Q.30. Explain in brief four practices in food preparation which lead to loss in nutrient value of food. What is food processing? (3)

Q.31. Define mechanical equivalent of Heat. Establish the relationship between the mechanical energy and heat with the help of a neat labelled diagram. Describe the experiment briefly. (5)

Q.32. An element belonging to the VI group of the periodic table is mined by a special technique. Identic the non-metal. With the help of a labelled diagram, explain the method of its extraction. What havens when this non-metal reacts with concen- trated sulphuric acid and concentrated nitric acid? Write chemical equations for the abovereactions.(5)

Q.33. State the two general factors affecting health. How do chemical pollution and habit forming oubstances affect the health of an individual. Explain in brief with 2 ex- amples of each. What are the four major reasons for infant mortality. (5)

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